Middle Ages Test Review w/Answers

Germanic Tribes: group of invaders

- They lived in small, closely knit communities

- They had a strong tradition of songs and legends

- Each tribe’s chief had a group of warriors loyal only to him

-What impact did they have? Caused the decline of learning (dark ages), caused people to move to the countryside

Leif Ericson: Viking that came to North America 500 years before Columbus

Charles Martel: Carolingian monarch of Franks; responsible for defeating Muslims in battle of Tours in 732; ended Muslim threat to western Europe.

Charlemagne: Carolingian leader that reunited Western Europe and was crowned emperor by Pope Leo III

Treaty of Verdun:Charlemagne’s grandsons split his territory into three

Feudalism: system of government was based on the exchange of land for protection services

Manors:a large estate, often including farms and a village, ruled by a lord

-How are feudalism and the manor system related?

Feudalism was a social order, and the manor system was the economic arrangement that supported it.

Lord: In feudal Europe, a person who controlled land and could therefore grant estate to vassals

Vassal: Under feudalism, a man who served a lord in a military; received land from the lord

-What was the relationship between a Lord and Vassal? the lord would grant the vassal land in exchange for military service

Fief:a grant of land from a lord to a vassal

Monastery: name foir a community of Christian men who gave up all private possessions to serve God

Sacrament: religious ceremonies that led to achieving salvation

Clergy: bishops and priests … the pope had authority over them

Canon Law: body of rules and regulations governing religious practices such as marriage

Excommunication: the act of taking away a person's right to membership in the church

Code of Chivalry: Code of honor of a knight… a knight would fight for his feudal lord, heavenly lord, and his lady

Tournament: mock battles that served as a training exercise for young knights

Troubadour: a traveling poet and musician of the Middle Ages

Holy Roman Empire: German-Italian empire that was the strongest state in Europe form 962 to about 1100

-What is the main difference between the original Roman Empire and the Holy Roman Empire?

The Holy Roman Empire did not have a central power

What issue did Pope Gregory VII and the German emperor Henry IV fight over?

Secular appointment of Bishops

What didMedieval literature focus on? Medieval literature focused on the glory of knighthood and chivalry and downplayed the violence.