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A Change Control Process is a defined process to be followed when a change to a controlled document or procedure is proposed.

Entry Conditions:

1) The Project Scheduling Process Definition is distributed for review or approval.

2) All Software Development Phase Documents are distributed for review or approval.

3) The Change Request Form should be available.

Input Summary:

1) The conditions stated in Appendix A entry for Input Summary must be satisfied.

2) The last available version of Project Scheduling Process Definition.

3) The last available version of all Software Development Phase Documents.

4) The Change Request Form.

Change Request Form should be a standard form, the Change Request Form from Appendix E can be used as example.

Implementation Conditions:

1) It is essential to perform following steps in order implement Change Control Process.

2) Create board from representatives across the project.

3) It is recommended to keep Change Proposal Document, Change Proposal Status Sheet and

Implementation Schedule Document in which way it will be easy to view and change for all

qualified personnel.

4) The board fill out Change Proposal Form, which is based on information from Change Request Form. Change Proposal Form should be a standard form, the Change Proposal Form from Appendix E can be used as example.

5) The Change Proposal Form must satisfied the conditions stated in Appendix A entry for Implementation Conditions.

6) The board review Change Proposal Form.

6.1) If board rejects Change Proposal Form - terminate process.

6.2) If board accepts Change Proposal Form - conduct impact study.

7) The board designed Change Proposal Document.

8) The Change Proposal Document must satisfied the conditions stated in Appendix A entry for

Implementation Conditions.

9) The board creates Change Proposal Status Sheet.

Change Proposal Status Sheet should be a standard , the Change Proposal Status Sheet from Appendix E can be used as example.

10) The board review Change Proposal Document.

10.1) If board rejects Change Proposal Document - terminate process.

10.2) If board accepts Change Proposal Document - go to the next step.

11) The board create Implementation Schedule Document.

12) The Implementation Schedule Document must satisfied the conditions stated in Appendix A entry for Implementation Conditions.

13) Update Change Proposal Status Sheet.

14) Implement Change Proposal. Change Proposal Status Sheet should be updated during the

implementation of Change Proposal.

Output Summary:

1) The Change Proposal Document.

2) The Implementation Schedule Document.

3) The Change Proposal Status Sheet.

4) The changed document or procedure.

Exit Conditions:

1) The Change Proposal is Implemented.

Notes: None.