No improvements to a site, except for interior improvements and interior alterations to a structure on the site or as specifically provided herein, shall be commenced prior to compliance with the following three-part review process. The Advisory Board must approve each design submittal in writing.

I. Concept Design Review

The objective of this section is to ensure careful site planning with regard to elevations, location and size of building, parking, open space, access, drainage, and grading.

The Concept Design must be approved by the Advisory Board in writing prior to beginning Preliminary Design or on-site clearing. Site clearing is prohibited without prior approval of a Clearing Plan by the Advisory Board.

The Concept Design submission shall consist of a completed concept design and sketch plans of the proposed project and must include the following:

q A topographic survey of the site

q Tree survey of all trees greater than two (2) inches in caliper in the Forest Preserve areas

q Tree survey of any trees throughout the rest of the site with an 8" caliper or greater in order to identify at the earliest opportunity specimen trees which should be considered for preservation during the design approval process

q An overall concept site plan showing the location, size and scope of all improvements (building, pedestrian, and vehicular) and their relationship to the property boundary, neighboring structures, and trees.

q Statistical data setting forth building square foot areas, parking ratios, and percentage of hard-surface coverage

q Schematic building plans and elevations to show overall massing, fenestration treatment, materials, and colors

q Construction access and staging areas; areas for future expansion

q A statement setting forth the use of the site and the estimated occupant load

q Forest Preserve and Paving/Building Setback areas

The Concept Design submission must be approved in writing prior to proceeding with the Expedited Development or Preliminary Design submissions.

Expedited Development Approval

As a part of the Concept Design Review, an Expedited Development Approval may be requested if the following information is submitted with the Concept Plan and the Plan is approved by the Advisory Board. The Expedited Development Approval will allow site clearing and building foundation construction prior to Preliminary Design Review and approval. Plans will indicate the maximum area to be cleared to allow for only the construction of a building foundation. Construction of improvements that are not a part of the building foundation are not a part of the Expedited Development Approval.
Additional requirements for Expedited Development Approval include:

q Approved Concept Plan

q Grading and drainage plans based upon a one foot contour interval

q A separate concept landscape plan showing all vegetation setbacks, forest preserves, building/paving setbacks and all existing plant materials, including trees to be saved

q Clearing plan (with protective fencing)

q Alignment and placement of utilities

II. Preliminary Design Review

The Preliminary Design (or design development) submission shall consist of more detailed plans and shall reflect the Concept Design approval. In addition to the above, this submission must include the following:

q Site improvement details such as curbing, sidewalks, culvert, fences, screens and mechanical equipment locations

q Grading and drainage plans based upon a one (1) foot contour interval

q Site service data, utility routing, and connections locations

q Samples of all major exterior building materials to show color, texture, and finish

q Roof apertures, mechanical equipment and screening

q A separate landscape plan showing all vegetation setbacks, forest preserves, and existing plant material/trees to be saved

q Provisions for trash collection and removal and for exterior storage

q Construction access and staging areas

q Location of exterior, non-roof mounted mechanical equipment and trash containers with the purpose of eliminating or minimizing sound, sight and/or odor influences on neighboring property

q Clearing plan (with protective fencing)

The Preliminary Design submission must be approved by the Advisory Board in writing prior to proceeding with the Final Design submission.

III. Final Design Review

The Final Design submission shall consist of a final site plan, complete contract documents (plans and specifications) and shall reflect the Concept/Preliminary Design approvals. This submission must also include the following:

q Detailed building plans and elevations, plus typical cross sections and wall sections

q Final site plan as required by the City of College Station

q Separate and comprehensive landscape plan to include water system data, where applicable

q Location and details for all exterior signage whether freestanding or building mounted

q Site and exterior building illumination