
I would like to introduce myself and my fellow coaches for the upcoming 2013-14 season. My name is Steven Besharah. I have been coaching minor hockey in the Ottawa area for more years then I’d like to admit. The last few years I have been coaching AA and B with the Knights and Sting. Prior to that, I was associated with the East Ottawa Voyageurs. This season I will be looking after the forwards.

For the first time, I will be using a co-head coach; his name is Jared Carden. He has an extensive background in coaching many sports and in refereeing. This year he will be looking after the defense. Although Jared has equal authority as a coach, we have agreed final decisions during games will be mine to make.

I have selected two assistant coaches who are former players of the Winchester Jr B team.

Aaron Dickenson, played defense and will be primarily working in conjunction with Jared. Graham Loyst played center and will be working in conjunction with myself up front. Aaron and Graham will carry a primary role of developing special teams through on and off ice instruction

It is our intention to provide a positive learning environment through the use of on ice, dryland and some video replay. We know last year’s Bantam team was very successful but we are looking forward to the challenge of increasing the regular season statistics and taking the final step towards a championship. This may be a very large order to fill but with the player’s hard work and dedication, this is an obtainable goal.

Player expectations:

-  Hard work

-  Dedication

-  Be driven to succeed

-  Passion

-  Commitment to the coaches and his fellow players

During trials we will be looking for some of the following:

-  Puck handling abilities

-  Knowledge of where to be with and without the puck in game situations

-  Skills, skating, shooting

-  Commitment to playing both ends of the ice ( this will be strongly expected and reinforced)

-  Goaltenders will be expected to play the puck.

The coaches are all non-parents and we will be doing our own evaluations. The goalies will be assessed by a goaltender of university grade or higher.


-  Sept 26-29, 2013 Three Rivers Tournament Pittsburgh (possible bus, parents vote)

-  Oct 25-27, 2013 Perth/Lanark tournament (this is considered local)

-  Nov 22-24,2013 Canadian Tire tournament Barrie

-  Dec 6-8, 2013 Roger Senecal Memorial tournament Gloucester

-  Jan 10-12, 2014 Kanata tournament

Code of conduct & team discipline:

-  Arrival to games: 60 minutes prior

-  Ready time before games: 10 minutes

-  Arrival time to practice; 45 minutes

-  Ready time for practices; 10 min

-  Off ice activities players should arrive 15 minutes prior to start time and dressed appropriately for the activity.

-  Dress code: shirts and ties, no jeans or shorts permitted.

-  Fair ice not equal ice

-  All players will be taught all on ice special teams but it doesn’t mean everyone will be used in every situation. It will depend on game time and situations.

-  Discipline for on and off ice will be 1 warning followed by loss of ice time. Explanation will be given for any benching situation. There should be no need for full game benching but if it should happen it would be discussed with the parents and the executive would be notified.


The budget is being assembled and will be presented to the parents for approval once the team is selected. The current estimate places the budget between $700 - $1,000 above association fees.

Parents roles

We will need :

-  Manager

-  Trainers (2)

-  Treasurer

-  Parent liaison (to be determined)

Trial info:

Check the trial schedules frequently on the Kanata website as the information may change before the first trial. The first dates should be posted around July 20.

Steve Besharah Jared Carden

Aaron Dickenson Graham Loyst