Information Booklet


The information presented in this booklet is intended to be helpful to you as your child begins his/her education at ClarenceTownPublic School.

We look forward to a pleasant, co-operative relationshipwith you so that in partnership we are able to provide a happy learning environment where children feel safe and secure and work towards reaching their emotional, social, physical and academic potential.

Principal’s Message

It is with great pleasure that I welcome new parents and families to ClarenceTownPublic School. ClarenceTownPublic School prides itself in delivering outstanding educational programs.Our school has a long and proud history of providing quality education for students in the Clarence Town area. After more than 150 years of quality education, it is important that we acknowledge the traditions and achievements of the past and plan ahead for the challenges of preparing children to become happy, functional and responsible members of a changing democratic and multi-cultural society.

At our school students learn in a stimulating and challenging environment and are encouraged to reach their full potential. Specific academic programs aimed at meeting the needs of all students, combined with highly dedicated and professional staff, offer our students the very best opportunities for success.We provide extension and enrichment programs for gifted and talented students and specialised support for students with difficulties in learning.

The knowledge, enthusiasm and creativity of our highly qualified staff inspires our students to explore their individual interests in different subject areas. Whether English, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Sport or Creative Arts we offer extra programs to extend students’ abilities and passions.

It is equally important that home and school work together to ensure the best possible learning outcomes for students. Our weekly newsletter, annual school report and other information sent home from time to time are important tools to ensure clear communication.

This booklet will provide information about day to day organisation and administration at ClarenceTownPublic School. Please contact the school if you require additional clarification on the policies and practices of the school, or have further questions about how we can best support your child.

ClarenceTownPublic School enjoys the support of a hard working parent body and community partnership. I welcome and encourage all parents of ClarenceTownPublic School to become involved in the life of the school and the educational journey of their children. Our P&C meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 7.00 pm and everyone is welcome.

I look forward to meeting with you and your family.

Louise Blakemore

Enrolment procedures

Children who turn 5 years of age by 31st July 2012 are eligible to enrol in Kindergarten in 2012. An “Application for Enrolment” form must be completed; proof of age (eg Birth Certificate) and proof of immunisation are to be presented. Other forms to be completed for school administrative purposes are included in the enrolment package.

Parents seeking enrolments for their children in Grades 1-6 should make an appointment to see the school Principal, where the enrolment procedures will be explained and completed.

Parents should notify the school in advance either personally or by letter if their child will be leaving the school. The intended new address and school should be made available ifpossible. On the child’s last day of attendance, the school office will give the child a transfer certificate for presentation at their newschool.

NB: If your child is transported to school by private vehicle please ask for an application form for conveyance, (see page 12 – Travelling to and from School).

School Hours

8.30am – 9.00amMorning quiet play time

9.00am – 9.05amMorning Assembly

9.05am – 10.00amClass time

10.00am - 10.15amFruit break

10.15am - 11.15amClass time

11.15am – 11.45amRecess

11.45am - 1.30pmClass time

1.30pm - 2.00pmLunch

2.00pm - 3.00pmClass time

3.00pmHome Time

NB: For their own safety, children are not to be within school

grounds before 8.30am when supervision commences.

School Aims

ClarenceTownPublic School strives to develop children who:

  • have competency in Literacy and Numeracy;
  • think independently and solve problems;
  • can access information from a wide range of sources when in need of knowledge;
  • use effective communication skills;
  • have effective interpersonal skills and are able to resolve conflict in a peaceful manner;
  • have a belief in themselves and high self-esteem;
  • pursue leisure time activities;
  • value life, the environment, public institutions, our cultural heritage and democratic system;
  • continue life long education beyond the classroom;
  • are able to adapt to change;
  • work as a team member;
  • take responsibility for their own learning and actions; and
  • display good sportsmanship.

School Uniform

All students are expected to wear full school uniform at all times in accordance with the school’s uniform policy developed and endorsed in collaboration with our parent organisations. School uniforms are available through the school uniform shop which is operated by the P&C.

Boys / Girls
Grey shorts
Green polo T-Shir*(with school emblem)
Grey socks
Black shoes
Green school hat*(with school emblem) / Summer:
Green/white check princess-line dress*
Tailored shorts with matching top with sleeves (similar to dress & in same material).
White socks
Black shoes
Green school hat(with school emblem)
Grey long pants*
Bottle green track suit
Green polo T shirt*(with school emblem)
Taslon jacket* (optional)
Grey sock
Black shoes
Green school hat*(with school emblem) / Winter:
Bottle green track suit
White shirt
Taslon jacket* (optional)
White socks
Black shoes
Green school hat*(with school emblem)
Sports Uniform:
Green polo T-shir*t(with school
Green shorts
White socks
Sport shoes
Green school hat*(with school emblem) / Sports Uniform:
Green polo T-shirt*(with school
Green netball shirt or green shorts
White socks
Sport shoes
Green school hat*(with school emblem)
  • These items are available at the school’s Uniform Shop.

Thongs and scuffs are not permitted at school due to safety.

Items available from the Uniform Shop

Hats $16.00

T Shirt$22.00

Sport T Shirt$25.00


Material $ 8.50 per metre

Girls’ Tunic (By Order) $45.00

Second-hand uniforms are available at the Uniform Shop in the Canteen Block. Donations of uniforms, and boys and girls underwear for use in case of accidents or sickness are always appreciated.

The Uniform Shop is opened every Wednesday and Friday morning between 8.30am-9.00am.

Special Appointments – Phone Kristy Nunan on 0458 099 290

School Hats

The wearing of the school hat before school, at recess and at lunchtime is required. Medical evidence suggests this is desirable to reduce the incidence of skin cancer later in life. If a child does not wear his/her hat, they are only permitted in the designated shade area. The same applies for sport – NO HAT – then alternative activities are organised. The school hats are available from the uniform shop at a cost of $16.00.

Lost Property

Some children lose items of clothing and other property. If this property has no name on it, it is difficult to return. PLEASE CLEARLYMARK ALL EQUIPMENT AND CLOTHING. Items unclaimed after a reasonable period are placed in the second hand uniform pool. Lost property can be found in a plastic container in the hall.

Items available from the Office

Badges (embroidered cloth)$3.50

Badges (school-metal) $2.00

School spoon$4.00

Fridge Magnets $0.50

School Routines

Morning routines

  • Parents are requested to ensure students do not arrive at school before 8.30am when teacher supervision commences.
  • All students are required to remain on the concrete or basketball court for morning play.
  • On the 9.00am bell students must move directly to class lines under the COLA.
  • Please refer to Pick Up and Drop Off & School Visitors Policy

Afternoon Routine

  • Parents and students using the ‘Queen Street’crossing are asked to wait for the teacher on duty to assist them moving safely across the road.
  • Parents are requested to observe the parking signs around the school.
  • In the event of a parent being late, students will be supervised in the administration block. Parents or emergency contacts will be notified if delay is prolonged. Please make sure your contact details are correct.
  • Please refer to Pick Up and Drop Off & School Visitors Policy

Late Arrival/ Early Leaving

School hours are from 9.00am to 3.00pm. It is a legal requirement that parents give an explanation for a variation in attendance. If students arrive at school after 9.00am they MUST obtain a ‘Late Pass’ from the office as rolls are marked immediately when students go to class. Parents should accompany students to the office.

If students leave early parents must go firstly to the office for an ‘Early Leavers Form’. This form is to be taken to the class teacher when children are collected from the classroom.

We thank you for your ongoing support of this very important procedure as we have strict regulations and legal requirements governing the monitoring of student attendance.

  • Please refer to Pick Up and Drop Off & School Visitors Policy

Absence from School

  • A note must accompany your child onthe first day back to explain their reason for the absence. NB: It is a legal requirement that all absences be notified to the school within three days.
  • Parents can also notify the office by phone if child be absent, this is especially helpful for long absences (3days or more)
  • Student absences are regularly monitored by the school and the District Home School Liaison Officer.

Written Notes

Written notes must be provided for:

  • any absence;
  • leaving the school grounds;
  • change of address, phone number, circumstance etc;
  • scripture variations;
  • inability to participate in sport or daily PE;
  • medical problems; and
  • medication to be taken.

Money Collection

You will receive a note if money is required for anything. Use an envelope clearly marked with child’s name, class and what the money is for. Please take/deliver money to the class teacher or to the office. Instructions as to date required and where money is to be handed in will be on any notes that come home.

Visiting Performers

To further broaden and enrich our students’ educational experiences we invite performers to come to our school to give demonstrations, talks, outlines, singing to/with, and involve pupils in activities with which they would not normally have contact. All performers are carefully screened as to relevance, merit, and value for money and ability to relate to their audiences. We aim where possible, to have one performance per semester. Only performances, which have been approved by the Department of School Education, are used.

School Newsletter

The school newsletter is published weekly on a Monday and is distributed to the eldest child in the family. It contains information about the school, community events and special notices. If your child is absent on the newsletter day please contact the class teacher as they will retain a copy for your child.

The newsletter is our major form of communication between the school and home, please read it carefully so that you can be fully informed of matters concerning your child. Parents may request to have the newsletter emailed to them – please contact the school office, & it is posted on the School’s Website.

Parent/Teacher Interviews

If you need to talk with your child’s teacher, please arrange a mutually convenient time by contacting the school to make an appointment. Teachers are not free to take time off from their class, but have release time each week, or before & after school times.

At times, the teacher may want to talk with you about your child and will contact you to arrange an interview.


A weekly assembly, which is conducted by our Student Leaders, is held in the school hall every Friday at 2.00pm. Parents are most welcome to attend.

At the assembly;

recognition is given for child achievement;

classes perform items;

a public speaking competition is conducted throughout the year; and

student and staff welfare issues are addressed.

Travelling To and From School

If there is to be any change in an after school arrangement, please send a note to advise the teacher as this can prevent unnecessary upsets. Should you need to make last minute changes, please phone the school on

4996 4156.

Private Vehicle Conveyance (PVC) subsidy is available for eligible school students, who are residents of NSW, where there is no public transport for all or part of the journey, depending on the distance from the school. PVC is paid on a daily basis for the single distance journey between home and transport pick up point/school. PVC may also be available on medical or safety grounds.

The Conveyance subsidy is paid directly to your nominated bank or building society each semester.

All K-2 students eligible for subsidy - they are exempt from the distance criteria; students in years 3-6 who reside more than 1.6km (radial distance), from the school, measured on a radius from the centre of the school site or 2.3km or more by the most direct practicable route to the nearest point of physical entry to the school are eligible for a subsidy.

Please discourage children from visiting local shops on their way to school and urge them to walk quickly using the most direct route.

RTA Rules for Clarence Town Public School Crossing

  • Flags out – Cars give way to students
  • Flags not out – Pedestrians give way to cars

Student Welfare

PBL Statement of Purpose

Clarence Town Public School provides a Quality and Inclusive Teaching and Learning Environment where we develop independent, safe, respectful lifelong learners and leaders; who contribute positively to the wider community.


PBL stands for our student welfare program- Positive Behaviour for Learning. Our PBL program is a broad range of systematic and individualised strategies for achieving important social and learning outcomes- whilst helping children to make good behaviour choices.

Behaviour Expectations

Our behaviour expectations at Clarence Town Public School are:

  • Learning
  • Safety
  • Respect

Our expectations can be seen on posters all around our school. Our behaviour expectations underpin all teaching and these expectations are explicitly taught to children regularly. Positive language is used and our behaviour expectations are reinforced through our positive behaviour steps eg- Happy Notes, Merit Awards & Tawny Awards.

Children who follow our behaviour expectations of Learning, Safety and Respect will receive Happy Notes which are sent home to be signed by both parents and children. Referral forms for children who have not made good behaviour decisions are also sent home, this gives parents the opportunity to discuss better behaviour choices with their child.

They Tawny Frogmouth is our PBL emblem of choice, you will see the Tawny on signage around our school and on our merit award system. The Tawny was chosen as they frequent part of our playground- which is called ‘Tawny Corner’. Tawny Frogmouths also have some admirable characteristics those being that they are loyal, considerate of others and they take care of the environment around them. These characteristics relate well to our behaviour expectations and PBL Program.

Accident/Illness at School

Pupil Welfare is a major concern of all staff members. When a child becomes seriously ill, or is injured in an accident, the school Principal seeks medical attention immediately. Parents are notified as soon as possible. The school pays an annual contribution to the NSW Ambulance Service to cover the cost of transportation of any sick or injured pupil to the nearest hospital, should the need arise. If this need arises a staff member will accompany the child.

If your child is ill in the morning please do not sent them to school.

Please provide the school with contact numbers of a least two people, who could assist us, should you be unavailable and your child becomes too ill to remain at school. Please remember to notify the school of any changes to these contact numbers.

Medication Policy

Parents of children requiring regular medication administered during school hours need to complete the appropriate forms, which are to be obtained from the office.

A general information sheet outlining the condition/medicine/family doctor/contact procedures to be followed if conditions alter.

An indemnity for, granting permission for designated school staff to administer medication.

Parents of children who require intermittent or emergency medication need to complete both forms as well. All medication MUST be handed in at the office.

At times children need to take medication at school, but this request should be kept to a minimum. The school staff requires indemnity forms to be signed and written instructions are to be provided. Individual doses should always be measured. Please do not send a whole bottle of medicine or packet of capsules / tablets to the school. Medication will be kept in the office until the required time. It will be the child’s responsibility to report to the office when medication is needed. Asthmatics can carry their puffer at school.

Allergies, Disabilities and Special Medical Conditions

It is very important that all information about special conditions, allergies, physical disabilities, etc. is given in written form to the school. Your child’s health and safety could be jeopardised if we do not know of these problems. This is especially important if medication is necessary on a daily basis.

Support Services for Students

Our school has available the following Support Services.

  • School Counsellor – available one day a week to assist with individual assessment, counselling and the establishment of individual programs. Appointments can be made with the school counsellor through the school office.
  • Support Teacher / Learning Difficulties – for programs of remediation in basic skills areas, on an individual or a group basis.