Minutes – 15June 2015


Meeting #12 – 15June2015@ 9.00am

Department of Health, Conference Room, 1st floor, Matt Glynn Building

Meeting Chair / Barb Shaw, President of Barkly Regional Council
Present / LT, Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation
Georgina Bracken, Tennant Creek Women’s Refuge
Stewart Naylor, Barkly Regional Alcohol and Drug Abuse Group
Greg Marlow, Chamber of Commerce
Pat Braun, Catholic Care
Apologies / Jordan Jenkins, Tennant Creek Hotel
Richard James, Patta Aboriginal Corporation
John Baker, Memo Club
Ian Gabriel, Headframe Bottle Shop


Meeting started at 9.10am.

The Chair welcomed and thanked the Alcohol Reference Group (ARG) members for attending. Apologies received from Richard, John and Jordan. Ian is a no show.

Today’s ARG is to further discuss, reshape and finalise the AMP in relation to responses received by community members.


The Minutes to be accepted, moved and seconded.

Moved by: Georgina BrackenSeconded by: Pat Braun

The April ARG Minutes accepted and all members in favour.

ii)Action Items

The Chair went through the Action Items.

2Alcohol Management Plan

i)Community Forum Feedback

The Chair thanked ARG members for their attendance and input into the Public Forum held on 26 May 2015. The attendance at the second Forum was less than the first but members felt this could be a result from the extensive consultation throughout the development phase.

Discussion took place relating to the ARGs entire community consultation and felt a true reflection of community input is captured in the AMP document.

ii)Community Member Feedback

The community’s response was tabled and the Chair went through each response. This followed by discussion on whether the ARG would accept/not accept, amendment/not amendment the comments.

The following strategies had received consensus to update the AMP and reflect community input:

  • Linking alcohol supply to school attendance
  • Update FASD success measures

Discussion took place regarding feedback on whether the licensees should provide a courtesy bus to patrons. The members discussed both the pros and cons as well as what the community has suggested versus the response from licensees. It was agreed not to incorporate this strategy into the AMP.

Action: Write and acknowledge each community member that provided input/comments.

Action: Update the final AMP and email it to all members.

iii)Final AMP

Once the agreed community member feedback is reflected in the AMP, the final AMP is ready for endorsement by the Minister.

iv)Letter to the Minister

The Chair tabled two separate letters to the Minister which will accompany the final AMP. The members agreed the second of the two letters should be used.

Action: Update the second letter and provide to the Chair for signing

3Other Business

i)Ratify June 2015 Minutes via email

The Chair asked if members could view the June 2015 Minutes and ratify them via email. This request is due to the departure of Des O’Brien (Secretariat) and not having a future ARG meeting scheduled.

The Chair and ARG members thanked Des for his support throughout the process.

Discussion took place regarding the recent Section 33 variation to the Wauchope Hotel and Wycliffe Wells. The s33 application is from the Ali Curung community to the Director General of Licensing to align the take away hours with Tennant Creek.

Meeting finished at 10.00am

Department of Business1