Statement of Purpose – Woodview SC 407753






Contact Telephone Numbers:

3 Dimensions Care Limited: Main Office: 01460 68055

Woodview Tel: 01297 631353

































31STAFF TRAINING – Physical Intervention











Woodview is a modern home in a semi-rural setting on the edge of the town of Axminster Devon; which has all necessary local facilities. Woodview is within easy reach of the Dorset coast including Lyme Regis and the city of Exeter is approx. 45 minutes’ drive.

The address is: Woodview, Crewkerne Road, Raymonds Hill, Axminster, Devon. EX13 5SX

Woodview is intended for planned residential placements of a medium to long term nature for four young people up to the age of seventeen years (upon admission). Emergency placements are not usually accepted. Some young people may live in the home beyond the age of eighteen to prepare for independent living. Woodview works with young people who are vulnerable and need the security of a safe, boundaried and nurturing environment, to enable development and progression.

Children’s and young people’s admission will be based upon a risk assessment of their identified needs and whether Woodview feels that we can help to make a positive and significant difference to their lives. We consider it of high importance that a young person’s admission, does not negatively impact on the young people we already accommodate and significantly affect their placement and its stability.

The young people accommodated are likely to present with challenging behaviour and social and emotional difficulties. Most will be vulnerable to exploitation and will be placed for their own welfare. Some young people may experience other developmental delay or cognitive difficulties, which may include Autistic Spectrum Disorder/Asperger’s Syndrome.

We believe that through individual life experiences, each child and young person has unique qualities which can be nurtured and developed by a professional team.


3 Dimensions Care Ltd is the registered provider and the company main office is located at Chardleigh House, Chardleigh Green, Wadeford, Chard, Somerset. TA20 3AJ. Director, Nita Ellul is the Responsible Individual and Line Manager for the Homes Registered Manager.


The Directors have collective responsibility for the general overview of the management in each of the Homes within 3 Dimensions. The Directors will oversee financial viability and quality of care and education.


The Responsible Individual and Care Manager is Nita Ellul

Chardleigh House,

Chardleigh Green,




TA20 3AJ

Nita is responsible for ensuring the provision of the care service complies with the statutory and regulatory requirements.

She is also responsible for:

  • the definition of care policy and its implementation
  • Company designated safeguarding officer
  • Supervisions of Registered Managers.


The Registered Manager at Woodview is Emma English.

The Address is: Woodview,Crewkerne Road,Raymonds Hill,Axminster,Devon.EX13 5SX

Emma has over 23 years’ experience working with vulnerable young people with challenging behaviour.She has NVQ level 4 in Caring for Children and Young People and a level 4 Diploma in Leadership and Management for Care Services.

Emma is supported by two House Seniors: Donna Callow is an experienced RCWwith overfour and a halfyears’ experience at 3D and prior to that 5 years working with adults with LD. For the latter two and a half of these years Donna has helda senior role. Donna also holds a Level 3 Diploma in Caring for children & young People. Simon Evans, the second HS, has been in our employment for over seven and a half years, has a Level 3 Diploma in Caring for Children and has been in a house senior role for nearlyfive years.



3 Dimensions Care Ltd was established in 2004, to provide a safe, secure learning environment for young people up to the age of 18 years old. The home, Woodview was registered in 2010 and provides Residential Care for up to four young people.

At present, the home is providing residential care for young people up to 18 years: 17 years old (upon admission). This does not mean that any young person currently living in the home has to move at 18 years old, Woodview can remain their home until they are ready to move to an adult provision. The home is registered for both boys and girls with emotional behavioural difficulties.


The home offers comprehensive facilities and a service of care geared to promoting each young person's comfort, safety and well-being. Our services are intended to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Tailoring our services to meet the needs of each young person within our care.
  2. Encouraging each young person to comment on the services provided and to make suggestions for improvements, by regular house meetings and key worker sessions. Listening and responding to each young person's wishes where and when appropriate.
  3. Maximising the resources available to ensure Service Users receive value for money.


We are unable to offer placements to young people in the following categories within Woodview:

  1. Young person who is a Schedule1 sex offender
  2. Young person with a history of Arson
  3. Young People who have a condition where nursing staff are required full time.
  4. Young people who have a disability which relies totally on wheel chair access.


3 Dimensions School and Homes, were created in response to the growing need for specializedprogrammes of Education and Care, providing appropriate accommodation for vulnerable young people with Challenging Behaviour, Autism, Learning Difficulties and other special educational needs.

3 Dimensions was also created to fulfill the need for a provision with more intense support, to enable each young person to fulfill their own potential and function in society to the best of their ability.

3 Dimensions is a small company, and we recognise that we can only make a small contribution in this direction. However we are intent on developing and providing quality care and believe this is of paramount importance in helping young people make the most of their lives. If the project grows, then so much the better but not at the expense of the quality of care and outcomes of the provision, which must always remain the priority.

Managers of Care and Education work together to share knowledge, strategies and to provide consistency of approach for the young people who reside with us.

Besides the education and activities described elsewhere, there are certain dynamics which underpin the exterior programmes, and which we maintain as crucial.

  • Communication. We understand the importance of open communication and value this highly. We will develop techniques and strategies to help each young person develop the confidence to communicate with their peers, teachers and care staff. Being able to communicate is essential and we will teach those that do not know how, to enable them to communicate by some form within their ability. Honesty is especially significant within communication. We expect this on a management level and between staff members. Staff are expected to be truthful towards young people in a sensitive manner and young people are encouraged and helped to communicate honestly in return.
  • Respect. We strongly believe that each member of the organisation has the right to be respected and a responsibility to show respect towards others. This belief is cascaded through the organisation, from senior managers to staff. Young people are respected and this is shown through seeking their opinions on matters within the home and through the way that staff communicate with them. Through positive role modelling, nurturing and individualised programmes, our aim is that we will help young people to respect others as they learn to respect and value themselves.
  • Relationships.Good relationships are the foundation of 3 Dimensions. Relationships between managers, staff, young people and their carers are of the utmost importance to develop trust and progression. We develop good working relationships with multi-agency professionals to ensure that each young person’s needs are identified and that goals within care and placement plans are met.

We will aid and encourage staff and young people to understand conflict and resolution, and the dynamics of relationship and attachment, how this plays out in a psychodynamic way in the home. This will encourage carer’s and young people to:

  1. Identify obstacles to positive change, and build strategies to overcome them.
  2. Discover innate strengths, talents and abilities which we may help to bring out into the open, and develop.
  3. Present options which the young person may use to further their progression towards a positive, more independent life.
  4. Hopefully, our young people will at this stage have a realization, that whatever their past they can move forward, and they have built the esteem and confidence to do so.

We hope that working within 3 Dimensions will be as fulfilling an experience for staff as it is for the managers and directors. Our aim is that together we can make a real difference to the lives of the young people we accommodate.


Woodview is committed to providing a safe, secure learning environment for young people up to age18 years old ( 17 years old upon admission) The home is registered for both boys and girls, with communication, behaviour and learning difficulties, including ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder), Asperger’s, Challenging behaviour, Social and Learning Difficulties.

Young people may have behaviour difficulties, which have created social exclusion, non-attendance or exclusion from mainstream school, or an inability to live at home due to their behaviour in the home and in the community. Young people may also have suffered abuse or trauma in their lives and need a consistent, caring and nurturing environment where they can receive the therapeutic help they need to address their difficulties and gain hope for the future.

We provide an environment where stability and consistency enables each young person to feel secure, build esteem, and address their behaviour. We make communication a priority where young people learn respect for themselves and others and acquire the life and social skills to move towards a more independent positive future in which they can function successfully within society.

The Company was established, by individuals with practical and diverse experience in working with young people with learning and behaviour difficulties, who are committed to provide a professional and consistent quality service.

The company is known and respected as a professional, caring organization which:

  1. Places young people at the centre of their provisions.
  2. Provides a safe environment in which the young person can live and grow.
  3. Provides an environment where Equality is paramount and everyone’s rights and confidentiality are observed.
  4. Provides tailored education and training opportunities for all.
  5. Is a good employer and values its staff and is committed to improving outcomes.
  6. Employs well qualified staff, with integrity, who take pride in our Ethos and Philosophy and take an active part in the activity-based learning.
  7. Promotes inter-professional and inter-agency working.
  8. Promotes effective communication and consultation.
  9. Continues to make every effort to stay financially viable.


Our primary objective is to help young people who have Challenging and complex behaviour, special educational needs, a disability including ASD, suffered a severe family crisis, or trauma in their lives, to benefit from the continuity of a safe and stable environment, where they can gain confidence, build their self-esteem, learn skills for life and nurture hope for the future.

In addition, we seek to enable all young people in our care or education to build a sense of belonging, identity and positive relationships, and prepare them to integrate socially and educationally, to facilitate their personal development and to fulfil their own true potential.

Woodview provides family-type accommodation for up to four young people with a high staff ratio. The dynamics of this structure will aid young people to address their difficulties with relationships and social integration. Personal strategies will be developed to deal with their anger and/or other emotional difficulties, building self-esteem, confidence, and respect for themselves and others. As an organisation we have undergone PACE training. This has helped us combine some of these strategies used within this framework to help children who have been traumatised and have negligent beginnings.

We believe the key factor in the process of bringing about positive change in behaviour is consistency, and the on-going support of experienced, professional staff, who are committed to each young person’s learning and growth.

The aims and objectives will be met through the positive ethos within the home and its strategies that provide positive outcomes in each area of Every Child Matters:-

•Being healthy - not just mentally and physically but by expanding their awareness of the life style choices available to them and the impact this will have on their lives and those around them.

•Staying safe - ensuring that they not only feel safe (protected, secure, free from harm whether this be emotional, physical or sexual) but understand what we mean by such terminology and how it applies to issues like crime, self-harm and personal risk taking etc.

Enjoying and achieving - both in their education and life itself, developing a positive mind-set that will allow them to say "I can and want to do this" and then be enabled, through knowledge, to take action on such a mind-set so that they can gain the most from life.

Making a positive contribution - both for themselves, the local community and society by embracing life's challenges positively. We will work alongside other service providers and community based projects to fulfil this.

Achieving economic well-being - by remaining in education and engaging in training which will provide a greater range and choice of career opportunities, leading to long term security and stability within current and planned family units. We will use other service providers to help achieve this.

We believe that to achieve the above outcomes, each young person should be mentally and physically stimulated by their environment, the facilities, activities and staff interaction. Staff intervention, where appropriate and necessary, will help young people to problem solve and increase their ability to learn to self-regulate and manage their behaviour.

Our aim is that the outcomes that we achieve for the children in our care will mean that when they leave us, they are respectful of themselves and of others, they are age dependently prepared for their next placement and that they are caring, responsible and capable young adults.

Identifying areas in which each young person can and will achieve, encourages self- belief and progression. Building on children and young people’s strengths, impacts positively on their self-esteem and allows them to begin believing in themselves and that they are able to hold in mind, progress towards and achieve their aspirations for a positive future.

At Woodview, it is our belief that an environment which providesclearexpectations and firm boundaries, careful nurturing, alongside routine and a structure to the day, is one that allows our children and young people to feel safe and experience security. We recognise that for some young people this will be the first time that they have had the opportunity to experience an environment of this nature and that initially this may be a challenge for them.

We will give the opportunity for each young person to make positive changes; a change in how each young person feels about themselves as an individual, about their family and how they function in groups. Our focus is primarily on long term placements. This is so we can provide the young person with the life skills that will enable them to cope with life as independent young adults; who are more responsible and more capable of contributing towards society after they have left us. Through direct work we aim to explore and teach each young person the necessary life skills to realise their dreams and ambitions; dreams that are established as realistic and therefore achievable.

At Woodview we recognise the importance of relationships between the care team and the young people. We believe that a caring and open environment, underpinned by mutual respect and honesty, creates the opportunity for self-expression and trust. Children and young people are able to choose their own keyworkers. This ensures that alongside other members of their care team, they have the person that they have identified as ‘ special’ and that they feel able to relate to most closely, to support them and advocate on their behalf when necessary.

By ensuring that children and young people have a clear idea of what they can expect from their care team and what we expect from them, we hope that our work is predominantly proactive (to prevent things from going wrong in the first place) rather than reactive. By being proactive, staff and young people will have a better opportunity to benefit from learning through experience, understand issues that create conflict and why and how they can take appropriate control of their lives.