September 15, 1999


Acquisitions – GENERAL

  1. In 12.2, what has been added to our test file ?

<js 990915 Same data converted differently.

Acquisitions – BUDGET RECORDS

1. Pre-1998/99 budgets: the Budget Summary - Valid From field, should have either the real date or 000000 and the Valid To field should have May 31.98. (see BLD71)

Note that BLD71SO and BLD71SO-1998 both have the same Valid from and Valid to dates although the first is NA (not active) and the second is AC (active).

<js 990915 Probably if fund was active in NOTIS, ALEPH put the current dates.
Investigation by Louise: dates in ALEPH budget record 71AR (not active in NOTIS and not active in ALEPH ) match dates in NOTIS fund record but BLD71 (active in NOTIS and not active in ALEPH) and BLD71-1998 (non existent in NOTIS and active in ALEPH) both show current dates.

Acquisitions – VENDOR RECORDS

1. Vendor name and vendor address:

12.1Vendor name showed NOTIS sort name (a short abbreviation of the name) and all addresses were showing.

12.2Vendor name shows full name but addresses are missing.

Exception: all “d” vendors (code starting with D-) have a full order address

based on info in NOTIS DORD VA (vendor address) field)

2. Vendor Records - Default Currency:

Can we have no default for conversion ? For ongoing work in ALEPH ?

Record Layout Z70 Vendor:

Z70-CURRENCY-1MDESC: Currency for vendor invoices. Invoice cannot be

registered in a currency other than those listed in these

currency fields.


At least one Z70-CURRENCY-N must be present.

Can we change the default in the vendor record ? Right now, all vendor records have USD as default and have option CAD (except for vendors with D- codes who have CAD as default and option USD.

Acquisitions - ORDERS

  1. Budget showing on index list: why sometimes and not others ? why

sometimes –1998 and sometimes not ?

2. Budget form with –1998 and without: why does the budget show the extension

–1998 in the General Invoice but not in the Order List for Order no. 0012084-01301 ?

3. Price and currency migration: The following examples include orders for the three Order Types. Monograph orders include open and closed orders. All examples show what is in NOTIS and in ALEPH as well as what should be in ALEPH where appropriate.

Simple currency problem:


Order no. 0024515-00201NOTIS 2AGN6437


Order statement:E (encumbrance)129.96Estimated local price

CUR usdEstimated currency

AMT 92.65Estimated price

ALEPH:Order List of Admin Record:

Local price:92.65 (should be 129.96)

Order Form-Quantity and Price:

Unit price: 92.65

Estimated price-currency:usd

Final price:92.65

Local price:92.65 (should be 129.96)

Encumbrances for Order:

Budget amount:92.65 (92.65) (should these

amounts be in estimated

or local currency?)

Encumbrances: 0.00 (Why not same as

total encumbrance?)

Estimated cost of order:92.65

Local cost of order:92.65 (should be 129.96)

Currency of order:usd

Total encumbrance:92.65 (should it be price in estimated or local currency?)


Order no. 0029122-00101NOTIS 1BHE1111


Order statement :E (encumbrance) 0.00Local estimated price

CUR cad

AMT 37.56Estimated price

Pay statement:AMT 37.56 cadInvoice price & currency

PD 37.56Local price paid

ALEPH:Order List of Admin Record:

Local price:37.56 should be:

1st choice: local price paid

(PD field 37.56) (in this case,

correct amount as curr is cad)

2nd choice: encumbered price

(E field 0.00 for closed order)

Order Form-Quantity and Price:

Unit price: 37.56

Estimated price-currency:cad

Final price:37.56

Local price:37.56(from NOTIS PD field)

Encumbrances for Order:

Budget amount:blank

Encumbrances:37.56 (why not same amount as

Total encumbrance amount?)

Estimated cost of order:37.56

Local cost of order:37.56

Currency of order: cad

Total encumbrance: 0.00

Invoice List of Order::


Cur usd (should be cad)

Local price:-37.56

Line Item:

List price: 0.00

Net amount:37.56

Added amount: 0.00

Total amount:37.56

Local amount:37.56

Currency: usd (should be cad)

Note: shows NOTIS CUR and AMT fields (cad 3756)

General Invoice:

Field Name & Field Data:Currency: usd (should be cad)

Net amount:-37.56

Total amount:-37.56

General Invoice Form:

Currency:usd (should be cad)


Order no. 0029615-00101NOTIS 1BHG3671


Order statement:E (encumbrance) 0.00Local estimated price

CUR usd

AMT 29.40Estimated price

Pay statement:AMT 29.40 usdInvoice price & currency

PD 42.87Local price paid

ALEPH:Order List of Admin Record:

Local price:29.40 should be:

1st choice: local price paid

(PD field 42.87)

2nd choice: encumbered price

(E field 0.00 for closed order)

Order Form-Quantity and Price:

Unit price: 29.40

Estimated price-currency:usd

Final price:29.40

Local price:29.40 (should be 42.87 from NOTIS

PD field)

Encumbrances for Order:

Budget amount:blank

Encumbrances:29.40 (should it be amount in local

or invoice currency?)

Estimated cost of order:29.40

Local cost of order:29.40 (should be 42.87)

Currency of order: usd

Total encumbrance: 0.00 (why different from

Encumbrances: amount?)

Invoice List of Order::

Amount:-42.87 (should be 29.40)

Cur usd

Local price:-42.87

Line Item:

List price: 0.00

Net amount:42.87 (should be 29.40)

Added amount: 0.00

Total amount:42.87 (should be 29.40)

Local amount:42.87

Currency: usd

Note: shows NOTIS Pay statement AMT(usd 2940)

General Invoice:

Field Name & Field Data:Currency: usd

Net amount:-42.87

Total amount:-42.87

General Invoice Form

Currency: usd

Complex currency problem:


Order no. 0030297-00101NOTIS 1BHL2244


Order statement:E (encumbrance) 0.00Local estimated price

CUR gbpEstimated currency

AMT 24.99Estimated price

Pay statement:AMT 62.83 usdInvoice price & currency

PD 97.34Local price paid

ALEPH:Order List of Admin Record:

Local price:24.99 should be:

1st choice: local price paid

(PD field 97.34) 2nd choice: encumbered price

(E field 0.00 for closed order)

Order Form-Quantity and Price:

Unit price: 24.99

Estimated price-currency: gbp

Final price:24.99

Local price:24.99 (should be 0.00 ???)

(E field (original estimated encumbrance) amount no longer available as order is closed)

(PD field shows local price paid

based on the usd price on invoice)

Encumbrances for Order:

Budget amount:blank

Encumbrances:24.99 (same as Total encumbrance?)

Estimated cost of order:24.99

Local cost of order:24.99 (should be 0.00 ???) Currency of order: gbp

Total encumbrance: 0.00

Invoice List of Order::

Amount:-97.34 (should be 62.83)

Cur usd

Local price:-97.34

Line Item:

List price: 0.00

Net amount:97.34 (should be 62.83)

Added amount: 0.00

Total amount:97.34 (should be 62.83)

Local amount:97.34

Currency: usd

Note: shows NOTIS Pay statement AMT field (usd 6283)

General Invoice:

Field Name & Field Data:Currency: usd

Net amount:-97.34 (should be 62.83)

Total amount:-97.34 (should be 62.83)

General Invoice Form:

Currency: usd



Order no. 0012084-01301NOTIS 13ADH7342


Order statement:E (encumbrance) 0.00Not encumbered

(for entire(we normally don’t encumber

standing order)for standing orders)

CUR cadLocal currency

AMT20.00Average price of one item

(not encumbered on the

budget – for receiving

information only)

Pay statement:AMT23.63 usd025P on dord + inv.curr.

(for individual

receipt for PD36.45Local price paid (cad$)

item 025)

Invoice record:INV 81111A323INV NO 3210284


INV AMT25.18total price (postage + item :

paid from 2 different Budgets)

PMT AMT25.18total of AMT amounts

NET PMTS38.84Total of PD amounts in

CAD (converted) and

discounted, i.e. taken off


In this case, postage AMT 1.55 (2.39 cad) + item 23.63 (36.45 cad) = 25.18 (38.84 cad)

ALEPH:Order List of Admin Record:

Local price:20.00

Order Form-Quantity and Price:

Unit price: 20.00WHAT DO WE

Estimated price-currency: cadWANT HERE ?

Final price:20.00& TO FOLLOW UP

Local price:20.00WITH OUR STAFF

Encumbrances for Order:

Budget amount:20.00 (0.00)

Encumbrances: 0.00

Estimated cost of order:20.00

Local cost of order:20.00

Currency of order: cad

Total encumbrance:20.00

Invoice List of Order::

Amount:-36.45 (should be 23.63) (currency

must match currency

of actual invoice)

Cur usd

Local price:-36.45

Line Item (for item only):

List price: 0.00

Net amount:36.45 (should be 23.63) (to match

Added amount: 0.00 currency

Total amount:36.45 (should be 23.63) of invoice)

Local amount:36.45

Currency: usd

Note: shows NOTIS CUR and AMT fields (usd 2363)

General Invoice & Line Items: (for postage and item):

Field Name & Field Data:Currency: usd

Total amount: Gen.inv.:-38.84 (should be 25.18)

Total amount: Items:-38.84 (should be 25.18)

Net amount: -2.39 (should be 1.55)

-36.45 (should be 23.63)

Total amount: -2.39 (should be 1.55)

-36.45 (should be 23.63)

General Invoice Form:


Net amount:25.18

Total amount:38.84 (should be 25.18)

Local amount:38.84



Order no. 0009880-00201NOTIS 2ACP7229


Order statement:E (encumbrance) 0.00Never encumbered

CUR cadLocal currency

AMT 0.00Never encumbered

Pay statement:AMT 330.00 usd010 P amount + inv.curr.

(for item 010)PD 511.70Local price paid (cad$)

Invoice record:INV 81208B185Invoice no. 969162

CUR usd

INV AMT330.00Total amount on invoice

PMT AMT330.00Total of AMT amounts in

invoice currency

NET PMTS511.70Total of PD amounts in

local currency

ALEPH:Order List of Admin Record:

Local price: 0.00

Order Form-Quantity and Price:

Unit price: 00000000

Estimated price-currency: cad

Final price: 0.00

Local price: 0.00

Encumbrances for Order:

Budget amount:blank

Encumbrances: 0.00

Estimated cost of order: 0.00

Local cost of order: 0.00

Currency of order: cad

Total encumbrance: 0.00

Invoice List of Order::

Amount:-511.70 (should be 330.00)

Cur usd

Local price:-511.70

Line Item (for item only):

List price: 0.00

Net amount:511.70 (should be 330.00)

Added amount: 0.00

Total amount:511.70 (should be 330.00)

Local amount:511.70

Currency: usd

Note: shows NOTIS CUR and AMT fields (usd 33000)

General Invoice & Line Items:

Field Name & Field Data: see General Invoice Form

Total amount: General Inv.:-511.70 (should be 330.00)

Total amount: Items:-511.70 (should be 330.00)

Net amount:-511.70 (should be 330.00)

Total amount:-511.70 (should be 330.00)

General Invoice Form:


Net amount:330.00

Total amount:511.70 (should be 330.00)

Local amount:511.70

4. Postage budget problem: sometimes shows in budget column in Order List of Admin Record with * (probably meaning that there are more than one budgets linked to this order) but other times, another budget shows in column without * although there is a postage budget for it. Why ? Does it have to do with invoice status ? whether it is Cmp or Ptl ? See Order nos. 0012084-01201 and 0012084-01301