Version September 2011

Project Name
Project Number
ERDF Project Development Manager
Lead Organisation

Refer to relevant guidance and support before completing this form.


a) SUMMARY / Provide a brief summary of the project – this should be a clear description of what the project is actually going to do, how much will it cost, and what will it deliver? (max. 150 words)

b) Delivery Details, Dates and Project Funding

DELIVERY DETAILS / Please insert details of who will deliver the project, and where.
Lead Organisation (including name, full address and postcode.)
Contact at Lead Organisation (including name, email, telephone and full address if different to above)
Other delivery partners
If the project is to be delivered at a different location to lead organisation, provide address.
ERDF Priority
% of funding split allocated to each sub region. / SY = / NY = / Hu = / WY =
KEY PROJECT DATES / Please enter dates.
Project Start Date (this will be the 1st date of allowable eligible expenditure)
Financial Completion Date of Project
ERDF Indicators to be achieved by
FUNDING REQUESTED / Please enter in pounds. If the amounts have changed between Outline Application and Full Application, please also show the Outline Application figures in brackets.
Funding Source / Year
2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / Future / TOTAL
ERDF / Cap
Other Public Funding / Cap
Private / Cap
c) SUMMARY OF CHANGES / Please show any changes to the project which have taken place since Outline Application, by comparing the Outline Application to what is proposed at Full Application.
Type of Variance / Change? / Outline Application / Full Application / Reason for change from previous approval
Total project cost
ERDF funding
Market conditions/ rationale
Strategic fit
Spatial delivery of the project
Other (specify)

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a) Explain the Market Failure/equity failure taking place, how this proposal will specifically target that failure and why ERDF is best placed to do this. / Market or equity failure has already been explored at length in the outline application. Summarise the key points here and expand on any further development work done since the outline stage.
b) What options have been considered? / Options have been briefly explored at outline stage. Please provide a fuller summary for each of the options here, bearing in mind any recommendations from outline feedback.
Do nothing / do minimum
Description (This should describe the proposed scope, solution, delivery, and implementation methods)
Funding / ERDF (£) / Other Public (£) / Private (£)
Main Outputs, Outcomes and Benefits
Option 1
Description (This should describe the proposed scope, solution, delivery, and implementation methods)
Funding / ERDF (£) / Other Public (£) / Private (£)
Main Outputs, Outcomes and Benefits
Option 2
Description (This should describe the proposed scope, solution, delivery, and implementation methods)
Funding / ERDF (£) / Other Public (£) / Private (£)
Main Outputs, Outcomes and Benefits
c) GROSS OUTPUTS FOR THE PREFERRED OPTION / Refer to the Guidance Notes for further detail on output types.
Please complete the table to show what gross outputs the project will deliver.
European Indicators Project Total refer to guidance *** / SY or RoR / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / Future Years / Total All Years
Other relevant outputs**

** Please extend the table to detail any other measure specific outputs that will be delivered.

*** These must be the same as those in the Operational Programme

TARGETS / Please complete the table to show what ERDF Cross Cutting Theme (CCT) targets will be delivered by the project.
CCT Targets (Split South Yorkshire & Rest of Region) / SY or RoR / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / Future Years / Total All Years
e) OUTPUT ASSUMPTIONS / How have the project’s outputs been calculated? Explain what assumptions and methods have been used to calculate the outputs.

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Section 3 Application Details

3.1 Beneficiaries

a) BENEFICIARIES / USERS / Who are the beneficiaries/users of the project?
b) LOCATION / Which area(s) in Yorkshire and the Humber will benefit from the project?
c) EQUALITIES / i  How have equality and diversity principles been applied to the design and delivery of this project, taking into account where the project will be delivered and who lives there?
ii  What is the outcome of the consultation with stakeholders and beneficiaries, in regard to the potential equality impacts of this project?
iii  What are the expected positive equality impacts of this project on identified beneficiary group(s)?
iv  Are there likely to be any negative equality impacts on other groups? If so, what will be put in place to eliminate or minimise these negative impacts?

3.2 Delivery

This is the main project activities / Describe the key activities to be undertaken, including timescales and an overview of costs. What specifically will ERDF funding be spent on? What assets or services to business will be delivered by the project?
Please split the activities into eligible and ineligible activities.

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b) MILESTONES / Please complete questions i and ii.

i  Please complete the table below to identify the investment approval milestones of the project;

Date of when it is expected to be achieved. Leave blank if not applicable.
ERDF South Yorkshire LMC
ERDF Rest of Region LMC
Other (specify)
Full Budget Approval
Contract signed

ii  Please complete the table below to identify key milestones for project delivery (i.e. key target dates for appointment of staff/contractors, project launch to customers, start date for construction, events etc.) See guidance notes

Milestone Table / Delivery Plan /
Phase / Deliverables / Activities & milestones / Quality Criteria / Lead Officer / Date achieved by /

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c) MANAGEMENT / Who will manage and deliver the project? Example: project delivery structure, lines of reporting, segregation of duties in relation to collating and the submission of claims
d) CAPABILITY / Does the delivery body have the capability (capacity and experience) to deliver this type and scale of project? Previous experience of projects and funding streams.
ORGANISATIONS / List other organisations will be involved in project management and/or delivery, and what will be their contribution? (Include procured sub-contractors and named partner delivery organisations).
f) PROJECT LINKAGES / Which other projects or initiatives does this project impact upon or interact with? Describe how this project proposal fits, aligns and adds value to other projects or initiatives
g) PROCUREMENT PLAN / Please complete below procurement plan. You will need to complete the following sections for each work strand (project area) that requires procurement. If the project involves more than one work strand, please copy Procurement Plan template and paste one for each strand.
Project strand name and description.
Value (£) of strand
Who will lead the procurement?
What are you going to procure?
Which procurement route do you intend to take?
Why have you chosen this option?
What key areas of expertise would be required to deliver the project strand?
What criteria will be used to evaluate the bids?
When will procurement start?
When will procurement end?
Please describe how the following Government policies will be considered as part of the procurement (these may not all be applicable);
Equalities and Diversity
Sustainable Procurement
Promoting Skills through Public Procurement
Creating opportunities for SME’s and Social Issues
h) PROMOTION / PUBLICITY / How will the project be promoted, branded and marketed to ensure that ERDF investment requirements are met. (Branding Logo’s etc)

3.3 Environmental Impact

a) CAPITAL BUILD ONLY / Capital build elements should meet the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) or equivalent environmental performance standards for building, minimum of ‘Very Good’ or ‘Excellent’.
Please submit the BREEAM Pre-assessment certification, if applicable.
IMPACT / List any environmental issues identified and how they will be managed
c) PROTECTED OR CONSERVATION AREA / i  Does the project include physical activity within a protected or conservation area?
ii  If YES, please provide further details.
THEMES / Please complete the table below to show how the project contributes to each of the Cross Cutting Themes (CCT) of the ERDF Programme. Provide a summary of the impacts both positive and adverse and how the project has addressed these.
Cross Cutting Theme / Provide detail of how the project’s activities will address the CCT’s / Milestone
How will the project promote Environmental Good Practice? How has it been designed to minimise the project’s negative impact on the environment, including its carbon footprint?
Equalities and Diversity – explain how the design of the project will address (or enhance) equality of opportunity and diversity.

3.4 Risk Management

a) EXTERNAL FACTORS / Describe any external factors that have influenced the decision to bring this project forward, for example legislation, market failure etc.

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b) RISK REGISTER / Please identify and assess the key risks for the project/programme using the Risk Register below. Insert further rows if needed.
Number / Category
Financial, Reputational,
ETC / Description of risk. / Impact (I) / Likelihood (L) / Rating / Date raised / Responsible Person / Status
(live or closed) / Mitigation / Actions to Date / Date Closed /
Previous / Current
I + L /

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3.5 Monitoring

a) MONITORING / i  Who will be responsible for monitoring the project?
ii  List their roles and responsibilities reporting mechanisms (steering group etc)
iii  Detail how and when monitoring will be carried out i.e. setting up and attending steering groups, regular site visits and frequency of progress reports.
iv  How will the equality impacts of this project be monitored?
(end/final beneficiary feedback, evaluation report etc)

3.6 Evaluation

a) EVALUATION PLAN / Complete the below evaluation plan.
Evaluation Phase / Key Evaluation tasks / Timetable / Budget (£) / Outcome
1: Scoping
2: Interim
3: Final
Total Budget

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Section 4 Financial Case

4.1 Financial Assessment

a) COST PLAN / A full breakdown of costs should also be submitted. This will inform the high level, separate Excel finance tables. For ERDF projects, the eligible costs should be based on the eligible activities, and clearly separated.
Please submit the cost plan.
b) FINANCE TABLES / Please complete the Excel Spreadsheets available with this form
Please submit the finance tables.
c) MATCH / Please detail all Match funding contributions, including amounts, funders, and if they have been secured. If there is no other match, it should be justified why this is the case. Please provide match funding letters with the application.
d) IN-KIND FUNDING / Is any of the funding in-kind? If so, please detail the nature of the support provided and how a monetary value for it has been calculated.
i  Will the project generate any income during its lifetime?
ii  If YES, how will it be generated, who will benefit from the receipts and what will the income be used for?
iii  If YES, please explain how Article 55 of EU Regulation 1083/2006 has been addressed by this project;
If you have selected ARTICLE 55.2, please submit the funding gap appraisal.
If you have selected ARTICLE 55.3, provide justification as to why the project cannot forecast any revenues.
f) ASSETS / What is the expected value of any assets?
Who will own the asset?
What will happen to the asset at the end of its useful life/the project?
Assets may also include Intellectual Property Rights.
g) LIABILITIES / Who will be contractually responsible for any actual or potential liabilities? e.g. cost overruns, shortfalls in receipts, redundancies etc
What might these be and potential financial cost?

Section 5 Eligibility

5.1 Legal

a) PLANNING PERMISSION / Is Planning Permission required for any element of the project/ programme?
If YES, Please attach a copy of the permission and any conditions. If you are waiting for planning permission please attach a copy of the application and give a date when you expect to receive the permission.
b) FINANCIAL VET / Please provide company details
Including registered company name
Company number
If you believe a Guarantor will be needed, please provide registered company details of this company as well.

5.2 State Aid

a) DOES THE PROJECT INVOLVE STATE AID? / Use the following table to determine whether there is State aid in the proposed investment and how it will be addressed.
State Aid:
The 4 tests for State Aid are:
1)  Does it involve transfer of state resources
2)  Does it favour certain undertakings?
3)  Could competition be distorted?
4)  Could trade between Member states be affected? / If you answered ‘no’ to one or more of the 4 tests, then there will be no aid. Proceed to b) below.
If you answered ‘yes’ to all 4 tests there will be aid. Use this table to show how the investment will be State aid compliant by identifying the appropriate State aid measure(s) (choose any/all that apply).
Compatible aid:
Notified scheme: (List scheme name(s) and number(s))
Service of General Economic Interest:
Has specialist State aid advice be taken? Will the project need a new notification?
b) IF NOT, WHY NOT? / Briefly explain why you believe there is no State Aid associated with this proposed project to the end beneficiary.
c) STATE AID TO PROJECT SPONSOR AND/OR EXTERNAL DELIVERY ORGANISATION(S). / Please explain what steps will be taken to ensure there is no State Aid to the Project Sponsor and/or external delivery organisations, as a result of this investment.

5.3 Eligibility

a) OVERHEADS / Please include details of what has been included in overheads
Explain and show how the overheads have been calculated.
Provide examples of overhead calculations
b) ERDF ELIGIBILITY / If there are any issues of ERDF eligibility not already covered above (for instance apportionment), then please use this field to explain how the project has addressed these.

5.4 Exit, Legacy and Sustainability