Steps to College Success

Success Students Know Their Responsibilities—

  • Create an organization system
  • Attend class regularly
  • Complete assignments and test on time
  • Get help early
  • Learn how to study
  • Know what services are available and where they are
  • Learn effective notetaking and how to review notes
  • Create effective study guides
  • Learn how to become an active learner
  • Learn library and internet research skills
  • Take responsibility for your own learning
  • Monitor your own performance and set improvement goals
  • Study 2 to 3 hours for each one hour of class time
  • Learn accepted college classroom behavior (be on time, no extraneous talking, no headphones, cell phones, etc.)
  • Use campus study areas
  • Use study groups
  • Ensure a quiet place to study
  • Learn time management
  • Create an educational plan to reach your goals

Successful Students Understand How College Works—

  • You are responsible for info in assigned readings whether or not teachers discuss it in class
  • You are responsible for class content or activities even if you’re absent
  • There is no such thing as an excused absence
  • Classes may be large
  • You are responsible for closing gaps in your background knowledge and skills
  • Ask questions

Successful Students Access Resources and Support—

  • Seek help from instructors by appointment or in office hours
  • Get special help and accommodations if you have special needs
  • Seek out peer tutoring support
  • Create an on campus support system
  • Regularly seek counseling and advising
  • Access financial aid support and services
  • Get involved in campus activities

Successful Students Understand College-Level Work Expectations

  • Ability to independently organize and interpret assignments
  • Ability to conduct research independently
  • Ability to complete exams that require analysis, application, and synthesis of ideas and theories in multiple choice and essay format
  • Teachers give fewer tests and don’t have to allow make-ups and re-tests
  • Grades reflect the quality of the work produced in adherence with college-level thinking and writing—not just effort and attendance
  • Teachers may not offer extra credit
  • Do their own work
  • Understand what plagiarism is and how to appropriately cite sources to avoid it