United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education (1995-2004)
Please fill this information sheet in English, French or Spanish
1. Name of the organization (all official languages with relevant acronyms)______
2. Mailing Address______
3. Telephone Number______
4. Fax Number______
5. E-mail Address______
6. Homepage______
7. Person/s in charge of human rights education______
8. Working languages ______
9. Please check the appropriate response (more answers can be checked). My organization is:
a. ____ an inter-governmental organization
b. ____ an international non-governmental organization
c. ____ a national non-governmental organization
d. ____ a university/university faculty
e. ____ a training/research institute
f. ____ a documentation centre
g. ____ a national institution for the promotion and protection of human rights (a human rights commission/an ombudsmans office)
h. ____ other: ______
10. Please check the appropriate response. My organization works primarily at the following level
a. ____ local
b. ____ national
c. ____ sub-regional
d. ____ regional
e. ____ international
11. Does your organization have international/regional/national offices/representatives?
Yes No
If yes, please describe______
12. Is your organization a member of or a participant in an international/regional/national human rights
network? Yes No
If yes, please describe______
13. Does your organization
A. Conduct any human rights education/training programmes? Yes No
B. Plan to develop any human rights education/training programmes? Yes No
C. Financially support any human rights education/training programmes? Yes No
If yes, please, fill in, for each programme/campaign, the PROGRAMME INFORMATION SHEET ______
14. Has your organization developed/supported the development of Pedagogical material for teaching/training on human rights (i.e. manuals, textbooks, curricula, audio-visuals, teaching guides, etc.)? Yes No
Materials for general human rights awareness? (i.e. brochures, posters, etc.) Yes No
Human rights education bibliographies? Yes No
Human rights education research? Yes No
Human rights education newsletters? Yes No
Other related material? Yes No
If yes, we would be grateful if you could provide us with a copy of the materials (for each material, please fill in and attach the MATERIAL INFORMATION SHEET) ______
15. Has your organization taken the initiative to develop/support human rights public information
campaigns? Yes No
If yes, please fill in, for each campaign, the PROGRAMME INFORMATION SHEET.
16. Has your organization organized, or supported any major conferences, workshops or consultations
been held/planned in your country in the context of the UN Decade for Human Rights Education? Yes No
If yes, please describe the meetings ______
17. If there are reports, declarations or recommendations that emerged from meetings held, we would be grateful if you could provide us with a copy of the relevant documents (for each material, please fill in and attach the MATERIAL INFORMATION SHEET).
18. Does your organization provide any scholarship for human rights education? Yes No
If yes, please, fill in, for each scholarship, the SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION SHEET. ______
Date______Place ______