Unit 1

T 1.1 General knowledge quiz

1. The modern Olympic Games started in 1896.

2. It takes eight minutes for the sun’s rays to reach Earth.

3. He was walking on the moon.

4. A vegetarian doesn’t eat meat.

5. If you are flying over the International Date Line, the Pacific Ocean is below you.

6. VIP stands for Very Important Person.

7. Chinese is spoken by the most people in the world.

8. Glasses were invented in Italy.

9. Brazil has won the World Cup five times.

10. Nelson Mandela didn’t become president of South Africa until he was 76 years old because he was in prison for 27 years.

11. Abraham Lincoln was watching a play when he was assassinated.

12. Nintendo has been selling video games since 1978.

T 1.2 Negatives and pronunciation

1. The sun doesn’t rise in the west! It rises in the east!

2. Cows don’t eat meat! They eat grass!

3. Mercedes-Benz cars aren’t made in Canada! They’re made in Germany!

4. Neil Armstrong didn’t land on the moon in 1989! He landed in 1969!

5. Abraham Lincoln wasn’t giving a speech when he was assassinated! He was watching a play!

6. The Pyramids weren’t built by the Chinese! They were built by the Egyptians!

7. We haven’t been in class for one month! We’ve been in class for one week!

8. We’re not studying Japanese! We’re studying English!

T 1.3 Complete the questions

1. A What did you do last night?

B I stayed home and watched television.

2. A What kind of books do you like to read?

B Horror stories and science fiction.

3. A Have you ever been to the United States?

B Yes, I have. I went there last year.

A Did you like it?

B Yes, I really enjoyed it.

4. A What’s the teacher doing?

B He’s helping Maria with this exercise.

5. A What does your mother do?

B She works in a bank.

6. A Did you do your homework last night?

B No, I didn’t. I didn’t feel well.

7. A What are you doing next weekend?

B I’m going to a party.

8. A Do you have a TV in your bedroom?

B No, I don’t. Just a CD player.

T 1.4 is and has

1. My sister’s a teacher.

2. She’s on vacation right now.

3. She’s in France.

4. She’s never traveled to Europe before.

5. She’s been there for two weeks.

6. She’s going back to work next week.

7. Her husband’s a builder.

8. He’s building a house.

T 1.5

Dad Good morning! Did you have a nice time last night?

Pam Yes.

Dad Do you want breakfast?

Pam No.

Dad Have you had any coffee?

Pam Yes.

Dad Is Bill coming over tonight?

Pam No.

Dad OK. Are you leaving for school soon?

Pam Yes. Bye!

T 1.6 Short answers

D = Dad P = Pam

D Good morning! Did you have a nice time last night?

P Yes, I did. I went to the movies with Bill.

D Do you want breakfast?

P No, I don’t, thanks. I’m not hungry.

D Have you had any coffee?

P Yes, I have. I don’t want any more, thanks.

D Is Bill coming over tonight?

P No, he isn’t. He’s going out with his friends.

D OK. Are you leaving for school soon?

P Yes, I am. I’m going right now. Bye!

T 1.7 Answer the questions

1. Is it hot today?

2. Is it raining?

3. Are you wearing sneakers?

4. Do you usually come to school by bus?

5. Are you going out tonight?

6. Did you go out last night?

7. Do you have a dictionary?

8. Do you have any brothers or sisters?

T 1.8 Listen and check

1. A Do you like studying English?

B Yes, I do. It’s my favorite subject.

2. A Is it a nice day today?

B No, it isn’t. It’s rainy and cold.

3. A Have you seen my pen?

B No, I haven’t. You can borrow mine if you want.

4. A Are you staying home this evening?

B Yes, I am. Do you want to come over?

5. A Did you take a vacation last year?

B No, I didn’t. I couldn’t afford to.

T 1.9 My wonders

P = Peter S = Sam K = Kelly

P I was just reading this article about the wonders of the ancient world. A lot of them were buildings. I was thinking, what would your wonders of the modern world be? Not necessarily buildings, but things that have changed our way of life.

S Well, to me, air travel is the thing that’s really changed my life.

P Yeah.

S Flying is so cheap now that you can travel almost anywhere, in your own country or anyplace in the entire world. For people who love to travel, the airplane gives you freedom and extra time.

K That’s true, it’s pretty easy get somewhere by plane.

P I suppose so. But what about all those airport delays?

S Well, sure, that’s the bad part. With all the people traveling these days, airports are overcrowded and planes get delayed a lot, even canceled. And all the security precautions can slow things down, too.

P I’ll say.

S But overall, it’s the safest way to travel.

K For me, well, I was thinking the cell phone is the most wonderful thing.

S Really? I don’t even know how to use one.

K Oh, I couldn’t live without mine. It’s so convenient! I can call my friends anytime and they can always call me. Or if I’m in trouble I can call for help...

P You mean like calling your parents?

K Yeah, like parents ... and if I’m running late, I’m able to call a friend if I’m, like, on the bus or something.

S But the problem with cell phones is that people use them too much for every little thing. It’s practically glued to their ears.

P Boy, do I hate it when people shout into them in a public place and everyone else has to listen to the conversation. Especially in restaurants.

K And movie theaters!

S Well, good manners aren’t a wonder of our world!

P You know, I think the most amazing wonder is e-mail. It’s changed the world, and it’s totally transformed my business. Everybody at work is always on the computer, responding to e-mails, sending e-mails ... That’s where most of our business is done now, through e-mail. You’re sending reports, you get information. But the bad part is that you’re glued to the computer and people expect things to be done right away.

K Yeah, people are shocked if you go through a day without checking your e-mail.

S I’m glad I didn’t have e-mail when I was working!

P And when you go on vacation and then you come back, there’s, like, 200 e-mails waiting for you—all of them urgent.

S I guess it’s like any other tool or device. If it’s used correctly, it’s very useful.

T 1.10

1. good




2. bread




3. paid




4. done




5. dear




T 1.11 Social expressions

1. A Sorry I’m late. I got stuck in traffic.

B Don’t worry about it. You’re here now. Come and sit down.

2. A Bye, Mom! I’m going to school now.

B Take care, Honey. Have a nice day!

3. A Have you heard that Jenny’s going out with Pete?

B Really? I don’t know what she sees in him.

4. A How long did it take you to do the homework?

B Ages! How about you?

5. A I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of this weather.

B So am I. I can’t stand all this rain.

6. A Who was that I saw you with last night?

B None of your business!

7. A I’m tired. I’m taking next week off.

B That sounds like a good idea. You need a break.

8. A Hey! Let’s go running in the park!

B Me? Run? You must be kidding!

9. A Can we get together this afternoon at 3:00?

B I’m sorry. I can’t make it then. How about a little later?

10. A What a gorgeous coat! Was it expensive?

B Yes, it cost a fortune!

T 1.12 Social expressions

1. I’m taking this Friday and next Monday off. We’re going away for a long weekend.

2. Can we meet at about 7:00?

3. I’m really sorry I’m late. I overslept.

4. John is going to take Sue to the party next week.

5. Tonight for homework, I want you to learn 100 new words.

American Headway 3

Unit 1 Tapescripts