April 10, 2014

Minutes - Approved

Attendance: R. Benner, B. Clark, D. Coulter, B. Heard, O. Hernandez, M. Huber, B. Johns, J. Katz, M. Levy, D. McElroy, G. Michelfelder, S. Shields, J. Taggart, G. Wilinski. Excused: H. Peterson. L. Campbell, recorder.

Approval of minutes: The minutes from March 13 were approved.

Curriculum Proposals

CUBP227-Retail Bakery Production and Management, course change – B. Johns

The lecture/lab hours need to be correct in order to accurately reflect the amount of time students spend in class. Hours are being changed from 2-3-3 à 2-5-3. “Learning Outcomes” should be changed to “Student Learning Outcomes” and the grading scale (descriptions) should be updated.

APPROVED pending receipt of revised syllabus.

Computer Security Certificate, program change – B. Dougherty

The 3 cr. elective is being replaced with CISM176-Systems Security Methods (4 cr). This change will increase the total credits required for the cert. from 30 à 31. The following sentence has been added to the program description: The certificate is designed to prepare students for the CompTIA Security+ industry certification exam.


Paralegal Studies, A.S., program change – M. Keiner

Advisory Board suggested that LEGL150-Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility (1 cr) and LEGL203-Administrative Law be removed from the Paralegal degree programs. Ethics has been integrated into all LEGL courses, as required by the ABA. An additional ethics class is not needed. LEGL203 is not necessary in our area. The degree gave students a choice between LEGL203 & LEGL200. LEGL200 will now be a required course. The total credits required have been adjusted from 66 à 65.


Paralegal Studies, A.A.S., program change

Remove LEGL203 & LEGL150 (same as above). COMM120 has been removed from the elective. The elective will now give students the option of taking BUSN210 & one course approved by the paralegal coord., or selecting any two courses approved by the coord. Total credits required have been adjusted from 64 à 63.

The two courses dropped from paralegal degrees, will no longer be offered at the college. M. Keiner will complete Form Bs to officially drop the courses from the catalog. She will not be required to attend the Curric. meeting to present.


CDCC104-Infant and Toddler Development: Theory & Applications, course change, L. Stein

The current description and hours do not reflect the 45 hr practicum (3 hrs/wk), which is a course requirement. The description has been revised and the credits adjusted from 4-0-4 à 3-3-4.


Child Development/Child Care Option, Liberal Arts, A.A., program change

The program description has been updated. HPED150-Concepts of Physical Fitness (1 cr.) and CDCC115-Planning the Preschool Curriculum (3 cr.) have been removed from the program and CDCC104-Infant/Toddler Development: Theory & Applications (4 cr.) has been added. The program is intended to cover child development/child care for the birth-3 yr. old population. The new Head Start Center at Atlantic Cape will aid in the placement of students in the practicum. A large audience is anticipated for this program and it will be offered online.

There was discussion about the basic skills note located in the description area on the program page. L. Stein and the Committee agreed that the note was not needed, and should be removed from the page. J. Katz will meet with L. Campbell to review the catalog to identify any other programs that contain this language.



J. Katz asked M. Levy to update the Committee on the status and Student Success Initiative activities at the College and asked if the Curriculum Committee could contribute. An update of ongoing SSI activities was discussed and it was determined that the Curric. Committee is contributing indirectly to the initiative through review and approval of programming and courses. Any curricular SSIs would originate with faculty collaboration in the departments.

Early Alert pilot has been expanded to over 30 sections including both FT and adjunct instructors, reaching over 600 students.

Infusing Career Development into classes – At the suggestion of an ATD coach and with the cooperation of academic affairs, M. Levy has been visiting classes to discuss career development with students in ESL, ALPS, and developmental English courses.

Open House – The recent open house drew approximately 130 potential students with a total attendance of 300 ppl.

Writing Center Coordinator - Discussions are still ongoing.

Success and Retention Summit/Symposium will be held during the summer or early fall.

Math Bootcamp – A. Shelton and B. Osler have been working on a “math bootcamp” for this summer and core just approved ramping up an Accelerated Math program during the upcoming year. (will be offered through CE)

Accuplacer Prep Course is being developed by L. Stein and O. Hernandez. A verbal prep course will be piloted this summer. A math prep course is in the works.

PARCC – High school students who pass this exam will not need to take the Accuplacer.