BBABC Board of Directors Retreat Minutes
July 7, 2014
6:30 pm BT Media Center
Board Members Present: Amy Jasmon, Sarah Brittain, Keith Martin, Dan Coates, Debra McCarty, Rhonda McManus, Jenny Gieger, Amy Nourse, Bruce Kuzma, Tracey Breuklander, and Bev Cabel.
Keith Martin called the meeting to order at 6:36pm. Keith asked everyone to sign in.
Minutes: Keith Martin asked everyone to review the minutes from the June meeting. Amy Jasmon made a motion and Dan Coates seconded to accept the June minutes. All were in favor and the minutes were passed.
Treasurer Reports – Rhonda McManus reported that the checking account has $50,273.00 savings account has $5.00 and money market account has $103,728.16. Dan Coates made a motion to accept the treasurer report and Bruce Kuzma seconded. All were in favor and the treasurer report was accepted. Rhonda will set everything up in Quicken for next meeting.
General Membership – Bev Cabel reported for Barry Craig. Jags is practice and not a scrimmage. Game is free and have to go on line and print out pass to get in. Unlimited passes being given out. Jags bringing in extra stands. Parking will have to shuttle from Creekside once BT parking lot is full. Expecting 4,000 people. BT Boosters can have concessions. Jags will be at BT at 5:30pm. Bev will have to have a list of names of who will be working at the Jags game to get them passes. August 19th at 7pm is the fall parent meeting in the BT auditorium. Every year part of membership worked out to be $3900.00 for season tickets sales and BBABC would cut a check to the athletic department at the end of the school year, however this year BBABC did not issue the check so Bev asked that the money remain in BBAB account to be used to pay bills as they come in. Breakfast or lunch for annual coaches meeting will be in August and date will be determined by the August 4th BBABC meeting.
Committee Reports:
Executive Committee - Amy Jasmon received a check from The Players for $30,425.00. Individual sports teams will receive $25,200.00. Band, Senior Women and Drama will receive $200.00. Boosters is keeping $4600.00. Boys soccer 1st place, football 2nd place and cross country is 3rd place. Honorably mentioned that dance came in with 4th place.
Finance Director – Tracey Breuklander had nothing to report.
Communications – Rob Gallitz unable to attend.
Fundraising – Jenny Gieger reported that Crab Boil was a success. Friday night football games will be broadcasted this fall and if all goes well can extend to additional sports teams. Spoke with radio station and have set up a link for people who sponsor to be on the radio station. Web site is BTHSRADIO.COM. We do have an announcer for the games to be announced over the radio.
Membership –Candida Chisholm was unable to attend. Keith Martin made note that he will speak to Candida about being responsible for bringing the sign in sheets to each meeting. He will ask Candida to create a new sign in sheet that will be better user friendly for membership purposes.
Sponsorship – Debra McCarty will contact all the sponsors from last year to see if they want to be a sponsor again this year prior to the Jags practice.
Apparel – Amy Nourse needs to take inventory of what she has left and then will place an order so she is ready for orientation. Amy said she will be ordering tumblers.
Concessions – Sandra Mesner was unable to attend.
Team Liaison – Dan Coates had nothing to report.
Reserved Seating – Jay Marshall was unable to attend.
New Business:
Preparations for New School Year - Keith Martin discussed board members being given a badge to wear when attending BT sporting events to make it easier for the person working the box office.
Position of Corporate Fundraiser – Keith Martin discussed with the board creating a position on BBABC titled “Corporate Fundraiser”. The purpose of the position will be to promote corporate sponsorship for the BBABC. Dan Coates made a motion and Amy Jasmon seconded. All were in favor and the position of Corporate Fundraiser was added to of BBABC committees.
Nomination of Candidate for Corporate Fundraiser – Keith Martin recommended Bruce Kuzma be nominated for the position of Corporate Fundraiser. Amy Jasmon made a motion and Dan Coates seconded. All were in favor and Bruce Kuzma was voted in as the Corporate Fundraiser.
JAGS July 28th Practice Concession – Keith will send out an email with a date for an off site meeting to discuss preparations for the concession stands. All board members in town that day are required to work the concessions and members are encouraged to bring 2 friends who are not afraid to work.
Old Business:
Lacrosse Wall – Bev Cable reported that the county has the money for the wall and we are just waiting on their ok and then it should take only 2 days to put up.
Next meeting will be on August 4, 2014 at 6:30 at the BT Media Center.
Dan Coates made a motion and Tracey Breuklander seconded to adjourn the meeting. All were in favor and meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm.