DATE OF MEETING: / 26 April 2016
TITLE OF REPORT: / Pharmaceutical Care Services in NHS Fife 2016/17 report
EXECUTIVE LEAD: / Dr Frances Elliot (Medical Director)
REPORTING OFFICER: / Evelyn McPhail (Director of Pharmacy)
Purpose of the Report (delete as appropriate)
For Information
To inform the NHS Fife Board of the actions undertaken in order to have an updated NHS Fife Pharmaceutical Care Services Report in place for April 2016. A final version of the Pharmaceutical Care Service (PCS) in NHS Fife 2016/17 report is required in order that Health Boards can publish their PCS reports by the agreed SGHD deadline of April 2016
The Smoking, Health and Social Care (Scotland) Act 2005 contained provisions for Boards to have a duty to provide or secure the pharmaceutical care services required within their Board area. PCA(P)(2007)25 commissioned individual Boards to produce a draft Pharmaceutical Care Services (PCS) Plan, including undertaking a 6-8 week public consultation of the draft Plan, on a pilot basis, the results of which informed the future introduction of formal PCS planning arrangements.
The publication of NHS Pharmaceutical Services (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2011 puts a duty on NHS Boards to formally develop and publish Pharmaceutical Care Service (PCS) plans and annually update them and engage with the public and patients.
PCA (P) 7 (2011) advised NHS Boards of the amended Regulations and the revised Control of Entry Regulations. Agreement was reached with Scottish Government Health Department (SGHD) at the March 2011 meeting between Directors of Pharmacy and SGHD, that for 2011/12 Boards would develop and publish an abbreviated PCS Plan which would be available to the public on the NHS Board website. This was completed in NHS Fife for 1st April 2011.
Further supplementary guidance became available to NHS Boards in June 2011 to develop the PCS Plan further, to detail the full range of services available from community pharmacies within the Board area and make recommendations to ensure that services are provided based on identified patient needs. It was agreed with SGHD that Boards would develop full PCS Plans for publication from April 2012. Since then the annual NHS Fife Pharmaceutical Care Services reports have been ratified at Board meetings each year; this process now needs to be undertaken for 2016/17.
Members of the Community Pharmacy Services Group have led the review and updating of the existing NHS Fife Pharmaceutical Care Services Report 2015/16. The final NHS Fife Pharmaceutical Care Services (PCS) Report 2016/17 has recently gone through a 6 week public engagement process via the NHS Fife Patient Public Partnership Fora arrangements
The final NHS Fife Pharmaceutical Care Services Report 2016/17 has been updated to include new services such as the Prescribed Sharps Disposal Service. The PCS Report of 2016/17 has included Locality profiles for the first time (see Appendix 1) for each of the seven Localities within the Health & Social Care Partnership. The Levenmouth Locality has more detailed information on the services provided by the community pharmacies in this Locality as an example of how PCS Reports will develop in the future.
The recent changes in the Control of Entry Regulations i.e. Scottish Government PCA (P)(2014)15, have highlighted and clarified that the PCS report will be one source of information to be used by the Pharmacy Practices Committee when considering applications for new community pharmacy contracts.
  • For Information
•Note the requirement to develop and make available a PCS report for NHS Fife which is reviewed annually.
•Note that the recommended engagement process has been undertaken.
•Note the final version of the PCS report; which will then be made available to the public on the NHS Fife website.
Objectives: (must be completed)
Healthcare Standard(s):
HB Strategic Objectives:
Further Information:
Evidence Base:
Glossary of Terms: / PCS - Pharmaceutical Care Services
Parties / Committees consulted prior to Health Board Meeting:
Impact: (must be completed)
Financial / Value For Money / N/A
Risk / Legal: / The Pharmaceutical Care Plan is publically available and can be used by applicants when submitting a new community pharmacy contract application.
The Pharmaceutical Care Plan is used as one of the sources of information to support the NHS Fife Pharmacy Practices Committee when they are considering and making a decision as to the awarding or not of a new community pharmacy contract.
There is a small risk that some of the detail in the Plan could be contested by an applicant in their submission for a new community pharmacy contract.
Quality / Patient Care: / The Plan aims to support and guide access to pharmaceutical care services to all patients and the public.
Workforce: / N/A
Equality: / N/A

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