Classical Education:
Why Educate?

July 12-14, 2011

Sheridan College
Sheridan, Wyoming

Conference Schedule

Tuesday, July 12

11:00 A.M.-1:00 P.M.Conference Registration(Outside of 136)

1:00-1:15 P.M. Welcome General Announcements (136)
Rev. Paul J Cain, Host

1:15-2:45 P.M.Plenary Session I (136)

The Verdict of Classical Education
in History, Part I:
The Humanism of the Reformation,
What We Ought to Trust,
Dr. E. Christian Kopff

2:45-3:00 P.M.Break (Snacks & Stores in 163)

3:00-4:15 P.M.Breakout Session I

A.A Politically Incorrect Review
of American Progressive Education, Part I: What was it intended to be
and do?
Rev. Dr. Steven A. Hein (136)

B.Instructional Activities
in Classical Pedagogy,
Jackquelyn Veith (156)

C.What Your Children Need
to Survive Secular U.

Rev. Daniel Burhop (150)

D.What is Classical Education
and Why Do We Need It?
Dr. G. Edward Veith (166)

4:15-4:45 P.M.Evening Prayer(136)
Rev. Paul J Cain, Conference Chaplain

6:00 P.M. Conference Banquet:
An After-Dinner Dramatic Reading:
The Unaborted Socrates,
Rev. John HillDr. James Tallmon (Commons)

8:00 P.M.CCLE Theatre:
A Showing ofWaiting for Superman(166)

Wednesday, July 13

7:00-8:00 A.M.Breakfast (Commons)

8:00-8:30 A.M.Matins (136)
Rev. Paul J Cain, Conference Chaplain

8:30-9:45 A.M.Plenary Session II (136)

The Verdict of Classical Education
in History, Part II:The Classicism
of the Scientific Revolution,
What We Ought To Know,
Dr. E. Christian Kopff

10:00-10:15 A.M.Break (Snacks & Stores in 163)

10:15-11:30 A.M.Breakout Session II

  1. Classical & Lutheran Education Addresses Vocation,

Dr. G. Edward Veith (166)

B.Why Teach Children Literature,
Angela Hill (156)

C.Remember the Quadrivium:
Teaching Mathematics, Music Theory,
and the Sciences,
Karen Rolland (136)

Recruiting & Retaining Students
in a Classical & Lutheran School,
Rev. Paul J Cain, Moderator (150)

11:30-1:00 P.M.Lunch (Commons)

1:00-2:15 P.M.Plenary Session III (136)

The Verdict of Classical Education
in History, Part III:
The Traditionalism of the
American Founding,
What We Ought to Do,
Dr. E. Christian Kopff

2:15-2:45 P.M.Greetings (136)
Rev. Richard O. Boche, President of the Wyoming District of the LC-MS,
Why Educate? For the Sake of the Gospel

Rev. Terry Forke, President of the
Montana District of the LC-MS

2:45-3:00 P.M.Break (Snacks & Stores in 163)

3:00-4:15 P.M.Breakout Session III

A.The Case for Worldview Formation
in High School Age Children,
Rev. William Heine (156)

B.Exploring the Benefits
of a Classical &Lutheran Education
for Homeschooling,
Karen Rolland (166)

C.A Politically Incorrect Review of
American Progressive Education, Part II: An Assessment,
Rev. Dr. Steven A. Hein (136)

4:15-4:45 P.M.Evening Prayer (136)

Rev. Paul J Cain, Conference Chaplain

Wednesday EveningDinner (Commons)

Sheridan WYO Rodeo at 7:00 P.M.

Compline, Prayer at the Close of the Day

(On your own)

Thursday, July 14

7:00-8:00 A.M.Breakfast (Commons)

8:00-8:30 A.M.Matins (136)

Rev. Paul J Cain, Conference Chaplain

8:30 A.M.-9:30 A.M.CCLE Plenary Meeting ()136

  • Election of CCLE Board members
  • 2011 CCLE Report – Board of Directors
  • CCLE Working Group Reports
  • Planning for 2012 Conference,
    Date and location

9:30 – 9:45 AMBreak (Snacks & Stores in 163)

9:45-11.00 A.M.Breakout Session IV

A.Roundtable: Why Worship
at a Classical Lutheran School,
Rev. John Hill, Moderator (156)

B.Homeschoolers’ Share Session:
Bring Questions.
Cheryl Swope (166)

C.Pre-modern Pedagogy
for Postmodern Pupils,
Dr. James Tallmon (136)

11:00 A.M.-12:15 A.M.Breakout Session V

A.Cultivating Wisdom and Eloquence
by Teaching in Tandem
Dialectic and Rhetoric,
Dr. James Tallmon (136)

B.Why Educate with a Classical & Lutheran Approach with Special-Needs Children, Cheryl Swope (166)

C.School Accreditation Update
for Administrators,
Jackquelyn Veith (150)

D.Why (and How to) Teach Phonics,
Alicia Russell (156)

12:15 P.M.Itinerarium(136)

Rev. Paul J Cain, Conference Chaplain