Hospital Snacks

Each week, please place individually wrapped snacks (cookies, crackers, etc.) in the bin in the foyer marked for hospital waiting rooms. No “out of date” items please. See Gene or Minerva Cook for more information. Thank you.

Food Pantry

Each week, please place a donation of foods (canned, dried) in the bin in the foyer in support of our food pantry. No “out of date” items please; with cans, “pop tops” preferred. See Deena Duke to access the Food Pantry. Thank you.

2014 Church Calendar!

o  Jul 30-Aug 3, International Assembly of COGOP.

o  Aug 3, 10:30am, Substitute Speaker: Minister Paul Freeman.

o  Aug ?, to be announced, Water Baptism.

o  Aug 15, Women’s Ministry Meeting (Pool Party) at Vickie Burney’s home.

o  Aug 17, 10:30am, Special Offering received in support of the Community Outreach Fundraiser for Oak Hill Elementary School.

o  Aug 23, Community Day. See Tammy Duncan.

o  Aug 31, 5pm, Western Triad District Rally at Ward Avenue COGOP.

o  Sep 6, Jubilation at Camp Maranatha.

o  Sep 7, 10:30am, Grandparents’ Day Celebration (Families Ministry i/c).

o  Community Meal at Ward St. UMC. See Tammy Duncan to volunteer and assist.

o  Sep 14, 10:30am, Communion is served.

o  Sep 21-28, Fall Revival at Ward Avenue.

o  Sep 26-28, NC COGOP Sister-2-Sister Ladies’ Retreat in Hickory, NC. Applications in foyer.

Bulletin Announcements

Please submit bulletin announcements on/before Wednesday evening to .

Life Lesson Notes

Title: “God’s Power is Restricted by Us Frequently”

Text: Ezekiel 47: 2, 6-8, 11

Topic: Life Grows Wherever the River Flows

Thesis: The prophet Ezekiel had a vision of the millennial temple; but, within his revelation is a message to believers today of the abundant Spirit-filled life that can be enjoyed by them. God’s power resides in the believers (His temple) today. Yet, too often we willfully or ignorantly quench God’s power!

Point 1: The Result of the Impasse of God’s Power (2, 11)

A.  There is Hindering

B.  There is Thwarting

C.  There is Losing

Point 2: The Result of the Impute of God’s Power (6-8)

A.  There is Healing

B.  There is Thriving

C.  There is Living

International Assembly: Breakthrough 2014

The International Assembly of the COGOP will be held Jul 30 – Aug 3, 2014, in Orlando, FL.

Assembly Schedule

The Assembly schedule is posted on the bulletin board and may also be viewed at this link:

Online Viewing and Apps

Free webcast from your computer will be available at this link:

There is also an Assembly App for smart phones and for your computer, visit this link:,responsive-news-detail.html.

o  Prayer Points

Please be in prayer for (1) the selection of our next General Overseer, (2) the will of God to be done during the assembly business, (3) for the anointing of the Holy Ghost on this assembly, and (4) for traveling mercies for the delegates attending.

Church of God of Prophecy

Sunday, Jul 20th, 2014

Church Contact Info

Church Office: (336) 883-7953
Family Life Center: (336) 883-7180
Lead Pastor Ben Duncan
(Cell): (336) 870-0640

Address: 211 North Ward Avenue, High Point, NC 27262

Church website:

  • Ward Avenue Church of God of Prophecy – High Point

(To post church info/events: on FB see Rose Barnes; on website see Allen Duke).

Inclement Weather Information

Watch TV station Fox 8 News (WGHP) for closings or delays.

The listing will appear as: Ward Avenue Church of God of Prophecy.

Church Van Transportation

On Sundays, call Dwayne Moses 336-861-9341.

On Wednesdays, call Kathy Schaefer at 336-324-7010.

Service is for City of High Point and nearby areas only.

Please call One Hour in advance of pick up.

Phone Tree Messages/Prayer Requests

Call the Lead Pastor (i.e., cell phone above) to send out a
ministry message or local prayer request daily between 9am
and 9pm or for additions, deletions, or corrections to Phone Tree. The NC COGOP Prayer Line # is 919-714-9112. The International COGOP Prayer Line # is 423-559-5112.


We welcome everyone to our fellowship. “First time” guest? Please complete the Guest Card in the “Welcome” folder you received from the greeter/usher and place it in the offering.

Weekly Schedule


9:45am: Christian Education (Children, Youth, Adults)

10:30am: Worship in Song & Life Lesson from Bible

10:30am: Children’s Church & Nursery (on First Level)

6:00pm: Family Life Groups and Outreach/Visitation

(or other activity as announced)


7:00pm: Prayer Meeting


7:00pm: Bible Studies (Children, Youth, Adults)

7:45pm: Choir Practice (to be announced)

Serving Us This Week:

Moderator: Ben Duncan.

Speaker: Ben Duncan.

Nursery: Joann Cox Shean & Kathy Schaefer.

Children’s Church: Wendy Morgan.

Greeter(s): Vickie Burney.

Usher(s): Robert Schaefer.

A/V: Travis Burney, Allen & Deena Duke, Austin Poole.

Music & Singing: Susan Poole and Praise Team.


We thank you for your faithful tithing and cheerful giving! Your tax deductible gifts help us operate our ministries and meet our financial obligations. Thanks and God bless you!

Sunday: Operating Expense.

Wednesday: Community Outreach Fundraiser (Oak Hill Elementary School).

Summer Break from Sunday Evening Services

Through Aug 31, we will have our annual Summer Break from Sunday Evening services. During this time, there will be no 6pm services at our local church except for special meetings. Enjoy the summer break with your family and friends via Family Life Group Activities.

Community Day next Month

Our Community Day will be on Saturday, Aug 23, from 8am until 2pm. There will be food (hot dogs, cotton candy, snow cones), fun (inflatable bounce house for children; cake walk; fire truck; yard sale; and more), and fellowship (gospel singing, meeting the community, etc). We need you to participate; so, please see Tammy Duncan and Vickie Burney for more details and to volunteer.

Community Outreach Fundraiser

We are conducting a Community Outreach Fundraiser to assist our local school (Oak Hill Elementary) with various needs, especially in their quest to promote literacy. Wednesday offerings during July and August, as well as a special offering on Sunday morning, Aug 17, will be received in support of this project. Our goal is to raise $1,000 or more to purchase books for these children. Make your checks payable to Church of God of Prophecy and put “Community Outreach Fundraiser” in the memo or on the offering envelope. Thank you. See Tammy Duncan and Vickie Burney for more details.

Updates to Church Directory

Please note the following changes in the church directory:

Sara Haire (new email):

Rosa Parrish (new phone #): 336-225-7849

Shuby & Wendy Morgan (new address):

233 Wood Hill Dr., Thomasville, NC 27360

Water Baptism

A water baptism is being planned for some time in August. Please see Pastor Ben for details.