Prospective Property Details:
Postcode*:House name/flat number:
House Number*:Street*:
Rental Details:
Total rent per month*: £ Tenancy term (months)*: Start Date (dd/mm/yyyy)*:
Personal Details:
Title*: Mr Miss Mrs Ms Dr Other / First Name*:Middle Names*: / Last Name*:
Date of Birth*: / Gender*: Male Female
National Insurance Number: / Number of Dependants*:
Marital Status*: / Daytime Phone Number*:
Mobile Number: / Work Number:
**Should I be successful in my application to rent the above accommodation I agree to the email address above being used as my preferred method of communication during the lease
Name of other applicants:______
Have you ever lived in the UK for the past 6 months? Please tickYes□No□
If ‘No’, can you provide a UK based Guarantor? Please Tick Yes□No□
Address History:
Current Address :______
Length of time at this address:______
Current Living Status:Please TickRenting □Living with Parents □Owner □Other □
If ‘Other’, please provide details: ______
Current Employment Status:Please Tick
Full-Time Employed □Part-Time Employed □Self Employed □ Student □ Unemployed □ Retired □
If you have ticked Full-Time Employed/ Part-Time Employed / Self Employed:
Job Title: ______
Company Name: ______
Company Address: ______
Gross Annual Income: £
Additional Income:£
If you have ticked Part-Time Employed / Student / Unemployed / Retired, can you provide a UK based Guarantor? Please Tick Yes□ No□
Credit History: Any historic / pending / current adverse credit? Please TickYes □No □ If ‘Yes’, please give details: ______
Will there be any pets living at the property? Please TickYes □No □ If ‘Yes’, please give details: ______
Are you a smoker?Please TickYes□No□
Please provide any further details you feel will support your application: ______
Your consent:
Please note the following permissions which we wish you to provide in relation both to the information you enter on this form when you register with us and of your residence at an address let to you under our agency.
By agreeing to the terms outlined, you indicate your consent to your personal information being passed to our Utility Management Partner, Ittria who will attend to the continuity of your energy and service supply. You also consent to Ittriaoffering you the opportunity to sign up to the services of its preferred utility supplier, Octopus Energy and Pop Telecom.
By agreeing to the terms outlined, you indicate your consent to receiving email marketing, telephone marketing, postal marketing and or text messages from our Utility Management Partner, Ittria and its selected third party utility providers.
I confirm I have read and understood the above information, including the privacy notice, and consent to comply with the terms outlined.
Please tick this box ONLY where you DO NOT wish to receive a Utility Pack from Ittria in order to be offered the opportunity to sign up to the services of Ittrias preferred utility supplier, □
Privacy notice
For the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998 (the “Act”), the data controller is Direct Lettings of 5-6 Melville Place, Edinburgh, EH3 7PR.
We use the personal details that you submit to provide you with our services. You may give us personal details about you by filling in this form or by corresponding with us by phone, email or otherwise. In addition to the information you give us on this form, we may also collect additional information (for example, details of your property, current energy providers) as necessary to provide our services and to deal with your queries.
Disclosures of your personal details
We may pass your personal details to our Property Management Partner, Ittria to enable us to provide you with our services.
In turn, Ittria may pass your personal details on to selected third party service providers to enable these providers to provide you with energy and other utility services that you request.
We may also share your information with:
(i)credit reference agencies and other companies for use in credit decisions, for fraud prevention and to pursue debtors; and
(ii)other third parties (including law enforcement bodies and Government agencies) if we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal details in order to comply with any legal obligation, or to defend or exercise our legal rights.
Marketing information
We would also like to use your personal details:
(i)to tell you about other goods and services that we offer that are similar to those that you have already asked us to provide or have enquired about; and
(ii)to provide you, or permit selected third parties to provide you, with information about goods or services we feel may interest you. Those third parties include our Property Management Partner, Ittria and Ittria’s preferred energy and other utility supplies. For the purposes of the scheme “utilities” includes gas, Electricity, Water, Council tax and Telecommunications.
Accessing your information
The Act gives you the right to access information held about you. Your right of access can be exercised in accordance with the Act.
Please send any questions, comments, complaints or requests regarding this privacy notice to:
1 / Please ensure that you have completed all fields. Failure to do so may result in a delay in proceeding.