Cardinal Langley RC
High School
Water Sports Activity Trip
La Fosca, Costa Brava
Spain 2015
Where are we going?
We are staying at the PGL Adventure Centre, Camping Kings, La Fosca in the Costa Brava, Spain (see point B on the map below) for more information on the PGL Adventure go to
The journey is approximately 1098 miles
Centre details
PGL Adventure Centre Camping Kings
Camping Kings
Platja de la Fosca
Carretera de Sant Esteve
Party LeaderMr A Greaves
Assistant Party LeaderMr A Gumbley
Other Members of Staff on the Trip Include:
Mr S Hughes
Mrs S Lord
Mrs L Davies
Mr Campbell
Travel Arrangements
Sunday 26th July 2015 / Coach ArrivalDepart- Cardinal Langley / 05:50 hrs
06:20 hrs.
Check in - Dover / 12:55 hrs.
Depart Dover / 13:55 hrs.
Monday 27th July 2015 / Arrive at Calais
Arrive at centre, La Fosca / 16:25 hrs
08:25 hrs
Sunday 2nd August 2015 / Depart centre, La Fosca / After evening meal (to liaise with coach drivers
Arrive Check-in Calais / 09:45hrs.
Depart Calais / 10:45 hrs.
Monday 3rd August 2015 / Arrive Dover
Arrive at school / 11:15 hrs.
Approx. 17:45
Departure Day- Drop Off
Pupils are to arrive by 6am for a 6.20am departure.
Pupils are to load their luggage onto the coach. They will then board the coach where passports & EHIC will be collected.
Emergency Contacts
Should you wish to make contact with your son/daughter, this may be possible via the centre
In the event of an emergency during the day, contact may be possible via
Mr Greaves’ mobile telephone on +447780673666 or
Mr Gumbley’smobile telephone on +447802416845
This will depend on the reception in Spain.The senior member of staff that has been briefed with regards to procedures in the event of a serious emergency is Mrs Hatton (Deputy Head Teacher) and she can be contacted on;
Mrs Hatton – 07702 566721
These are for emergencies only!
Our tour operator is PGL Adventure and they can be contacted at:
Head Office
Alton Court, Penyard Lane,
Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire,
Office opening hours:Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.30pm
Tel:0844 371 0101
Fax:0844 371 0102
Who is the Party Leader? Andrew Greaves
Who is the Assistant Party Leader? Anthony Gumbley
Where am I going? La Fosca in the Costa Brava, Spain
How do I use a phone if help is required? To make a phone call to the UK dial 00 44 followed by the STD code, omitting the first 0 e.g. 0044 161 643 4009. Pupils must NOT use the internal telephone system at the centre.
What will be done to keep me safe and secure on the visit? You will be given clear instructions on exactly what to do. Listen carefully to instructions and follow them implicitly. Your safety is the most important consideration of the staff. Stick strictly to any meeting times given.
What is written in the code of conduct for my visit? Whilst on the trip you are representing the school, your family and yourself. You will be given clear guidelines on our expectations regarding behaviour. Stick rigidly to the guidelines and make sure you do not let us down. The school’s own code of conduct provides a basis upon which your behaviour should be modelled.
What do I do to keep my money and valuables safe? You can collect the money you need each evening from a designated member of staff after our evening meal. Avoid taking more than you need. This money will then be kept at the centre in a safe at all other times. We advise you NOT to take any unnecessary valuables with you on the trip.
How should I behave in and around the centre? Excellent behaviour is expected at all times. We will not tolerate anything less.
What do I do if I am worried or unhappy about anything? Your well-being is a major concern for staff and therefore any concerns you should have should be shared with staff.
A Sample Day
Schedule / Activities07:00 – 09:00 / Get up, get ready and fuel up for the day ahead
09:15 – 12:15 / Morning activities on the water (e.g. Funboat & Pico Sailing)
12:30 – 14:00 / Dry off & clean up. Time for a fresh & tasty lunch
14:15 – 17:15 / Back on the water for another exciting session (e.g. Windsurfing & Catamaran Sailing)
18:00 – 19:00 / Time to eat again - a different menu each day
19:00 – 21:00 / Talent shows, beach Olympics, games and more. The evening entertainment programme keeps you laughing until bedtime
21:00 / Bedtime. Catch up on some zzz's and prepare to do it all over again!
Activities available include Bodyboarding, Banana boat, Canoeing, Catamaran sailing, Dinghy sailing, Windsurfing, Snorkelling and more,
What to Pack?
Spending Money
The currency in Spain is the Euro. You can easily purchase Euros in town centre Travel Agents or a main Post Office.
The exact amount of money that parents/guardians wish to give their son/daughter is entirely at the discretion of the parents/guardians. As a guide, we would strongly recommend a figure in the region of £100. This would be sufficient to cover the cost of lunches, additional entertainment, souvenirs and other expenses throughout the trip.
Pupils will be responsible for looking after their own money until they arrive at the school, where upon they may if they wish, give all or part of their money to their designated member of staff who will be responsible for collecting and distributing monies. Monies may be deposited in the sites safe and pupils will be given the opportunity each morning to withdraw funds for the day.
We advise pupils to bring an additional £10-£15 Sterling for use on the ferry journeys plus approximately 10 Euros for our outward journey through France and Spain.
A small contingency fund has been set up in order to cater for any unforeseen circumstances such as medical expenses for the ill or injured. Depending on circumstances this money will be spent on pupil excursions and evening entertainment.
Pupil Conduct
Cardinal Langley pupils usually set their own very high standards of discipline when on school trips and we feel sure that pupils coming to Spain will be no exception to this. It may be useful, however, if we set out a few ground rules that will need to be followed in order to ensure the safety and comfort of the whole party. We would therefore ask that you reinforce the following points to your son/daughter;
Smoking is prohibited at all time.
Under no circumstances must alcohol be purchased or consumed at any time during the trip. The minimum age for the purchase and consumption of alcohol in Spain is 18years and this required production of a valid ID card. Stiff penalties are imposed on anybody breaking this or even those attempting to purchase alcohol whilst under age.
From our point of view, there is nothing more infuriating than pupils asking if they can have an alcoholic drink. The answer is a categorical ‘NO’ please do not ask. Any pupil found to have been drinking at any stage and in any quantity will lose all privileges, including activities and evening entertainment, or more seriously could be sent home from the trip. The staff will apply these measures rigorously.
Time Keeping
Throughout this trip we need to maintain a tight schedule. Pupils should ensure that they understand the clearly agreed rendezvous points and times. We would therefore suggest that each pupil wears a watch at all times. Where pupils are unclear about arrangements, they should seek clarification from staff.
Lost Procedures
Supervising staff will make clear to pupils what procedure to follow in the event that they should become detached from the group. It is critical that pupils are aware of this procedure and that, should the need arise, comply with it. This is particularly important during the activities where a delayed rendezvous could lead to an expensive ‘search and rescue’ operation.
Free Time
There won’t be too much free time. However, where free time is allocated outside of the centre, pupils MUST remain in groups of three or more and should know where staff can be found in the event of an emergency.
Incidentally, if you would prefer that your son/daughter remains fully supervised at all times, please inform a member of staff of your preferences.
Money Groups
Mr Greaves / Mr GumbleyGrace Bamforth / Daniel Camm
Rysia Freeman / Josh Corcoran
Annabel Hulston / Owen Edwards
Katie Judkins / Gino Giorgi
Clarissa Pidliswyj / Lucas Henderson
Hannah Graham / Toby Cartwright
Olivia Burke / Thomas Colley
Jessica Chadwick / Coby Goodwin
Ellie Rathmill-Dolan / Taylor Howatson
Lucy O'Toole
Mrs Lord / Mrs Davies
Luke Jackson / Beth Duxbury
Declan Rooney / Niamh Gee
Jordan Wild / Leah Goodall-Cook
Declan Gilmartin / Imogen Hockenhull
Rashawn Mason / Emily Hudson
Bethany Briggs / Georgina Hulston
Olivia Evans / Katie Hulston
Shannon Dargue / Anna Ludlow
Anna Lord / Nicole Mulcahy
Katie Lord / Imogen Rhodes
Megan Lord / Ashlee Wellens
Abigail White
Please check the insurance provided overleaf carefully. If you are not happy with this level of insurance you are advised to take out further cover.
N.B. There is an excess of £45-£75 on medical and other expenses. The E.H.I.C does not provide and cover all medical expenses. As a result there maybe charges incurred on return. Full copies of the insurance can be found on the school website through the following links;
Parents & Student > Extra Curricular/School Trips
You will be liable to pay the excess should your child need treatment. We strongly suggest items such as IPhones and IPads are not brought as they are often not covered.