The Parish of St. Paul with St. John

08th January, 2017

First Sunday after the Epiphany

Lectionary A


Bishop of the Windward Islands



Home Telephone: 784-458-4332

Office: 784-457-5163




Ms. Joye Browne (457-4128) & Mrs. Cynthia Hope-Browne (456-5311)


Mrs. Anita Nanton – Organist

Education - Sanctification - Fellowship - Evangelism

Today’s Celebrant & Preacher: Canon Ashton Francis


Introit Hymn 97

Opening Sentence Pg 100

Greetings & Collect for Purity Pg.101

The Kyrie & Gloria Pg.102

Collect for the Day

Father in heaven, who at the baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan proclaimed Him your beloved Son and anointed Him with the Holy Spirit: Grant that all who are baptized into His Name may keep the covenant they have made, and boldly confess Him as Lord and Saviour; who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.


First Lesson Isaiah 42:1-9

Psalm 29

Second Lesson Acts 10:34-43

Gradual Hymn 394

Gospel Matthew 3:13-17


The Nicene Creed Pg.104

The Intercession Form C Pg.108

The Act of Penitence and Absolution Pg.123

The Peace Pg.125


Offertory Hymn 104 & 469

Offertory Prayer Form B Pg.126

Eucharistic Prayer Form C Pg.137

The Lord’s Prayer Pg.144

The Breaking of Bread Form I Pg.145

Invitation Form A Pg.146

Communion Hymns – 601, 608, 625

Blessing of the Children, Birthdays, Anniversary, Travelling 654, 657

Post-Communion Prayer - Prayer I Pg. 147

Recessional Hymn 471



Church First Lesson Psalm Second Lesson

St. Paul: Flora Joseph Charles Samuel Yolande Browne

St. John: Sandra Noel Michael Goodluck

The Rector’s Message 8th Jan. 2017

My brothers and sisters in Christ, we are now into the liturgical season of the Epiphany of our Lord and saviour which is one of the oldest Christian feast. Christians in the Eastern Church started celebrating the Feast of the Epiphany sometime towards the end of the second century. The word Epiphany comes from a Greek verb which means “revelation,” ”appearance,” or “manifestation,” and as a result during the season of the Epiphany emphasis is on the manifestation of our incarnate Lord to the world.

This feast is also known as theophany which means the revelation of God to man. We celebrate the feast of the Epiphany on the sixth of January. The feast of the Epiphany for Anglican Christians is not a day, but it is a season which varies in length depending on the date of Easter day. We may have at least four Sundays and as much as nine Sundays in the season after the Epiphany. This year we have a total of eight Sundays after the Epiphany. On the first Sunday after the feast of the Epiphany we remember the baptism of our Lord, and we end the season after the Epiphany with the story of the transfiguration of Jesus.

Originally, four different events were celebrated during the feast of the Epiphany in the following order of importance: the baptism of our lord by the prophet John the Baptist in the river Jorden. Jesus’ first miracle of changing water into wine at the wedding feast in Cana of Galilee.The nativity of Christ, and the visit of the three wise men in the Eastern Church.

The manifestation of God to the world in the form of human flesh in the person of Jesus Christ is important for us as we think of the five marks of mission. I believe that we must have an excellent understanding of God’s manifestation to us His people. If we are to tell, teach, tend, transform, and treasure with some level of success then we must give in to the workings of God’s Holy Spirit. Therefore, let us focus on the way in which God manifest Himself to us as we read Holy Scriptures this Epiphany Season. Along with our daily experiences of the manifestations of God in our own lives we will be empowered by His Holy Spirit to develop and implement programmes in relation to the five marks of mission.

Weekly Church Notices

WELCOMEto the Parish of St. Paul, Calliaqua with St. John, Belair. We are so pleased that you chose to worship with us today and it is our hope that you were blessed by Word and Sacrament and that you will visit us again.

WELCOME CANON FRANCIS: The Wardens, Members of the Parochial Church Council andParishioners, extend a Very Warm and Friendly welcome to our New Rector, the Rev. Canon Ashton Francis & Mrs. Francis and their children. We wish him a delightful tour of duty among us and as sure him of our support, love and prayers.

1. Baptism will be administered at St. John’s Belair next Sunday.

2.Patronal Festival for our Parish Church will be held on January 22nd

2017. There will be a Solemn High Mass at 7:00.a.m with the installation

of P.C.C and Solemn Evensong, Sermon, Procession and Benediction,

at 3:00.p.m. All are invited. Please bring a relative or a friend.

3.Servers’ Festival will take place on Saturday 4th February at St. Patrick Church, Barrauollie.

4. Pledge Envelopes are available; please check with Church Secretary at

at St. Paul’s and Mr. Godfrey Samuel at St. John’s.

5. All Organizations are asked kindly to submit their year programme for

the Calendar.

6.The Parish is appealing for donations of cash or kind for Sandy Bay Relief

7. Please read the bulletin, then pass it on to a friend or relative.

If you wish to sponsor the Church Bulletin, please call into the Church

Office at 457-5163.

Celebrating birthdays this week:

Brenton David 09th Jan Hazel Roberts 09th Jan

Willis Roberts 10th Jan Inez Mandeville 10th Jan

Ashlyn Francis 10th Jan Marie Williams 11th Jan

Ethel Butler 12th Jan Brent Dougan 12th Jan

Shonnel Harris 13th Jan Hope Martin 14th Jan

Happy Birthday to You!!


Hugh Charles 8th Jan 2010 Augustus Ross 9th Jan 2009

Ivan Roberts 13th Jan 2007 Estelita Bruce 14th Jan 2012

May their souls rest inpeace

Your prayers are asked for the sick of the Parish, both at home and in the hospital.

Sick &shut-ins

Eldon Anderson, Clifton Antrobus, EnaBennette, Chinyelu Browne

Isabella Browne, Ethel Butler, Ezekiel Clarke, Sarah Commissiong,

Rosalie Davis, Rosalind Delpeche, Stanley Finch, Cindy Hogan, Rita George, Jeremy

Grant, Fr. Frank Garraway, Miriam Gurley, Linda Gopaul, Owen Hope, Victor Hunte,

Bertie Hope, Pearl James, Adella John, Cynthia John, Sylvina John, Kathleen Jones, Helena Joseph, Agnes London, Sinclair Joshua, Inez Mandeville, Ena Malcolm, Lorna McBarnett, Ardon McCree, Elaine Ollivierre, Agnes Obrien, Tabitha Providence, Cheryl Peters, Theresa Quashie, Dorothy Ryan, Beryl Richards, Doreen Richards, Susan Sinson, Clara Sandy, Sarah Spencer, Vera Smart, Stephanie Seales, Carl Stephens, Josephine Thomas, Ephraim & Rhoda Williams, Kaleb Williams, Azucena Williams, Olga Weekes, Hugh Marshall, Oswald Nanton, Norma Grant, Louis Williams.

(Please keep us informed of the condition of these persons)

The Living Word: page 771

Mon Isaiah 44:6-8,21-23 Psalm 25 Eph. 4:1-16

Tue Isaiah 44:9-20 Psalm 26 Eph. 4:17-32

Wed Isaiah 44:24-45:7 Psalm 38 Eph. 5:1-14

Thu Isaiah 45:5-17 Psalm 37:1-18 Eph. 5:1-33

Fri Isaiah 45:18-25 Psalm 31 Eph. 6:1-9

Sat Isaiah 46:1-13 Psalm 30 Eph. 6:10-24

Lectionary a - Pg. 670

Isaiah 49:1-7 Psalm 40:1-11

1 Corinthians 1:1-9 John 1:29-42

PCC Members: Elected Appointed

Cynthia Hope-Browne, Joye Browne Noel Browne, Milton Browne

Cheryl Evans, Sandra Noel Roddy Dowers, Michelle Bullock

Patricia Israel, Charles Samuel Dionne John, AlmaDougan

Camilla Mulzac

Church Secretary: Mrs. Sheradon Lucas

Verger: Mr. Leroy Pompey

Sexton: Mr. Gideon James



Solemn Sung Mass St. Paul 7:00am

Solemn Sung Mass St. John 9:00am

Sunday SchoolSt. Paul 3:30pm

Sunday School St. John 3:00pm


Bible StudySt. Paul 5:00pm

A.C.W.A. Meeting 3rd Tuesday 5:00pm

Mother’s Union Meeting St. John 1st & 3rd Tuesday


MassSt. Paul 6:00am

Bible Study St. John5:00pm

Choir PracticeSt. Paul’s 5:30pm


Mother’s Union Meeting St. Paul 2nd & Last Thursday


Deacon’s ServiceSt. Paul6:00am

God’s Garden & Homework Club5:00pm

IMPAC+ Youth Ministry 7:00pm


Altar Servers Practice St. Paul 4:30p.m

Financial Corner 25.12.2016

OFFERING Calliaqua Belair

Open 614.20 176.00

Pledge 1542.90 683.40

Christmas 1531.75 1028.60


Designated Gifts (Sandy Bay Relief) 100.00


Fees 750.00

Glebe Rent 616.00 ______

5154.85 1888.00

Attendance 217 78 = 295

Financial Corner 1.1. 2017

OFFERING CalliaquaBelair

Open 740.45 152.00

Pledge 2021.00 965.00

Christmas 550.00


Designated gifts (church grounds) 25.00


Glebe Rent 300.00

Mothers’ Union 40.00______

37676.45 1117.00

Attendance 276 79 = 355

Financial Corner 25.12.2016

OFFERING Calliaqua Belair

Open 614.20 176.00

Pledge 1542.90 683.40

Christmas 1531.75 1028.60


Designated Gifts (Sandy Bay Relief) 100.00


Fees 750.00

Glebe Rent 616.00 ______

5154.85 1888.00

Attendance 217 78 = 295

Financial Corner 1.1. 2017

OFFERING CalliaquaBelair

Open 740.45 152.00

Pledge 2021.00 965.00

Christmas 550.00


Designated gifts (church grounds) 25.00


Glebe Rent 300.00

Mothers’ Union 40.00______

37676.45 1117.00

Attendance 276 79 = 355