2017 Postgraduate Training in Narrative Therapy

Integrating Mindfulness and Narrative Therapy

Part One

A special reduced-fee professional training

Thursday 9 and Friday 10 March 9.00am to 4.30pm

While various methods of mindfulness bring an experiential awareness of the moment-to-moment transitory nature of experiences, a relational and dialogical narrative approach highlights the significance of personal history and the sociocultural in our lives. This workshop will offer many opportunities for trainees to try out various skills in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere as we bring together some of the key ideas and practices of mindfulness and Narrative Therapy.

Course Curriculum

Participants will be offered a series of guided mind training and mindfulness practices to enhance attentional and emotional balance. From these experiences, and the workshop discussions and exercises, we will collaboratively construct therapeutic approaches that blend mindfulness with storied ways of making sense of life and relationships.

Exercises highlighting the importance of embodied mindful awareness in therapy will build knowledges and skills for working with feelings, thoughts, actions, and felt-senses.

Training segments will include:

  • Minding the body: what’s most obvious?
  • No hard feelings: attraction, dislike, and distraction
  • Mindfulness isn’t what you think…or is it: mindfulness and remembering
  • Mindfulness, introspection, and critical reflection: how are they related?

Enhanced skills acquisition will include

  • Attending to somatic movements as expressions of distress, as statements of position, and as entry points to preferred storylines
  • Practices of therapeutic mindfulness, brief mindfulness meditation, mindfulness in daily life
  • How to create purposeful narrative-informed questions to enhance therapeutic outcomes
  • How to be attentive to somatic and verbal unique outcomes or exceptions to the problem/s storyline
  • Storying constructive initiatives through time and context: somatic, affective resonance and mental perception
  • Narrative and mindfulness as pathways to new and valued experiences of life and relationships
  • Sustaining initiatives through somatic and storied lives

As people learn in different ways, this training will be facilitated through a variety of teaching methods including

  • guided mindfulness and narrative exercises
  • skills building demonstration interviews
  • real-plays
  • group discussions
  • reading key literature prior to the workshop

Email and phone support will be provided for one month after the training.

This is an experiential and practical two-day workshop bringing together mindfulness and Narrative Therapy as complementary therapeutic approaches. Though the workshop is not intended to be therapy, trainees will attend with a willingness to explore certain aspects of their personal histories. They will take responsibility for what they choose to discuss and their level of disclosure and engagement.

Who is this training for?Tertiary qualified professionals in health or social sciences including the fields of counselling, social work, psychology, psychotherapy, psychiatry, nursing, teaching, chaplaincy, and occupational therapy. Other applicants with significant relevant work experience and therapeutic aptitude will be considered.

Number of traineesMaximum 15

Fee$385 (inc GST) Morning and afternoon refreshments included.

VenueConference Room, Saint Catherine’s House, 113 Tyler St, Tuart Hill

CertificateTrainees will receive a professional development certificate.

RegistrationPlease complete and send the Registration Form below

CancellationIf you need to cancel your registration, you may exchange it with another person, or transfer it to a future training. If this is not possible, then cancellation up to one week prior to the course will incur an administrative fee of $60. If you cancel your place with less than one week’s notice and you cannot exchange or transfer it, then no refund will be made except under special circumstances.

Further informationIan Percy 0422 498 607



Ian Percy MSW is a senior therapist, supervisor, consultant, trainer and published author in narrative and mindfulness approaches. He is an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker and an Accredited Psychotherapy Supervisor with The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists. Since 1997 Ian has taught Narrative Therapy to over 1200 professionals including social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors, psychotherapists, nurses, teachers, chaplains, and occupational therapists. He has trained with prominent leaders in the field including Michael White, David Epston, Alan Jenkins, Jill Freedman and Karl Tomm. Ian has also trained in systemic and solution-focused therapies.

He has given workshops and papers at state, national and international conferences, and received two university awards for academic excellence. In 2016 he was an invited Plenary Speaker at the 8th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health held in Singapore. As well, Ian has studied and practiced various forms of meditation, including mindfulness approaches, for 40 years. Presently, he is a PhD candidate researching the similarities and differences between therapeutic mindfulness in Australia and Bhutan.

Selected Publications

Percy, I. (2008). ‘Awareness and authoring: the idea of self in mindfulness and narrative therapy’. European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling, 10:4, 355-367.

Percy, I. (2007). Composing our lives together: Narrative therapy with couples. In E. Shaw and J.

Crawley (Eds.), Couples therapy in Australia: Issues emerging from practice, Psychoz

Publications, Melbourne.

Percy, I. (2006). Living reflexive qualitative research: Resonance and authenticity. In J. Higgs, A. Titchen, H. Armstrong & D. Horsfall (Eds.), Being Critical and Creative in Qualitative Research, Hampden Press, Sydney.

Percy, I. (1999). Sharon, the worry-lion tamer in A. Morgan. (Ed.), In Once Upon A Time… Narrative Therapy with Children and their Families. Dulwich Centre Publications, Adelaide.

Participants’ comments on Integrating Mindfulness and Narrative Therapy
The highlight of the course for me was your demonstration of acceptance, warmth, kindness and non-judgment when participants gave feedback of their experiences when trying out different mindfulness practices. The reason this stands out for me is because I believe it is easier to share theory with participants, however when the teacher actually embodies these qualities, it becomes a far richer and more meaningful learning experience. When I observe practice in action in this way, I take it in, I get it, and then I can apply these qualities to myself and to others I am engaging with. The workshop contained a beautiful mix of theory, case-examples, practice, warmth and humour.
Amanda Black, Clinical Nurse Specialist
Although I have done narrative and mindful therapy training before, I found that Ian presented both approaches in a deeper, profound and complementary manner than those I have previously experienced. This has left me with a greater understanding of how each approach works with the other and a want to continue with further investigation.
Chris Darmody, Psychologist
This workshop was brilliantly done…10/10. I found the examples and exercises useful. I am definitely going to use lots of ideas from this training for my clients.
Natasha Pekic, Social Worker
Just wanted to say thank you for the training. I have found the narrative style and mindfulness strategies to be extremely useful, both for my own emotional regulation and managing work stress and in being beneficial for clients. I have had feedback from teaching staff and parents that they have noticed an improvement in how some young people are remaining calm. Also, that when they questioned the young person about this improvement they reported using mindfulness strategies. Really great to hear this feedback! The narrative therapy, preferred story questioning has been AMAZING and both Jason and I have commented that how did we not do more of this sooner. So, thank you. I think we both learnt a lot and I was really pleased to receive the further reading. Much appreciated.
Fiona Cole
Youth Outreach Worker Reconnect and AYO
I very much enjoyed the experiential aspects of the training as well as the case examples you gave to illustrate the various elements of Narrative and Mindfulness. I found the whole training experience to be the best I have had in along time, both personally and professionally. It inspired me to continue to grow and evolve as a human being.
Baljit Carroll, Clinical Supervisor
Most helpful: watching interviews conducted by Ian and participating in our own prac sessions. Excellent training to help further develop skills in working with clients to further expand their stories and understandings.
Geoff Carastathis
Clinical Psychologist
Hands-on, thorough introduction to how you can, via mindfulness, create room for broader experiences and understandings and hence actions in NT
Mette Borg Larsen
Most helpful: The way you dealt with our questions…considered everyone and never made anyone feel silly. Life-giving.
Rev Gary van Heerden
The interactive roleplays were great, they helped to ‘cement’ the ideas and practices of mindfulness and Narrative Therapy. I enjoyed the training very much. Thank you, especially for the roleplay that I was involved in.
Emma White
Youth Worker
Supportive, caring, informative and well presented. I have appreciated and enjoyed the participation of other participants.
Valerie Preston
Health Counsellor (Retired)
Trudie van Geffen
Accredited Mental Health social Worker
Drug and Alcohol Counsellor
Most helpful:Ian’s wealth of experience and ‘easy’ manner and approach. Nicely paced training. Very skills based but experiential and thought-provoking in a positive way.
Sandra Dixon, Psychologist
It gave me ideas that I can immediately incorporate into my practice that I know will be of great benefit to my clients. The training was informative, enlivening and it left me feeling excited about my increased knowledge of both Narrative Therapy and mindfulness
Sian Teague
Mental Health Social Worker, Private Practice
It developed my understanding of Narrative Therapy and mindfulness concepts and described how the two can complement each other for session with clients. A refresher training which added to my knowledge of narrative and mindfulness and increased my confidence of using these skills with clients
Katherine Carroll
Provisional Psychologist/Outreach Counsellor
Excellent training. Ian was warm and engaging. Very passionate about Narrative Therapy and mindfulness. Very generous with his knowledge.
Counsellor/Psychotherapist Private Practice
Refreshing, relaxing, stimulating…Ian’s kind and gentle manner drew in all participants to make a profoundly important learning community.
Chris Kan
Dean of Ministry
What I found most helpful:
Being able to practice from the implicit to the explicit, integrating the models symbiotically and relationally and parking them alongside each other. Great, I look forward to more.
A Miles
The training provided a safe and supportive environment to learn and practise new skills
Speech Pathologist
Interesting, engaging and inspiring. It has made me reflect on my work with young people and how I can integrate mindfulness and narrative approaches to improve my practice.
Youth Worker and Social Work student
Ian Percy has an exceptional ‘presence’ as a Trainer. He is strongly grounded and provides a very safe, stimulating and supportive learning environment for students. Ian is an extremely talented therapist, with an extensive history of over 20 years experience in this area. I found his concepts of bringing mindfulness into counselling practice fascinating.After practising these tools within role plays at the course I experienced firsthand how fast, effective, and powerful these ways of working are. I highly recommend this course and I can see how practical and useful these practices would be for people particularly suffering with issues related to anxiety, PTSD and depression.
Claire Fisher, Social Worker
The open friendly atmosphere Ian creates welcomes the beginner through to the more experienced. I will definitely return.
Annie Mallon
A Mere Learner
In regards to rating the training I would rate it 5 out of 5. Some of areas that I would like to mention are: the training consisted of many different components, timing was great, training material provided timely and most importantly your willingness and ability to respond to our many queries is highly appreciated. The most helpful for me was observing your performance and having my questions answered.
Violeta Skobic, Social Worker
Thank you so much for the last two days – I got so much out of it. I particularly wanted to thank you for your use of words and obviously your presence in making the space safe to experiment and explore working with narrative.I rated the training 11 out of 10 – every day moments to practice mindfulness emerge and I am experiencing the difference this alone makes. I also love how narrative work in itself allows greater mindfulness for both client and therapist. Insights coming each day on the relevance of the workshop to all of what I do.
Georgina Mavor, Psychologist

Registration Form on next page

Registration Form

*Tax Invoice ABN 73 515 983 264

Integrating Mindfulness and Narrative Therapy Part One $385 (inc GST)

Thursday 9 and Friday 10 March



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Acct Ian Percy; BSB 066 009; Account No 00637312

Cheque or Money Order payable to Ian Percy

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