
Town Council

T: 01626 364089 E:


Mayor’s Charity 2016/17

Kingsteignton Library &

Kingsteignton Swimming Pool

1 February, 2017

To Members of Kingsteignton Town Council Recreation/Footpaths/The Fountain Committee

You are hereby summoned under the Local Government Act 1972 Sch. 12s.10 to attend the Recreation/Footpaths/The Fountain Committee of Kingsteignton Town Council in the MHSat the Community Hall on Wednesday 8 February, 2017following the Community Hall Committee meetingfor the purpose of transacting the following business.

Members of the public are invited to attend this meeting and may ask a question before the meeting with the Chairman’s approval.

C J Lakin

Town Clerk


Chairman of the Committee: Councillor M Stevenson

Vice Chair: CouncillorL Rose

Councillors: B Austen, R Bovey, J Green, K Jones, S Marshall, J Scagell, B Thorne

Ex Officio: Councillors: R Peartand D Rollason

A councillor not on a committee cannot take part or vote at a meeting but may be in attendance. With permission from the Chairman a question may be asked


RFF09/17To accept apologies received by the Clerk

RFF10/17Declaration of Interest – Councillors are invited to declare any personal or prejudicial interest, including the nature and extent of such interest they have in any of the items to be considered this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interest should be updated.

RFF11/17Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 11 January, 2017

RFF12/17To receive presentation by Heidi Haines & Nicci Campbell of FOCP re: Clifford Park Plan

  • Questions/Answers - Plan for approval

RFF13/17Oakford Lawn

  • Turkey Oak Tree – Wildlife Survey – optionsto discuss
  • Jubilee Tree – Tree Guard – for consideration

RFF14/17 Garden, Craft & Hobby Fayre – Update by Cllr Peart

RFF15/17‘Battle’s Over – A Nation’s Tribute’- 11 November, 2017 – for discussion

RFF16/17Bills for payment


Next Meeting Date: Wednesday8 March, 2017

Town Clerk

Mrs Carol LAKIN

Council Offices

Rydon Road


Devon TQ12 3LP