May 12, 2016, SAIN Minutes

Call to order 8:10am

Members Present:Laura,Patty, Dee, Cassandra, Janette, Emily, Brittni


Approval of Minutes:April minutes were approved.

Financial Report:

Financial reports for April were approved.

Debit card for checking was received and balance of funds was transferred to savings.

Suggestion was made to put a pie chart for 2015 financials on website like we had last year.

Fundraising Update:

Raffle ticket books were passed out along with tickets to sell. Dee will check with donors to see if they will sell

for us. Dee will look into purchasing tickets online.

Tack cleaning parties: June 7, 3-6, June 11 all day. Laura will coordinate with Julie on moving tack.

Grounds cleanup was done and final will be Wed. or Thurs. before sale. Dee, Brittni & Janette can help.

Cassandra and Brittni will coordinate getting horses to the sale.

Upcoming Events:

Ready for Bony Pony tack sale.

Logger Rodeo parade-voted not to participate.

Skagit County Fair, Aug. 10-13, 10am-10pm. Emily will be there 10-3:30. We voted to attend this year and

see how it goes.

Country Days at Mt. Vernon Country Store is coming up. We will participate in this.

Volunteer Update:

Patty will send out schedule of volunteers for the tack sale.

Foster Health Update:

Chuckanut Vet will no longer be on-call, NW Vet will be. Laura will get info for account there.

Foster Training & Coordination Update:

Joker was adopted.

Adoption is pending for Kaj.

Mia will possibly be moved to different foster home.

Trainers: We will get on the list for Meghan (Aug.-Sept.). Possibly send Willow to Laura. Marah and Kaj’s

adopter are potential trainers.

Media Update:

Misc. Items:

Fundraiser Coordinator position: Theresa Lynch, Tracy Westbury and Dierdre are potential candidates. Emily will

talk to Theresa and Tracy, Laura will talk to Diedre to see if they are interested, if not we will post on FB.

Suggestion was made to add an Executive Director position also.

Horse Fellowship/SAIN fundraiser: Possibly in September.

Selling tack after the annual sale was discussed.

Did not get to the following:

Patty, Janette and Cassandra will review and send proposed changes to the Mission Statement and Bylaws.

Annual meeting follow-up.

Job descriptions.




Janette Index for raffle book

Job description for Fundraising Coordinator

PattySend out schedule of volunteers for tack sale


DeirdrePie chart for 2015 wrap up for website

Purchase raffle tickets online

EmilyCheck with Theresa and Tracy for interest in fundraising position

LauraCoordinate moving tack to Julie’s

Get NW Vet account set up for on call

Check with Dierdre for interest in fundraising position

Meeting adjourned at 10:10a.m.

Next meeting June9th, 2016