Collaborative: LABBB Collaborative
Corrective Action Plan Forms
Program Area: Special Education and/ or Civil Rights
Prepared by: Donna J. Goodell
CAP Form will expand to as many lines as necessary. Before completing and emailing to , please see separate Instructions for Completing Corrective Action Plans.
All corrective action must be fully implemented and all noncompliance corrected as soon as possible and no later than one year from the issuance of the Coordinated Program Review Final Report to the school or district.
Mandatory One-Year Compliance Date: October 9, 2015
(To be completed by collaborative)Criterion & Topic: SE 51
Appropriate Special Education Teacher Licensure / Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding:
Review of documentation indicates that not all special education teachers are appropriately licensed.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action: In reviewing this criterion status, the executive director met with the leadership team regarding specific members of the staff who were not properly licensed for their current position. Either the executive director, or his designee, in each instance, met with the employee and began the process of ensuring that proper licensure will be obtained.
In one of the three circumstances identified during the audit, the staff person was moved to a paraprofessional position prior to the submission of this CAP. In the second instance, the staff member is a licensed elementary educator and had completed all necessary requirements to receive her license as a teacher of students with moderate disabilities k-8, but the DESE was missing a transcript. As of the writing of this CAP, the employee has submitted the missing transcript and will continue to communicate regularly with the Department to ensure that all necessary documentation is received by the DESE, and her license is granted as soon as possible. In the third instance, the staff member is licensed in one core content area, however, had allowed his licensure as a teacher of students with moderate disabilities grades 5-12 to expire. On June 5, 2014, he applied to DESE to re-establish his moderate license, which is currently pending. This employee is scheduled to follow up with DESE in November, to ensure that he obtains this license as soon as possible.
The LABBB Collaborative anticipates that all professional level staff will possess both a valid and relevant license to their current position by no later than April 30, 2015.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for Implementation: Patric Barbieri, Executive Director / Expected Date of Completion for Each Corrective Action Activity: April 30, 2015
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Proof of licensure for all professional level staff
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: The executive director will monitor, on an annual basis, data regarding staff licensure. The purpose of the review will be to ensure that all staff has both an appropriately relevant and valid license for their current position. Staff whose license is set to expire within that year will receive a letter alerting them to provide evidence of their renewed, or upgraded (preliminary to initial, or initial to professional) license status to the central office prior to their date of expiration. The executive director will monitor the list of staff licenses set to expire, on a monthly basis. Any staff not providing proof of license renewal within a month of expiration will be contacted and informed that failure to supply evidence of a valid, applicable license will result in their position being posted for hire. An appropriately licensed candidate will be sought and hired for any position where a current employee does not possess a currently valid and applicable license.
In addition, steps will be added to LABBB’s hiring process and working procedure to ensure that all new staff hired possess both an applicable and valid license for the position to which they are being hired. The executive director, or his designee, will review proof of licensure for all professional level staff before a letter of hire is offered to a candidate.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: SE 51
Appropriate Special Education Teacher Licensure / Status of Corrective Action:
Approved Partially Approved Disapproved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): By the indicated date, submit a copy of the teacher license for each of the three teachers identified.
Progress Report Due Date(s): January 15, 2015
(To be completed by collaborative)Criterion & Topic: CR 10 / Rating: Not Implemented
Department CPR Finding: Review of documentation and interviews indicate that the collaborative has not provided a copy of its anti-hazing disciplinary policy to students.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action: LABBB Collaborative began the process of correcting this rating, prior to the issuance of the final report. LABBB’s Leadership Team, comprised of the executive director, program directors and assistant program directors, worked collaboratively to compile a packet of information to be disseminated to all parents/guardians and students of the Collaborative, which met all DESE requirements for providing information, including the anti-hazing disciplinary policy, on an annual basis.
Once a complete packet of current policies, practices and student handbooks was compiled, the LABBB Leadership Team met with the program secretaries, as well as the larger administrative team, to review the complete packet. During this meeting, all parties were given the opportunity to review the documents to be included in the annual parent packet. This discussion resulted in some adjustments and revisions to some materials contained in the packet, as well as the creation of a system for dissemination of the packet.
On July 1, 2014, a complete mailing of packets to all current LABBB students and families was completed.
Each program secretary will keep a checklist of students whose signature forms have been returned. Each program director or assistant director responsible for the maintenance of the student files will review the checklist periodically, to ensure that all students/families have returned a signature form.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for Implementation: Patric Barbieri, Executive Director / Expected Date of Completion for Each Corrective Action Activity: November 30, 2014
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: The Collaborative will have, in each high school student’s file, a copy of receipt and understanding of LABBB’s anti-hazing disciplinary policy, signed by the student and the parent/guardian of the student.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Each program director or assistant director responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the central student file will ensure that a copy of the signature page indicating receipt and understanding of LABBB’s anti-hazing disciplinary policy is completed and filed by November 30th of each school year.
Any student, who is missing this signature page as of October 30th of each school year, will receive a letter (or email) providing a new copy of the policy and signature page, and requesting that the signature page be returned no later than November 30 of that same year.
When new students are accepted into the program during the school year, the complete parent packet will be provided to the student/parent at the time of acceptance. The respective program director or assistant director will follow up to ensure that the signature page of the packet has been returned and filed within a month of acceptance. The program secretary will update the student checklist on an ongoing basis as new students are accepted into a program.
These steps will be added to LABBB’s current working procedure for the acceptance of new students. The competed checklist will serve as evidence that this process is being continuously implemented and monitored.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CR 10 / Status of Corrective Action:
Approved Partially Approved Disapproved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): By the indicated date, provide a copy of the collaborative’s complete packet of current policies, practices and student handbooks including the anti-hazing policy. Submit a summary report of the number of students who were provided the information and who returned signed acknowledgement pages.
Progress Report Due Date(s): January 15, 2015
(To be completed by collaborative)Criterion & Topic: CR 10A
Student Handbooks and Codes of Conduct / Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: Review of documentation and interviews indicate that while the collaborative has a code of conduct for teachers, the collaborative does not have a handbook or code of conduct for students.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action: LABBB Collaborative began the process of correcting this rating, prior to the issuance of the final report. LABBB’s Leadership Team, comprised of the executive director, program directors and assistant program directors, worked collaboratively to compile a packet of information to be disseminated to all parents/guardians and students of the Collaborative, which met all DESE requirements for providing information, including the student handbook, on an annual basis.
Once a complete packet of current policies, practices and student handbooks was compiled, the LABBB Leadership Team met with the program secretaries, as well as the larger administrative team, to review the complete packet. During this meeting, all parties were given the opportunity to review the documents to be included in the annual parent packet. This discussion resulted in some adjustments and revisions to some materials contained in the packet, as well as the creation of a system for dissemination of the packet.
On July 1, 2014, a complete mailing of packets to all current LABBB students and families was completed.
Each program secretary will keep a checklist of students whose signature forms have been returned. Each program director or assistant director responsible for the maintenance of the student files will review the checklist periodically, to ensure that all students/families have returned a signature form.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for Implementation: Patric Barbieri, Executive Director / Expected Date of Completion for Each Corrective Action Activity: November 30, 2014
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: The Collaborative will have, in each student’s file, a copy of a signature page stating that the parent and student have read and discussed the contents of the provided Student Handbook and supplemental LABBB materials, and agree that the student’s participation in Collaborative programs is subject to the rules and policies contained within these materials.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Each program director or assistant director responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the central student file will ensure that a copy of the signature page indicating that the parent and student have read and discussed the contents of the provided Student Handbook and supplemental LABBB materials, and agree that the student’s participation in Collaborative programs is subject to the rules and policies contained within these materials, is completed and filed by November 30th of each school year.
Any student, who is missing this signature page as of October 30th of each school year, will receive a letter (or email) providing a new copy of the policy and signature page, and requesting that the signature page be returned no later than November 30 of that same year.
When new students are accepted into the program during the school year, the complete parent packet will be provided to the student/parent at the time of acceptance. The respective program director or assistant director will follow up to ensure that the signature page of the packet has been returned and filed within a month of acceptance. The program secretary will update the student checklist on an ongoing basis as new students are accepted into a program.
These steps will be added to LABBB’s current working procedure for the acceptance of new students. The competed checklist will serve as evidence that this process is being continuously implemented and monitored.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CR 10A
Student Handbooks and Codes of Conduct / Status of Corrective Action:
Approved Partially Approved Disapproved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): By the indicated date, provide a copy of the collaborative’s complete packet of current policies, practices and student handbooks including codes of conduct. Submit a summary report of the number of students who were provided the information and who returned signed acknowledgement pages.
Progress Report Due Date(s): January 15, 2015
(To be completed by collaborative)Criterion & Topic: CR 10B
Bullying Intervention and Prevention / Rating: Partially Implemented
Department CPR Finding: Review of documents and interviews indicate that the collaborative does not have a school handbook and parents and guardians do not receive annual written notification of the student-related sections of the bullying prevention and intervention plan. However, staffs are provided with annual written notice of the plan and the collaborative implements professional development for staff regarding bullying intervention and prevention.
Narrative Description of Corrective Action: LABBB Collaborative began the process of correcting this rating, prior to the issuance of the final report. LABBB’s Leadership Team, comprised of the executive director, program directors and assistant program directors, worked collaboratively to compile a packet of information to be disseminated to all parents/guardians and students of the Collaborative, which met all DESE requirements for providing information, including written notification of the student-related sections of the bullying prevention and intervention plan, on an annual basis.
Once a complete packet of current policies, practices and student handbooks was compiled, the LABBB Leadership Team met with the program secretaries, as well as the larger administrative team, to review the complete packet. During this meeting, all parties were given the opportunity to review the documents to be included in the annual parent packet. This discussion resulted in some adjustments and revisions to some materials contained in the packet, as well as the creation of a system for dissemination of the packet.
On July 1, 2014, a complete mailing of packets to all current LABBB students and families was completed.
Each program secretary will keep a checklist of students whose signature forms have been returned. Each program director or assistant director responsible for the maintenance of the student files will review the checklist periodically, to ensure that all students/families have returned a signature form.
Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for Implementation: Patric Barbieri, Executive Director / Expected Date of Completion for Each Corrective Action Activity: November 30, 2014
Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: The Collaborative will have, in each student’s file, a copy of receipt and understanding of LABBB’s written notification of the student-related sections of the bullying prevention and intervention plan, signed by the student and the parent/guardian of the student.
Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Each program director or assistant director responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the central student file will ensure that a copy of the signature page, indicating receipt and understanding of LABBB’s written notification of the student-related sections of the bullying prevention and intervention plan, signed by the student and the parent/guardian of the student, is completed and filed by November 30th of each school year.
Any student, who is missing this signature page as of October 30th of each school year, will receive a letter (or email) providing a new copy of the policy and signature page, and requesting that the signature page be returned no later than November 30 of that same year.
When new students are accepted into the program during the school year, the complete parent packet will be provided to the student/parent at the time of acceptance. The respective program director or assistant director will follow up to ensure that the signature page of the packet has been returned and filed within a month of acceptance. The program secretary will update the student checklist on an ongoing basis as new students are accepted into a program.
These steps will be added to LABBB’s current working procedure for the acceptance of new students. The competed checklist will serve as evidence that this process is being continuously implemented and monitored.
(To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
Criterion: CR 10B / Status of Corrective Action:
Approved Partially Approved Disapproved
Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval:
Department Order of Corrective Action:
Required Elements of Progress Report(s): By the indicated date, provide parents/guardians with a copy of the collaborative’s complete packet of current policies, practices and student handbooks including written notification of the student-related sections of the bullying prevention and intervention plan. Indicate the total number of parents/guardians and the number that received written notification of the student-related sections of the bullying intervention and prevention plan.
Progress Report Due Date(s): January 15, 2015