An IFA may only be made in the period 1 October – 31 October /

NB: If you have more than one placement, please complete a separate form for each placement.

Full Name / Employee Number
Job Title / organisational Unit
Employment Type
Please Tick / Continuing
Fixed-Term / Attendance type
Please Tick / Full-Time
ifa Procedures / I confirm that I have read the Individual Flexibility Arrangement conditions in the
Individual Flexibility Arrangements Procedures (PPL 5.60.11)
Please Tick / I confirm that:
I do not have a recreation leave balance in excess of 6 weeks
I do not have a flexi-time balance in excess of 7¼ hours or a VBT balance in excess of 36¼ hours (Professional Staff HEW 1-7 only to complete)
I would like to enter into anIFA for:
PLEASE TICK / 1 year (effective 1 December 2015 – 30 November 2016); or
The life of The University of Queensland Enterprise Agreement 2014-2017

TheUniversity of Queensland Enterprise Agreement 2014-2017(Enterprise Agreement)provides for the University and a staff member covered by the Enterprise Agreement to make an Individual Flexibility Arrangement (IFA) to vary the effect of terms of the Enterprise Agreement, to permit a staff member to convert the recreation leave loading provided for in clause 50.6 of the Enterprise Agreement to three (3) days Additional Recreation Leave (ARL) per annum in accordance with the Individual Flexibility Arrangements Procedures.

Varied Terms

Clause 50of The University of Queensland Enterprise Agreement 2014-2017 provides for Recreation Leave Loading as follows:

  • HEW Level 1 – 9: Recreation Leave Loading of 17.5% of the ordinary salary; and
  • Academic and Senior Professional Staff: Recreation Leave Loading of 17.5% of ordinary salary with a maximum payment equal to the Australia Bureau of Statistics’ average weekly total earnings of all males (Australia) for the August quarter preceding the date of accrual.

The University and the staff member agree to convert the staff member’s entitlement of 17.5% recreation leave loadingto three (3) days ARLper annum in accordance with the Individual Flexibility Arrangements Procedures.

Better Off Overall

The University and staff member have entered into this IFA permitting the staff member to convert their recreation leave loading tothree (3) days ARL per annum to provide the staff member with greater flexibility. The staff member and the University haveentered into this arrangement on the grounds that the arrangement meets their respective genuine needs.

Applications and Commencement Date

This IFA may only be made in the period 1 October –31 October2015. ThisIFA will commence on 1 December2015.A staff member who enters into an IFA will accrue 23 days (pro-rata for part-time staff) recreation leave per annum (1December 2015 – 30 November2016), after the IFA is made.

Expiry Date

This IFA will expire on 30 November2016or when the Enterprise Agreement is replaced. If the staff member electsforan IFA of 1 year, they are required to reapply for a subsequent IFA in October of the following year if the staff member wishes to enter into an IFA for a further 12 months.

Approval and Agreement

Name / Signature / Date
Staff Member
Authorised Officer

Human Resources Staff to complete

Eligibility Checked by / Date
Details Entered by / Date
Details Checked by / Date