Health Monitoring 3/2/2007 © D. Adams 2006

Appendix B

B.1  Journals and Conferences Dealing with Health Monitoring

Table B.1 and Table B.2 in this section provide lists of technical Journals and conferences that highlight developments in health monitoring. These tables will be updated as necessary to provide up-to-date information

B.2  Sensors

In Table B.3-Table B.10, different types of displacement, velocity, acceleration, strain, force, temperature, and pressure sensors are summarized.

B.3  References on Data Analysis from the Literature

In Table B.11-Table B.18, references from the literature on a wide range of data analysis topics in health monitoring are summarized and cited. These references will be updated as necessary to provide up-to-date information.


Health Monitoring 3/2/2007 © D. Adams 2006

Table B.1 – Technical Journals in health monitoring.

Journal Name / Publisher
AIAA Journal / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Experimental Mechanics / Society of Experimental Mechanics
International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis / CSA Illumina
International Journal of Engineering Science / CSA Illumina
International Journal of Fatigue / Elsevier Science
International Journal of Fracture / Springer
Journal of Applied Mechanics / American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control / American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Journal of Engineering Mechanics / American Society of Civil Engineers
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures / Sage Publishers
Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology / American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Journal of Sound and Vibration / Academic Press
Journal of Structural Engineering / American Society of Civil Engineers
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics / American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing / Academic Press
NDT&E International / Elsevier Science
Physical Review Letters / American Physical Society
Sensors Actuators / CSA Illumina
Smart Materials and Structures / Institute of Physics
Structural Health Monitoring: An International Journal / Sage Publishers
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America / Acoustical Society of America
The Shock and Vibration Digest / Sage Publishers

Table B.2 – Technical conferences in health monitoring.

Conference Name
International Modal Analysis Conference
European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring
International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring
The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE)
International Mechanical Engineering Congress
Asia-Pacific Conference on Systems Integrity and Maintenance (ACSIM)
IEEE Aerospace Conference
International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies
AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference
International Conference on Adaptive Structures
IEEE Conference on Antennas and Propagation
International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures
International Design Engineering Technical Conference
Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering Conference
Integrated Systems Health Management Conference
Health and Usage Monitoring Conference
Machinery Failure Prevention Technology Annual Meeting
Materials Science and Technology Conference
Quantitative NDE Conference
AIAA/ASME/ASCE/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics & Materials Conference

Table B.3 – Displacement sensors.

Table B.4 – Velocity sensors.

Table B.5 – Acceleration sensors.

Table B.6 – Strain sensors.

Table B.7 – Force sensors.

Table B.8 – Temperature sensors.

Table B.9 – Pressure sensors.

Table B.10 – Piezoelectric actuators.

Table B.11 – References on methods for loads identification.

Reference / Summary
Stevens, K.K., 1987, “Force Identification Problems-An Overview” / Conference: Overview of indirect force estimation for linear systems.
Chae et al., 1999, “A Feasibility Study in Indirect Identification of Transmission Forces through Rubber Bushing in Vehicle Suspension System by Using Vibration Signals Measured on Links” / Journal: Relates the transmission force to the deformation of rubber bushings through an appropriate model.
Decker, M. and Savaidis, G., 2002, “Measurement and Analysis of Wheel Loads for Design and Fatigue Evaluation of Vehicle Chassis Components” / Journal: Discussed the interactions of wheel forces and moments, forces acting in a suspension, and the stress response of an axle casing.
O’Connor, C., and Chan, T.H.T., 1988, “Dynamic Wheel loads From Bridge Strains” / Journal: Modeled the bridge deck as lumped masses interconnected by mass-less elastic beams and estimated loading of bridge due to wheels.
Chan, T.H.T., Law, S.S., Yung, T.H. and Yuan, X.R., 1999, “An Interpretive Method for Moving Force Identification” / Journal: Modeled the bridge deck using Bernoulli-Euler beams and estimated loading of bridge due to wheels.
Zhu, X.Q. and Law, S.S., 2000, “Identification of Vehicle Axle Loads from Bridge Responses” / Journal: Modeled the bridge deck as orthotropic plates and estimated loading of bridge due to wheels.
Wang, M.L. and Kreitinger, T.J., 1994, “Identification of Force from Response Data of a Nonlinear System” / Journal: Presented the sum of weighted acceleration technique (SWAT) to estimate the input force.
Giergil, J. and Uhl, T., 1989, “Identification of the Input excitation forces in mechanical structures” / Journal: Presented an iterative formula for calculation of excitation forces in mechanical structures based on properties of the Toeplitz matrix.
Haas, D.J., Milano and Flitter, L., 1995, “Prediction of Helicopter Component Loads Using Neural Networks” / Journal: Used a neural network approach to relate rotor system component loads to flight data recorded using a flight recorder.
Giasante et al., 1983, “Determination of In-Flight Helicopter Loads” / Journal: Identified the external vibratory forces acting on a helicopter in flight using a calibration matrix.
Li, J., 1988, “Application of Mutual Energy Theorem for Determining Unknown Force Sources” / Conference: Identified spectrum of loads based on vibration velocity response measurements.
Zion, L., 1994, “Predicting Fatigue Loads Using Regression Diagnostics” / Conference: Presented an approach based on a regression model relating loads and flight data in a helicopter.
Uhl, T. and Pieczara, J., 2003, “Identification of Operational Loading Forces for Mechanical Structures” / Journal: Based on the difference between measured and simulated system responses, genetic algorithm estimates loads.
Starkey, J.M., and G.L. Merrill, 1989, “On the Ill-Conditioned Nature of Indirect Force-Measurement Techniques” / Journal: Investigated the ill-conditioned nature of the inverse problem and found that the condition of the FRF matrix is a good indicator of errors.
Bartlett, F.D., Jr., and W.G. Flannelly, 1979, “Model Verification of Force Determination for Measuring Vibratory Loads” / Journal: Found that the pseudo-inverse method of force estimation worked well for identifying vibrations forces on the rotary hub of a helicopter model
Hundhausen, R.J., D.E. Adams, M. Derriso, Kukuchek, P., and Alloway, R., 2005, “Transient Loads Identification for a Standoff Metallic Thermal Protection System Panel” / Conference: Used two methods for identifying transient loads on standoff metallic panels: 1) rigid body approach, and 2) inverse FRF approach.
Turco, E., 2005, “A Strategy to Identify Exciting Forces Acting on Structures” / Journal: Explores the use of the Tikhonov regularization technique to reduce ill-conditioning effects of frequency domain equations for pin-jointed trusses.
Kammer, D.C., 1996, “Input Force Reconstruction Using a Time Domain Technique” / Journal: Convolves the measured response and an inverse system of Markov parameters to estimate input forces on a structure in the time domain.
Jacquelin, E., Bennani, A., and Hamelin, P, 2003, “Force Reconstruction: Analysis and Regularization of a Deconvolution Problem” / Journal: Applies Tikhonov and trunctation regularization techniques to the indirect force estimation problem and chooses the regularization parameters.
Fabunmi, J.A., 1986, “Effects of Structural Modes on Vibratory Force Determination by the Pseudoinverse Technique” / Journal: Studied the implication of using the least-squares method of force identification without considering the modes and mode shapes.
Carne, T.G., Mayes, R.L., and Bateman, V.I., 1994, “Force Reconstruction Using the Sum of Weighted Acceleration Technique—Max-Flat Procedure” / Conference: Used FRF data to determine appropriate scalar weights to use in the Sum of Weighted Acceleration Technique for force reconstruction.
Mayes, R.L., 1994, “Measurement of Lateral Launch Loads on Re-Entry Vehicles Using SWAT” / Conference: Uses the SWAT method to reconstruct forces acting on a structure, but uses the free decay time histories to calculate the weights.
Liu, Y., and Shepard, S., Jr., 2005, “Dynamic Force Identification Nased on Enhanced Least Squares and Total Least-Squares Schemes in the Frequency Domain” / Journal: Utilizes and compares the least-square method of indirect force estimation without regularization and with truncated SVD and regularization.

1. Chae, C.K., Bae, B.K., Kim, K.J., Park, J.H. and Choe, N.C., “A Feasibility Study in Indirect Identification of Transmission Forces through Rubber Bushing in Vehicle Suspension System by Using Vibration Signals Measured on Links,” 1999, Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 327-349.

2. Decker, M. and Savaidis, G., “Measurement and Analysis of Wheel Loads for Design and Fatigue Evaluation of Vehicle Chassis Components,” 2002, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol. 25, Issue 12, 1103.

3. O’Connor, C., and Chan, T.H.T., “Dynamic Wheel Loads from Bridge Strains,” 1998, J. Struct. Div. ASCE, 114(8), pp. 1703-1723.

4. Chan, T.H.T., Law, S.S., Yung, T.H. and Yuan, X.R., “An Interpretive Method for Moving Force Identification,” 1999, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 219(3), pp. 503-524.

5. Zhu, X.Q. and Law, S.S., “Identification of Vehicle Axle Loads from Bridge Responses,” 2000, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 236(4), pp. 705-724

6. Wang, M.L. and Kreitinger, T.J., “Identification of Force from Response Data of a Nonlinear System,” 1994, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 13, pp. 267-280.

7. Giergil, J. and Uhl, T., “Identification of the Input Excitation Forces in Mechanical Structures,” 1989, The Archives of Transport, Vol. 1, No. 1.

8. Haas, D.J., Milano and Flitter, L., “Prediction of Helicopter Component Loads Using Neural Networks,” 1995, Journal of the American Helicopter Society, No. 1, pp. 72-82.

9. Giasante, N., Jones, R. and Calapodas, N. J., “Determination of In-Flight Helicopter Loads,” 1983, Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 27, pp. 58-64.

10. Li, J., “Application of Mutual Energy Theorem for Determining Unknown Force Sources,” 1988, Proc. of Internoise 88, Avignion.

11. Zion, L., “Predicting Fatigue Loads Using Regression Diagnostics,” 1994, Proc. of the American Helicopter Society 50 Annual Forum, Washington D.C.

12. Uhl, T. and Pieczara, J., “Identification of Operational Loading Forces for Mechanical Structures,” 2003, The Archives of Transport, Vol. 16, No. 2.

13.  Stevens, K.K., “Force Identification Problems-An Overview,” 1987, Proc. of SEM Spring Conference on Experimental Mechanics, pp. 838-844.

14.  Starkey, J.M., and G.L. Merrill, “On the Ill-Conditioned Nature of Indirect Force-Measurement Techniques,” 1989, Journal of Modal Analysis, pp. 103-108.

15.  Bartlett, F.D., Jr., and W.G. Flannelly, “Model Verification of Force Determination for Measuring Vibratory Loads,” 1979, J. American Helicopter Society, 24:10-18.

16.  Hundhausen, R.J., D.E. Adams, M. Derriso, P. Kukuchek, and R. Alloway, “Transient Loads Identification for a Standoff Metallic Thermal Protection System Panel,” 2005, Proc. of the IMAC-XXIII: A Conference & Exposition on Structural Dynamics, No. 394.

17.  Turco, E., “A Strategy to Identify Exciting Forces Acting on Structures,” 2005, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 64:1483-1508.

18.  Kammer, D.C., “Input Force Reconstruction Using a Time Domain Technique,” 1996, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., pp. 21-30.

19.  Jacquelin, E., A. Bennani, and P. Hamelin, “Force Reconstruction: Analysis and Regularization of a Deconvolution Problem,” 2003, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 265: 81-107.

20.  Fabunmi, J.A., “Effects of Structural Modes on Vibratory Force Determination by the Pseudoinverse Technique,” 1986, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., 24(3):504-509.

21.  Carne, T.G., R.L. Mayes, and V.I. Bateman, “Force Reconstruction Using the Sum of Weighted Acceleration Technique--Max-Flat Procedure,” 1994, Proc. of 12th International Modal Analysis Conference, pp. 1054-1062.

22.  Mayes, R.L., “Measurement of Lateral Launch Loads on Re-entry Vehicles Using SWAT,” 1994, Proc. of 12th International Modal Analysis Conference, pp. 1063-1068.

23.  Liu, Y., and S. Shepard, Jr., “Dynamic Force Identification Based on Enhanced Least Squares and Total Least-Squares Schemes in the Frequency Domain,” 1995, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 282: 37-60.

Table B.12 – References on vibration-based damage identification methods.

Reference / Summary
Doebling et al., 1996, “Damage Identification and Health Monitoring of Structural and Mechanical Systems from Changes in Their Vibration Characteristics: A Literature Review” / Report: Comprehensive survey of vibrations-based techniques for damage detection, location and characterization.
Hoon et al., 2001, “A Review of Structural Health Monitoring Literature: 1996-2001” / Report: An update to the work by Doebling et al. (1996) that outlines feature extraction and damage quantification methods among other issues.
Afolabi, D., 1987, “An Anti-Resonance Technique for Detecting Structural Damage” / Conference: Showed how data around anti-resonances is much more sensitive to structural damage compared to the resonances.
Zhang et al., 1999, “Structural Health Monitoring Using Transmittance Functions” / Journal: Showed that transmissibility functions are reliable detection features to locate perturbations in experiments on a composite beam.
Johnson, T. J. and Adams, D. E., 2002, "Transmissibility as a Differential Indicator of Structural Damage" / Journal: Developed a transmissibility-based detection feature that was able to detect and locate damage.
Wang, W. and Zhang, A., 1987, “Sensitivity Analysis in Fault Vibration Diagnosis of Structures” / Conference: Determined that certain frequency ranges in FRFs, including those near anti-resonances, are sensitive to changes in structural parameters.
I. Trendafilova et al., 1998, “Damage Localization in Structures. A Pattern Recognition Perspective” / Conference: Presented a pattern recognition approach for damage localization in structures.
Sohn, H. and Farrar, C.F., 2001, “Damage Diagnosis Using Time Series Analysis of Vibration Signals” / Journal: Used standard deviation of residual errors from a combination of AR and ARX models as a damage-sensitive feature to locate damage.
Nair et al., 2003, “Application of Time Series Analysis in Structural Damage Evaluation” / Conference: Previous algorithm is modified to increase the effectiveness in identifying small damage patterns by using normalized relative accelerations.
Adams, D.E. and Farrar, C.R., 2002, “Classifying Linear And Non-Linear Structural Damage Using Frequency Domain ARX Models” / Journal: Used frequency domain autoregressive models to develop linear and nonlinear damage features in a three-story building frame.
Johnson et al., 2005, “Embedded Sensitivity Functions for Characterizing Structural Damage” / Journal: Presented the use of algebraic combinations of measured FRF data to estimate perturbations in mass, damping, or stiffness due to damage.