Alayna Chapie

Mrs. Cartier

Honors English 2

May 1, 2013

Part 1

  • Why are women getting affect so much?
  • How come commercials, ads, or magazines don’t just use the real people?
  • Do the models feel better if they have been photshopped in the ad?
  • Do the models go through diseases?
  • What is the person of girls how are affect by this?
  • What diseases are the girls getting?
  • Are they any ways that could help prevent anorexia and bulimia?
  • Do the models notice that they have affect girls self a esteem in a negative way?
  • After the girls have been through rehab, what do they have to say to other young girls?
  • Is there a Commercial, or a magazine that shows the real person?

Part 2: Annotated Bibliography

Davlin, Melissa. " EBSCOhost: Kimberly woman to offer free body image consultations." EBSCO Publishing Service Selection Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 May 2013. <

This article talks about how a women tries to make young girls feel good about their self with the clothes she has created. She wants to make sure that younger girls don’t feel bad about the way they look. I would use this because someone is trying to make a difference.

Finley, Amy. "Media and Self Esteem in Girls." Fun Kids Activities| Kids Games| Printables for Kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 May 2013. <

This article tells me how girls are getting mixed emotions from watching t.v , they don’t know how to react with it. I would use this article in my paper because the girls do get mixed emotions and it can really affect them.

Hilton, Lisa. "The Fashion Industry Should Not Be Held Responsible for Eating Disorders." Eating Disorders. Ed. Roman Espejo. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "What's Wrong with Skinny?" 2010. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 1 May 2013.

This article says that the fashion industry shouldn’t be held responsible for the eating disorders. It tells us how they shouldn’t be the stupid to become that skinny. I would uses this, but I disagree with how the fashion industry isn’t responsible, because they are the ones using the girls and they are telling then what to do. If the models stop they would get fired.

Annotated Bibliography

Preface to 'Is the Fashion Industry Appropriately Regulated?'." The Fashion Industry. Ed. Roman Espejo. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2010. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 1 May 2013.

Not only are the girls affected, but the models are too. They have died from being to skinny. I would definitely use this because it proves that not only does the girl get affect but the models. And if young girls see that it could affect them. It could end up like a train.

Schlegel, Amanda von. "How the Media Affects the Self Esteem and Body Image of Young Girls | Divine Caroline." Home | Divine Caroline. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 May 2013. <

The article tells us how the girls are going through depression with fashion these days. They want to look just like them and they don’t see that it is fake. I would use this because it is saying all the right facts and they are trying to prove that it can affect you.

Part 3

Fashion Affecting a Women’s Self-Esteem

There are many girls out there that look at magazines, go on the internet or they just watch T.V., but did you know that could affect a girl’s self-esteem in a negative way. They could end up going through depression, rehab, or even have an eating disorder. The models that you see are usually fake there is nothing real about them but, maybe there name. The way they put their self out in the world changes how a girl thinks about them self. It really makes the girls think negative and they want to be like them, but the girls don’t know that it could really affect them in a way that could hurt them. “Although in many ways today's media still adhere to preconceived notions of "ideal beauty" (typified by a thin body, proportionate curves, small nose, large eyes, and attractive hair) and female stereotypes, it is also changing to combat negative and universally "accepted" views of women (Finley).” The twigs we see on TV are unrealistic and unhealthy America; we ourselves are the true ideal of the human body.

Every girl ends up looking at magazines when they’re in there teen years. They will see how pretty the models are and wonder why they don’t look like that. But the girls don’t understand that those models don’t look like that in real life. They usually take the picture of the model and they put it on software and they will change everything about them. They will change the face size, make them look thinner, and change the length of the body. There are many magazines that change a models appearance, for example, Seventeen, Vogue, People, Cosmopolitan, and Glamour. “The unreal standards and body images being portrayed in your favorite magazines and ads are nothing more than a fraud, each and every photo has been retouched before it is seen on the pages of these magazines (Ideal bite).” As you see that when you look at a model, you see nothing but a software that made them look perfect.

As I told you about photo shopping, some models actually try to look perfect without photo shopping. In the article called, Vogue Editor Expresses Fashion’s Dark Side, tell that models will go days without eating food and some models will end up on a hospital drop cause of the lack of food and being dehydrated. The models have started to even eat tissues, because in its known to swell up in their stomach. In the Vogue magazines they also photo shop, they are known to get rid of some bones of the models body. The models are known to get eating disorders too, but they hide their eating disorders, because they don’t want people to find out. The models are supposed to be role models for girls because there are many young girls that would love to be famous like them, but they don’t know what actually happens in the fashion industry. The models are extremely unhealthy and for that, they are near death with the complications they have. ““Ana Carolina Reston, a twenty-one-year-old Brazilian represented by top-tier agencies such as Ford and Elite, died from complications resulting from anorexia and bulimia (Espejo).”

The girls look up to the models as they look at them on T.V., in magazines, or of the internet. When they try to be like the models, they would end up going on some strange diets, or they will just stop eating all together, or they will become bulimic. “Exposing young women to images of thin, attractive models increases body dissatisfaction and other negative feelings” (Heinberg & Thompson, 1995). In a study shown by, Unilever, it was said that 3 out of 4 girls feel sad, shameful, and are guilty after spending 3 minutes looking at a fashion magazine. The young girls would end up going through a lot to be just like the models, and if they knew that maybe it would change. Maybe it would change the fact the young girls end up in rehab because of an eating disorder that could end up being life- threating to them. “Though we are unable to stop the effects of media images on this growing epidemic of eating disorders, we must train our minds to not be affected by such” “unrealistic body shapes” (Kovar, 2). It would be great if all ads or magazines could be like the Dove commercial.

The Dove commercial shows diverse and healthy women, they use women of all sizes and they don’t airbrush. That should make a women feel good about their self, knowing that it’s okay to look different, you don’t have to look perfect like the fake models you see. Even if there is a Victoria Secrets commercial on next, and it just brings you down, think about the how you look so much better than them, they aren’t showing their true self. When you know that you are.

If you really think about it is completely impossible to look that perfect unless you use photo shopping. It can really affect a girl’s self-esteem, they look at them and they want to be perfect and they end up getting an eating disorder, it’s not worth it. The fashion models should just stop, and look at the self in a mirror and then look at the magazine there in. “She hopes to get the word out that women don't have to change their body's weight or shape to feel confident (Davlin).” And really start to think how many people follow their footsteps and end up in an extremely frightening time.

Works Cited

Davlin, Melissa. " EBSCOhost: Kimberly woman to offer free body image consultations." EBSCO Publishing Service Selection Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 May 2013. <

Finley, Amy. "Media and Self Esteem in Girls." Fun Kids Activities| Kids Games| Printables for Kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 May 2013. <

"IdealBite - Getting Healthy One Bite At A Time." IdealBite - Getting Healthy One Bite At A Time. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 May 2013. <

Preface to 'Is the Fashion Industry Appropriately Regulated?'." The Fashion Industry. Ed. Roman Espejo. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2010. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 1 May 2013.

Schlegel, Amanda von. "How the Media Affects the Self Esteem and Body Image of Young Girls | Divine Caroline." Home | Divine Caroline. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 May 2013. <

Part 4: Reflection

With my topic, Media causing a negative change in a girls self-esteem has cause some problems for me. I had some trouble finding websites that would go with my topic. I didn’t know what to type in on the search bar, but then a light bulb shot in my head and I had many ideas pop up. I did have a couple days were the internet wasn’t working so it was really difficult to find my information, I had to then wait till my dad got home from work so that he could fix the computer for me. In the end it worked out, but I didn’t have much time. In the middle of my paper I was working on the opposing side of the story and I couldn’t find any information to back up my evidence. So I started to think about commercial’s that show diversity and make a girl feel good about themselves. I basically used some of the knowledge that I had and then I soon ran across some websites. If I could do anything differently I would manage my time better. I feel like at points in the paper I rushed which wasn’t helpful for me, and it didn’t show that I knew what I was talking about. I would leave more time to perfect it. Also I encountered a problem with my printer, it wasn’t connecting to the internet, so I had to then print my paper out at school. When I was looking for my database websites, I had a problem getting to the websites. I couldn’t find them and I had to call Courtney, and she wasn’t home, so that didn’t work. After I tried to call her I contacted Vanessa and she helped me to find my way around. I also had some difficulties with the passwords, but I was able to get on after I tried a couple times.