Sowe Valley Sport Premium Report 2014/15

Area of Focus / Evidence / Action Plan / Effective Use of the Funding / Funding Breakdown


Increase in participation rates
CURRICULUM / PE curriculum planning document. Class registers / PE curriculum developed with SP money last year - monitor this year to ensure breadth and balance achieved.
Ensure all classes have 2 PE sessions each week.
Use of external facilities/equipment to increase range of activities.
Gifted pupils extended and supported / Specialist PE teacher employed.
Class teachers work along specialist to upskill staff.
Access to PE courses for primary teachers. / £8067
1) Increased pupil participation and confidence to attempt new challenges. Pupil attitudes towards PE have been improved with greater enthusiasm being
shown. Specialist vocabulary used with greater frequency.
2) Good progress has been made by pupils. Year 1 multi skills developed to such a standard that they entered the external competition aimed at year 2.
Many pupils advanced to completing front somersaults in trampolining. The ability of pupils to maintain a rally and serve in badminton was significant.
3) Greater opportunities such as trampolining, badminton and tri golf. Differentiation used to ensure curriculum was inclusive to all pupils. Use of external
facilities and equipment has enabled pupils to extend their skills such as throwing metal javelins and using proper hurdles.
4) Staff gained knowledge and confidence. Staff developed new ideas for warm ups and organising lessons
5) Information on available courses and coaching passed on to interested staff. One dance course attended and an FA coach provided coaching during
curriculum and after school.
6) Year 4 gifted swimmers have been supported by PE coordinator. Activities included personal survival, life saving and diving.
7) One member of staff has attended a dance course.
1) Work with new staff to ensure confident and competent to teach a range of activities
2) Lesson observations to see initial quality of PE teaching with new staff.
3) Staff inset on gymnastics teaching. Improve confidence on using available wall bar equipment.
4) Work with TA's on getting equipment ready for different sessions.
5) Look to extend coaches coming into school to take different sports. Staff to observe sessions to improve knowledge.


Increase in participation rates
EXTRA CURRICULUM / Breakfast club registers.
Organised lunch time activities.
After school registers / Improved range of activities offered.
Accessible to all pupils.
On site and off site activities / PE coordinator to work with breakfast club and after school activities.
Equipment brought to stimulate active break and lunchtimes.
Outside agencies used to offer extra activities. / £0
1) Gifted and talented pupils encouraged to join after school clubs. Trampolining club had many pupils completing front and back somersaults.
2) Breakfast club has attracted new pupils on day PE coordinator works with the group. Breakfast staff have benefitted from new ideas for different
3) Range of activities for extra curricular activities has increased and have included: dodgeball, badminton, trampolining, table tennis, volleyball, cricket,
rounders, and athletics.
4) Outside agencies have provided street dance, bat and ball activities and football.
1) Use of pupil voice to timetable a range of activities over the year.
2) Start an after school netball club with an aim of inter school matches.
3) Review current provision and look for outside agencies to provide activities.


Participation and success in competitive school sports / School Games Organiser.
Schools registers and photos.
Apply for Sainsbury's School Games Mark. / Meetings with SGO.
PE coordinator to take minibus defensive training course. Increased number of competitions entered. / PE coordinators time.
Paying for transport to competitions. / £0
1) Numerous competitions entered including KS1 Multi skills, Sportshall athletics, Quadkids, Tri golf, PC O'Brien cross country race, and Year 5 athletics.
2) Increased numbers of pupils competing in external competitions. All year 1, 4, 5, and 6 pupils have competed against other schools.
3) Greater knowledge within the school as to activities on offer so lessons can be scheduled with a competition in mind.
1) Maintain participation in above competitions and extend.
2) Develop after school netball sessions with a view to entering competitions.
3) Organise friendly football marches. Enter Harry Shaw football competition.
3) Research after school competitions organised by Alan Higgs Centre and gear after school clubs to these so there is a competitive ending.


How much more inclusive the PE curriculum has become. / Curriculum plan.
New equipment. / Review activities to ensure they are accessible to all.
Review equipment to ensure it meets the needs of pupils / New equipment for multi skill activities has been purchased.
PE coordinator has lead whole group and small group activities for reception pupils. / £90
1) Range of different activities for early years throwing, catching, balancing, jumping etc has been developed
2) Staff have supported sessions which improves their knowledge, confidence and competence.
3) Marked improvement in pupil performance. In year 1 some pupils have been able to identify and correct poor technique with their peers.
1) Organisation of equipment to ensure it is easily accessible.
2) Work with TA's to organise equipment to optimise available time.


Growth in the range of provisional and alternative sporting activities. / Curriculum plans.
After school registers. / Review activities offered within curriculum and extra curricular activities.
Look at external opportunities for facilities and resources. / Specialist PE coordinator employed.
Transport to competitions paid for. / £0
1) External facilities have enabled trampolining to be delivered to pupils in Year 4, 5 and 6.
2) Badminton delivered to pupils in year 5 and 6.
3) Multi skills activities developed with reception, year 1 and year 2. Range of equipment developed.
4) Gym challenge sessions developed with year 4, 5 and 6.
5) Trial sessions with tri golf.
6) Dodgeball, volleyball, table tennis and fitness sessions introduced to after school clubs.
1) Investigate whether staff would like tri golf to be added to the curriculum. Possible purchase of tri golf equipment.
2) Enter gifted and talented pupils in school games competitions such as pentathlon and rowing.


Partnership work on PE with other schools and local partners / Attendance at PE advisor meetings.
Attendance at School Games meetings. / PE coordinator to attend PE and School Games meetings.
Work with local secondary school with a view to using facilities and equipment. / Specialist PE coordinator time / £0
1) School is aware of competitive opportunities and has attended several events.
2) Year 4, 5 and 6 have used facilities and equipment at Ernesford Grange Community Academy.
1) PE coordinator to attend meetings aimed at assessment in PE
2) PE coordinator to investigate inter school competitions with local primary schools.


Links with other subjects that contribute to pupils overall achievement and their greater spiritual, moral, social, and cultural skills. / Lesson plans / Look to see how PE can be used in other subject areas.
Look to see how other subjects can use PE to enhance learning particularly in the areas of health and science. / PE coordinator to liaise with class teachers to see how links can be made.
Use PE to emphasise fair play and sportsmanship.
Use of assemblies to acknowledge success. / £0
1) Emphasise on fair play and accepting decisions in curriculum and extra curricular activities.
1) Maths development. Use of measurement to provide data for a range of mathematical work
2) Use of PE to show how the body works, how it changes with exercise and the benefits of exercise.


TOTAL EXPENDITURE 2014-15 = £9907