Inventek Data Reader Quick Start

Setting up the Data reader with POS.ATX:

1.  Open the POS.ATX file with the Metrologic Program. If you have not done so, download POS.ATX from the website, and save it to whatever location you want so long as you remember the location.


Navigate to where you saved the POS.ATX file and open it, the next screen will show up:


You should be back to the main Screen. If you are, then POS.ATX has been successfully loaded:

Now, make sure that the Data reader is set to Download Program (Option 3 Utilities from the Main Menu -> then option 6)

Once the Data reader is set, on the Program Above, click Menu -> Download Program -> Via RS-232

If you get a time – out error here, and the Data Reader is ready, then your Com Port is Not correctly set,….so set it by clicking Menu-Com Port Setting on the same program:

Once you do this…AND SAVE IT (See same screen above to Save), then you can retry the Download Program Option

Setting up the Software:

If you are using the software for the first time, you will need to setup the needed parameters in order to operate it successfully. To do so, Click on File and then on Setup, and the following Screen will appear:


1.  Select the COM Port to which the Data reader is connected to. If unsure, use COM 1. If when attempting to receive the file you obtain a [Time Out] Error, then switch it to COM 2 and so forth until you are able to communicate successfully.

2.  Select a Directory to save the Text Files that are generated by the Data Reader.

3.  Select the path of the Inventek Point of Sale Directory.

4.  Select the Metrologic Setup File.

Opening a Previously Saved File (Generated by the Data Reader Download)

Click on File – Open, and the following screen will appear:

Click on the needed file, and select Open.

Receiving Data from the Data Reader:

Before clicking on the [Receive Data] button seen below, MAKE SURE that you have already selected Option 2 from the Data Reader so that the device is ready to release the data. The device should be in a state where the screen reads: “Connecting…..” If you do not see this on the data reader, it will give you a [Time Out] error!

Once the device is ready, click [Receive Data] and you should see the grid fill up with the data that was obtained from the device.

Features and Utilities provided by the Software:

Once the Data was received and you see it on the grid, you have 3 possible actions that can be performed with the data:

  1. Items Not Counted: The purpose of this feature is to report what items were not scanned (taken into account that the entire store inventory was counted) and then allows you to take actions regarding those items that were not scanned / counted.
  2. Compare Inventory: This will allow you to take inventory of the scanned items and compare it to what you POS Systems says you have. Then you have several actions that you can take.
  3. Transfer Inventory: This feature allows you to transfer scanned items (with the respective qty entered) and send it to a different database, thereby creating a transfer.

Items Not Counted:

When you click on the [Items Not Counted] Button, the following screen appears:

The grid shows all the items that are in the POS database, but were NOT counted/scanned by the Data Reader. Then, you have the option to see the report so you can print the respective list, set all items in the list to zero quantity, or just zero out the selected line. The selected line is shown with a black triangle on the left most column of the grid. You have the option of searching for a specific item using the filter option towards the top of the screen.

Compare Inventory:

The Data Reader software allows you to scan items and count, and compare that count with what the Inventek Point of Sale Software has in its database. You have several options which are left explanatory as described by the label next to the option.

You then have to other actions that can be taken. Update inventory will update all FOUND ITEMS (Top list -> these are items that are scanned, and are found in the Point of Sale database). If the item is checked, meaning it has a check mark next to the Product Code, and you click on Update, it will change the quantity of the Database with the Quantity that was entered in the Data Reader. Items that are NOT checked are ignored.

There is also an option to INSERT items that were scanned with the Data Reader, but were not found in the Database. This is the bottom list.

Transfer Inventory:

When you click on [Transfer Inventory] from the Main Screen, the following form appears:

To use this, select the Source Database (Database were the Inventory will be coming OUT of), and then select the Destination Database (Database where the Inventory will be coming IN to). Once this is done, click on Transfer and the inventory will be adjusted in their respective databases.