WWW/OBS/GOS-Instrumentation, Annex

Questionnaire on Impacts of New Instrumentation on the GOS

(May 2007)

Introductory Remarks

Meteorological observations generated by the Global Observation System (GOS) of the WWW remain the single most important element for the provision of meteorological services and for the furthering of our understanding of the Global Climate System. It is the lifeline of all meteorological services worldwide and no single country is self sufficient in data needs for the provision of services for the safety of life and protection of property of its communities.

A number of efforts have continued to help improve the instruments used for meteorological processes with the aim of improving data quality and availability. Such advances include the Automatic Weather Stations (AWSs), improvements in satellite sensors and frequency of observations, related improvements in satellite reception equipment, the improvement in radiosonde systems and the introduction of new systems such as wind profilers and GPS systems, amongst others. Such advances come with expenses involved in upgrading and / or replacing existing systems. These advances have positive and negative impacts on the data availability and quality. The implementation and the impacts vary from country to country and is highly dependent on the level of development of a country. Recognizing the impacts of new technology on the GOS, CBS-XIII decided to appoint co-rapporteurs and tasked them to gather and analyze information on the “The impacts on new instrumentation on the GOS”.

A survey was conducted in 2006 and reported to the extraordinary session of the CBS late in 2006. However, due to a relatively low response rate which minimised the validity of conclusions, that CBS session requested that a revised questionnaire be issued and that ALL members were to be encouraged to respond to THIS version of the questionnaire.


The Questionnaire has been prepared in a format to facilitate the electronic compilation of data. Whenever possible, please use the form which can be downloaded from the WWW website at:: and provide us with a copy of the completed questionnaire via e-mail attachment to . For where a tick in a column is required, please just tick the correct option – DO NOT put details into other columns.

Please return no later than 30 June 2007.


Member State
Country/Territory: / Institution:

Person responsible for completing this Questionnaire:

First Name: / Last Name: / Position in Institution:
Telephone: / Fax: / E-mail:
Contact Address:

Submission approved by the Permanent Representative of the Member with WMO :

First Name: / Last Name: / on (date):

Annex, p. 2

Section A:Information on EXTRA and/or NEW observing systems / technology introduced within your Service since 1 January 2004.

(Only complete rows where there have been additions / new equipment added and please note that UPGRADES to existing systems

(e.g. a software upgrade) are covered in Section B. Please complete as many columns as you can, giving actual values where possible).

Description of system / 1. Num-
ber of
units / 2. Approx Total Cost
(please complete one column
only either entering the Actual cost or indicate the approx cost and express in US$) / 3. Because
of a new
and / or
requirement? / 4. Fully funded from own service
from regular budget?
(tick one column only) / 5. Where provided,
support funding as %
of total cost
(tick one column) / 6. Source
of support
Actual / <1M$ / 1-25M$ / >25M$ / Yes / No / Yes (and go
section B) / No–but
from own
country / No–some
support / 100 -75% / 74 -26% / 25% or less
Automatic Weather Stations
Automatic Rainfall Stations
Satellite reception equipment
(Weather) Radar / Next generation
Upper Air (radio sondes)
Thunderstorm / lightning
Wind profilers
Other 1 (detail in box below)
Other 2 (detail in box below)
Other 3 (detail in box below)

Where used, please give details

Description of system
Other 1
Other 2
Other 3

Annex, p. 3

Section B:Information on UPGRADED observing systems / technology introduced within your Service since 1 January 2004.

(Only complete rows where equipment has been upgraded. Please note that NEW / ADDITIONS TO or direct REPLACEMENTS OF existing

systems should have been covered in Section A. Please complete as many columns as you can, giving actual values where possible).

Description of system / 1. Num-
ber of
units / 2. Approx Total Cost
(please complete one column
only either entering the Actual cost or indicate the approx cost and express in US$) / 3. Because of a
new standard
and / or
requirement? / 4. Was training required /
(complete one column only) / 5. Fully funded from own service
from regular budget?
(tick one column only)
Actual / <1M$ / 1-10M$ / >10M$ / Yes / No / Not required / Required &
provided / Required
but not
provided / Yes (and go
question B8) / No–but
from own
country / No–some
Automatic Weather Stations
Automatic Rainfall Stations
Satellite reception equipment
(Weather) / Next generation
Radar / others
Upper Air (radio sondes)
Hydrological systems
Thunderstorm / lightning
Wind profilers
Other 1 (detail in box below)
Other 2 (detail in box below)
Other 3 (detail in box below)
Description of system / 6. Where provided, support funding as a %
of the total cost (tick one column only) / 7. Source of Support funding / 8. Due to the upgrade, have your operational costs?
(please tick one column only)
100 - 75% / 74 - 25 % / < 25% / Increased? / Stayed the same? / Decreased?
Automatic Weather Stations
Automatic Rainfall Stations
Satellite reception equipment
(Weather) Radar / Next generation
Upper Air (radiosondes)
Hydrological systems
Thunderstorm / lightning
Wind profilers
Other 1 (detail in box below)
Other 2 (detail in box below)
Other 3 (detail in box below)

Annex, p. 4

Section B: (continued)

Where used, please give details

Description of system
Other 1
Other 2
Other 3

Section C

Additional questions / Please complete
one column only / Additional Information - where requested
  1. Do you receive satellite data and products regularly via the Internet in addition to any direct method of receiving such data)?
If YES, what are the most useful product(s)?
2. Have you used the capabilities within the WMO Virtual Laboratory for Satellite Data Utilization (accessible from the WMO Web Site through the WMO Space Programme) to help you improve your capabilities to utilize those data and products?
3. Have you considered recommendations contained in the “Implementation Plan for Evolution of Space – and Surface-Based Subsystems of the GOS” (WMO/TD No. 1267) in the introduction / upgrading of the observing systems / technology of your NMHS?
4. If the answer to question 3 was YES, please indicate the section(s) and recommendation number(s), from WMO/TD No. 1267, taken into account.
5. If the answer to question 3 was NO, please indicate the reason(s).
