Curriculum Vitae /
Personal data
Name / Nowak Wojciech Janusz
Private Address
University Address / Kolarska 2, 42-221 Czestochowa, Poland
AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Telefon / Moblile +48604410913
E-mail /
Nationality / Polish
Born / 22.04.1954 in Czestochowa, Poland
Sex / Male
Professional Qualifications
Occupation and position held / From 01.03.2014 - AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, full professor
Faculty of Energy and Fuels, Department of Thermal and Fluid Flow Machines
AGH Centre of Energy - Director
Date / from 1979 - 2014
Occupation and position held / University teacher in Czestochowa University of Technology (CzUT), Poland
Received the formal title of Professor from the President of Poland in November 1997
Date / From September 2006 - 2014
Occupation and position held / Dean of Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Biotechnology in CzUT until 01.09.2012
Presently Vice-Dean
Since 1991 Professor and Head of the Department of Heating, Ventilation and Air Protection
Since 2011 Director of Institute of Advanced Energy Technologies
Main activities and responsibilities / Participation and coordination of scientific research, organization and supervision of the activities of the Institute, responsible for the organization and level of studies conducted at the Department, managing human resources and financial management, setting a timetable for the academic responsibilities of teaching, research and organization, presenting proposals for hiring, promotion, awards and distinctions, the responsibility for the assets of the Department
Name and address of employer / Czestochowa University of Technology, 42-200 Czestochowa, ul. Dabrowskiego 73
Date / 1994 - 2013
Occupation and position held / Visiting Professor at universities such as in Finland, Germany, Ireland, Greece, the USA, Japan, China, Norway, Sweden, Turkey, South Africa
Date / 2006 - 2011
Occupation and position held / Director of the Centre for International Cooperation at CzUT
Initiator and the Chairman of “Centre for Innovation in Energy” at CzUT
Co-founder of European Faculty of Engineering at CzUT
Date / 2006 - 2007
Occupation and position held / Dean of Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Name of the employer / Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
Date / July 1991 – April 1994 and 2000
Occupation and position held / Professor
Name of the employer / Nagoya University, Japan
Date / 1987 - 1994
Occupation and position held / Honorary Representative of the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, Japan
Date / 1989 - 1990
Occupation and position held / Professor
Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Hamburg, Germany
Education and training
Date / 1999
Name / Title of qualification / Professor
Principal subjects / occupational skills / Energy, environmental engineering, chemical engineering, mechanics
University / Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Protection
Date / 1991
Name / Title of qualification / Doctor of Technical Sciences (habilitation)
Principal subjects / occupational skills / mechanics, fluidization
University / Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Date / 1987 - 1990
Principal subjects / occupational skills / chemical engineering, clean coal, fluidization
Japanese government scholarship, Tokyo University, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Japan
Date / 1983 - 1984
Principal subjects / occupational skills / Post-doctor fellow
Power engineering, steam boilers
University / Moscow University of Energy, Moscow
Date / 1983
Principal subjects / occupational skills / PhD - mechanics, fluidized bed combustion
University / Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Date / 1974 - 1979
Principal subjects / occupational skills / MSc in power engineering
Thermal power, boilers
University / Institute of Metallurgy, Mariupol in the Ukraine; obtained a distinction for academic accomplishments
Skills and competencies / Author or co-author more than 500 papers, 7 books, 4 monograph, 26 chapters in books and 17 patents (as for 2013) on such topics as energy utilization, coal combustion, fluidized bed hydrodynamics and combustion, the clean use of coal, advanced coal combustion systems, dry desulfurisation and advanced sorbents. More than 300 works for power industry and several industrial implementations.
Member of the Polish Mechanical Society; the Japanese Society of Chemical Engineering; the Polish Chamber of Commerce; the Particle Technology Forum (AIChE); the Polish Academy of Sciences (Thermodynamics and Combustion Committee, Environmental Engineering Committee), and the Polish Academy of Sciences (Vice-Chairman of the Power Problem Committee PAS).
Member of the editorial committees of national and international magazines, chairman of the Organizing Committees of several scientific conferences.
The promoter of 13 PhD students, guardian 4 habilitation
Participated in more than 300 conferences, the reviewer of several grants, doctoral, postdoctoral and professor nominations.
Member of the Working Group of the Public Board of the National Programme for Pollution Reduction nominated by the Minister of Economy of Poland, an expert of TUBITAC in Turkey for fluidized bed boilers, Chairman of the City Council for the Development of Czestochowa, Expert of Panel Technology "Zero-emission energy economy in terms of sustainable development of Poland till 2050".
Coordinator of international research programs (4 and FP5, FP7 EU, Norwegian Mechanism, INCO Copernicus, Human Capital Operational Programme, ERA NET Biomodelling, NEDO Japan), Chairman of the Scientific Council of the national project "Supercritical power units" (2008-2010)
Project Coordinator of the National Strategic Programme "Advanced technologies for energy generation", a task 2 (2011-2015), coordinator of several research grants, special projects, development and implementation work in the domestic and international energy industries.
Member of KIC “Advanced near zero emission Coal Fired Power Plant (ACoPP)” 2011- presently. Member of KIC „Multi-fuel energy generation for Sustainable and Efficient use of Coal” 2011-presently.
Member of European Energy Research Alliance (EERA);
Polish coordinator of the 7th EU FP- Demo Project “FlexiBurn CFB”, 2010-2013.
Polish coordinator of the project “Overcoming Technological and Non-technological Barriers in Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies in Coal Combustion Plants”, EuropeAid/132302/ACT/CAI Switch-Asia, 2012;
Representative of Poland in the International Energy Agency (IEA) Fluidized Bed Conversion.
Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Salzburg from 2012
EERA (European Energy Research Alliance) Bioenergy Associate Member, Joint Programme on Bioenergy, 2012
Reviewer of several EU grants - 7PR FP7-ENERGY-2007-1-RTD, Brussels; Member of Final Panel 7PR FP7-ENERGY-2007-1-RTD, Brussels; UE FP-7-ENERGY-NMP-2008-1, FP7-ENERGY-2008-FET, FP7-ENERGY-2008-1, Brussels, 2008; FP-7-2009-BIOREFINERY_CP and FP-7-2009-BIOREFINERY_CSA, Brussels, 2009. EU Mid-term Reviewer of INNOCUOS, Zaragoza, 2012.
Evaluator of several proposals of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS), Brussels, 2012.
An independent expert in arbitration proceedings between Norscan-Tech Limited and Foster Wheeler Energia Oy in 2005-2006 and Dongfang China vs Foster Wheeler 2011-2013 in Singapour (2003) and Stockholm.
Awards / Academic awards include a Diploma with Distinction for the best academic accomplishment from the Institute of Metallurgy, Mariupol, 1979; a scholarship from the Ministry of Education (Monbusho), Japan, 1987-89 in the University of Tokyo; selected as a member of the International Research Team for NEDO's International Research Program in 1993-1994. Received several Czestochowa University Rector Awards from 1989-2012. In 2000 received an award from the PGE Turow Power Plant for contributions to the development of CFB technology. Received the Gold Cross of Merit of Poland in 1999, and the Medal Bene Merentibus from Czestochowa University in 2000 for outstanding academic achievements.
Truncheon Energy, White Tiger and Polish Ash Awards for outstanding contribution in the development of clean coal technology in Poland.
Silesian Governor Award "Silesian 5" in Science, 2011,
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