Computer Technology and Applications
MS Word Web Page Design
200 Point Project
Directions: Using the knowledge gained through the examination of MS Word and its capability to design a quick and efficient web pages research and design the following web pages.
Scoring Rubric
Your web sites will also be evaluated on the following 50-point scale:
- Attractive layout – 10 points
- Easy to read (text does not conflict with background, etc.) - 10 points
- Spelling - 10 points
- Key components outlined below in bullets, have been included – 20 points
Web Page #1 Create A Web Page About Yourself
Your assignment is to create a web page bout yourself. Numerous people create web pages to help when looking for a job, they use to web site to help promote their skills, educational background, character and demonstrate technological proficiency.
The web site will contain the following:
- Your Name, a picture of yourself or of something the symbolizes you (example if you like to play basketball, you could include a basketball in this situation or if you like to talk on the phone include a phone).
- A personal motto (Examples, 1) I will succeed, 2) Practice makes perfect 3) Everyone was a beginner sometime 4) No I is found in TEAM **You come up with your motto or use one that someone else created**
- 3 Words/Phrases to describe yourself to others (Example 1) Outgoing 2) Leader 3) Friend to All
- Hobbies (List at least 3 hobbies and include appropriate pictures)
- Future Plans- What do you plan to do after high school (Could be multiple items list at least 3)?
- The date that the page was built (this will be at the bottom of your page)
Web Page #2 TV Show Page
Your assignment is to create a web page for what you consider the best TV Show.
A TV Show web page should inform the visitor about the show, what the show is about, the plot of the show, etc. Think of it as an electronic brochure that will showcase the show to someone who may have never watched the show before in his/her life.
The web site will contain the following:
- Name of the TV Show
- 5 pictures related to the TV show(can be of the TV show, can be of the recoding of the TV show)
- What is the plot or storyline behind the show(what is the show about)
- What qualifies this as the best TV Show someone could watch.
- Who are the main characters within the TV show (people someone would need to know about if they were tuning in to the TV show for the first time in his/her life)
- 5 Links that would assist someone in learning more about the TV show, the actors, plot or history of the show.
- The date that the page was built or revised (this will be at the bottom of your page)
Web Page #3 Career Web Page
Your assignment is to create a web page about a career that you are interested in once you graduate high school or college.
The Career School web page should be a one-page document that serves as an introduction for the career. The page should highlight some of the main features that the career has to offer and can also contain images (this help to allow visual appeal).
The web site will contain the following:
- Career Name should appear at the top of the web page.
- A picture of someone that is participate within the career should appear on the left and right side of the career name(Example, if you select teaching as your possible career include a picture on the left side of someone teaching in front of a class and on the right side include a teacher grading papers)
- Education Requirements should be listed for the career
- Earning Potential(Salary Range) should be included for the job
- A job description(what you are expected to do) should be inserted into the web page
- Hyperlinks to related sites about the career (At least 3 hyperlinks)
- The date that the page was built (this will be at the bottom of your page)
Web Page #4 Pet Web Page
Your assignment is to create a web page that showcases what you would consider the best pet someone could have in the world.
The pet web page should be a one-page document that serves as an informative page showcasing what the author considers to be the best possible pet in the world.
The web site will contain the following:
- Appropriate Title to introduce the pet
- At least 5 pictures of the pet that you have selected.
- A description of the pet that you have selected
- Why is this the greatest pet in the world? This question should be answered in your webpage.
- Care For The Pet – What will it take to care for the pet (what type of food, any special type of shelter, grooming requirements, etc)
- 5 Hyperlinks that take you to web sites that are related to the pet that you have selected.
The date that the page was built (this will be at the bottom of your page)