Supplemental Table

ID / Sex / Age at Injury (years) / Days from Injury to Admission to Rehab / LOC at Admission / Initial CNCS Score / Initial CALS Responsiveness Item Score / Days from injury to Emergence to CS / Length of Rehab Admission (days) / Pre-injury Medical History / Associated Injuries / Major medical complications
1 / M / 17.9 / 23 / MCS+ / 2.2 / 3 / 43 / 114 / None / None / Tracheostomy, PEG
2 / M / 10.8 / 5 / MCS+ / 1.4 / 4 / 21 / 40 / Autism / None / None
3 / F / 14.6 / 36 / MCS+ / Not obtained / 4 / 53 / 153 / None / Facial/pelvic/vertebral fractures, kidney laceration, thoracic spine ligamentous injury, ulnar fracture, knee soft issue injury / Aspiration pneumonia, tracheostomy, anemia, hyperglycemia, heterotopic ossification
4 / M / 19.8 / 24 / MCS+ / 2.2 / 2 / 113 / 172 / None / Skull fracture, rib fractures, pneumothoraces, lung laceration and hemothorax, pelvic fractures, medial malleolus fracture. / Tracheostomy, PEG, central line infection, wound infection, autonomic storming, subacuteVP shunt
5 / M / 4.4 / 44 / MCS- / 2 / 4 / 86 / 95 / None / Skull fracture, bilateral pulmonary contusions / Epilepsy, feeding intolerance, hypothyroidism, PEG, autonomic instability
6 / F / 16.9 / 22 / MCS+ / 2.18 / 4 / 122 / 159 / None / Pelvic/mandibular/foot fractures / Tracheostomy, PEG, pneumonia, autonomic storming, epilepsy
7 / M / 18.4 / 49 / MCS+ / 1.45 / 4 / 86 / 131 / Asthma, ADD, syncope / Pulmonary contusions, femur/clavicle fractures, vertebral artery dissection / Pneumonia, empyema, DVT, tracheostomy, PEG, autonomic storming, heterotopic ossification
8 / F / 14.8 / 16 / MCS+ / 2.4 / 4 / 37 / 56 / None / Kidney laceration / PEG, anemia, autonomic storming
9 / F / 11.9 / 90 / MCS+ / 1.2 / 4 / 118 / 102 / None / Facial fractures, retinal damage / PEG, tracheostomy, epilepsy hypernatremia
10 / M / 19.9 / 19 / MCS- / 1.5 / 5 / 35 / 79 / ADHD, severe aortic regurgitation / Pneumothorax, lung contusions, transverse process/tibia fractures / Anemia, tracheostomy, PEG
11 / M / 13.0 / 65 / MCS- / 2.18 / 2 / Did not emerge / 226 / None / None / Craniectomy, tracheostomy, PEG, autonomic storming, epilepsy
12 / M / 7.5 / 29 / MCS- / 2.8 / 1 / Did not emerge / 119 / None / Femur fracture / Craniectomy, tracheostomy, PEG, decubitus ulcers, diabetes insipidus, storming, epilepsy, heterotopic ossification
13 / F / 1.6 / 45 / VS / 3.27 / Not obtained due to age <2 years old / Did not emerge / 23 / None / Splenic laceration, soft tissue wounds, shoulder dislocation, tibial fractures / Craniectomy, PEG, DVT, VP shunt, pneumonia, epilepsy
14 / M / 12.6 / 34 / MCS- / 2.8 / 1 / Did not emerge / 133 / Renal anomalies, recurrent UTI / Open depressed skull fracture, hemorrhagic shock / Diabetes insipidus, anemia, tracheostomy, PEG, multi−system organ failure, autonomic storming, central apnea

LOC = Level of Consciousness (VS=vegetative state, MCS=minimally conscious state, CS=conscious state), CNCS= Rappaport Coma Near Coma Scale, CALS=Cognitive and Linguistic Scale

ADD=Attention Deficit Disorder, ADHD=Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, UTI=Urinary Tract Infection

PEG=Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy, VP=ventriculoperitoneal, DVT=Deep Venous Thrombosis