REPORTING BACK: Report Form for National 4-H Conference Participants

Name Chris Clover County DaneFor the period ending July 31, 2019

Please list your "Reporting Back" activities. Include all presentations, news articles, radio or television interviews, displays, events and any other ways you share your National 4-H Conference experiences with others in your county, district and state. Reports are due quarterly for one year after your return (July 31, Oct. 31, Jan. 31, and April 30). If additional space is needed, you may continue on the back of this form or attach pertinent articles. Data is essential for planning of future programs. Thank you!

Date /

Type & Size of Audience

/ Activity Description / Comments
2/1/18 / General public (readership of local paper) / Article in local newspaper about the upcoming trip and its purpose. / Many people have asked me about how I was selected for the trip since the article was printed.
4/18/18 / Staff, former Extension personnel, public interested in UW-Extension (mailed to several hundred people) / Submitted trip evaluation and article for “Youth Line”. / Focus of my article was on skills learned and direction of 4-H as well as those things I found surprising.
5/3/18 / 15 VeronaHigh School Student Council members and our adviser / Shared what I learned about working with the national group at our monthly meeting. / Students were interested in ways other organizations handle tough issues and include all voices.
5/6/18 / Verona Strivers 4-H club: 40 members and adult leaders / Gave a report about activities and what I learned. Advised them to apply for N. Conf. & other trips. / The teens had many questions and seemed very enthused. Adults were pleased to hear about the experience.
5/25/18 /

10 Dane Co. Leaders Board members

/ Thanked them for their support & urged them to continue it. Gave a report about the conference. / The leaders wanted to know specifically how I would use what I learned and offered some good ideas.
6/21/18 / 650 WI 4-H & Youth Conference delegates and adult leaders / Assisted other team members in presenting to the assembly at the 2006 WI 4-H Youth Conference / The 2006 team did a good presentation. I plan to use some of their ideas when I do promotions at county/district levels.

Due: July 31, Oct. 31, Jan. 31, and April 30

Wisconsin 4-H Educational Programs, 436 Lowell Hall, 610 Langdon St., Madison WI 53703-1195