MORIAH FARM HORSE SHOWS, LC., (“Moriah Farm Horse Shows”)
Horse Show Directions
From Washington and points east (via Route 66W):
Take Route 66W to Route 29S (exit 43A in Gainesville) towards Warrenton/Culpeper/Fredericksburg. Follow 29S for approximately 12 miles towards Warrenton and take the exit for Route 643/Meetze Road. Turn Left onto Meetze Road and go 1 mile. Turn Left onto Old Auburn Road and go .6 mile to farm on Left.
From Fredericksburg, Culpeper and points south (via Route 29N):
Take Route 29N towards Warrenton. Take the exit for Route 643/Meetze Road. Turn Right onto Meetze Road and go .9 mile. Turn Left onto Old Auburn Road and go .6 mile to farm on Left.
From Leesburg, Middleburg and points North (via Route 15S):
Take Route 15S towards Warrenton. Follow signs for Route 15/29 South to Warrenton/Culpeper/Fredericksburg. Follow Route 15/29S towards Warrenton for approximately 9 miles. Take the exit for Route 643/Meetze Road. Turn Left onto Meetze Road and go 1 mile. Turn Left onto Old Auburn Road and go .6 mile to farm on Left.
From Marshall, Winchester and points west (via Route 66E):
Take Route 66E towards Washington to Route 17S (exit 28 in Marshall) towards Warrenton/Fredericksburg. Follow 17S for approximately 11 miles towards Warrenton and take the exit for Route 643/Meetze Road. Turn Left onto Meetze Road and go 1 mile. Turn Left onto Old Auburn Road and go .6 mile to farm on Left.
Moriah Farm Horse Show Fees
Entry fees: (entries may be done online)
$15 per Hunter, and Equitation Class
$20 per Jumper, Stake and Add-back Class
Weekend hunter show day-before schooling tickets:
$25 per ticket to be reimbursed to all entries showing one division at the show the next day; schooling on the day of show is free.
EMT/Office fee: $20 for all entries.
Stall fee: $50 per show
Limited stalls available. Must call for reservations, prepayment required.
Billing fee: $25 per show
Any entries left unpaid will be billed.
Returned check fee: $50
Show and Year-End Awards
Ribbons awarded through sixth place in all classes, Champion and Reserve Champion for all divisions. Prizes awarded to all Champion. Points in all classes to be scored as follows: First: 10, Second: 6, Third: 4, Fourth: 2, Fifth: 1, Sixth: ½, Champion 10, and Reserve Champion 6.
Add-back prize money will be calculated from 50% of entry fees to be divided as follows: First: 30%, Second: 20%, Third: 15%, Fourth: 13%, Fifth: 12%, and Sixth: 10%.
$75 Stake Classes to be awarded as follows: First: $25, Second: $20, Third: $15, Fourth: $10, and Fifth: $5. Stake money only awarded to classes with a minimum of three entries.
Must be present or have a representative to receive High Point Awards
High Point Series Awards for all divisions. To be eligible, you must show at 50% of Moriah Farm Horse Shows offering said division.
Hunter Divisions awards presented at last hunter show.
Jumper Divisions awards presented at last jumper show.
High Point Trainer Award presented by Partridge Run LLC
$1500 worth of jump equipment (retail value). High Point
$1500 High Point Rider Award
$1000 to high point and $500 to reserve. To be eligible, you must show at 50% of the Moriah Farm Horse Shows.
$500 High Point Pony Award Perpetual “From Afar” Trophy
$300 to high point and $200 to reserve
Hunter Show Schedule
8:00AM Start (open schooling until 7:30AM)
(Short Stirrup Schooling 7:35 until 7:45)
1-Short Stirrup Warm-Up Limit 1 Trip before Hunter Trips
Short Stirrup Hunter VHSA Associate
2-Short Stirrup Hunter Walk, Trot, Canter
3-Short Stirrup Hunter Over Fences 18”
4-Short Stirrup Hunter Over Fences 18”
Short Stirrup Equitation SCHSA & BHSA
5-Short Stirrup Equitation Walk, Trot, Canter
6-Short Stirrup Equitation Over Fences 18”
7-Short Stirrup Equitation Over Fences 18”
Leadline BHSA class 10 only & SCHSA
8-Leadline Judged 100% on Rider
9-Leadline Judged 100% on Horse or Pony
10-Leadline Judged 50% on Rider 50% on Horse or Pony BHSA rated
Pre Short Stirrup BHSA/SCHSA
11-Pre Short Stirrup Walk
12-Pre Short Stirrup Walk, Trot
13-Pre Short Stirrup Walk, Trot, Jumping Position
Hunter Pleasure Pony BHSA, SCHSA & VHSA Associate
14-Pony Hunter Pleasure Walk, Trot
15-Pony Hunter Pleasure Go As You Please
16-Pony Hunter Pleasure Walk, Trot, Canter
Junior Hunter Pleasure BHSA, SCHSA & VHSA Associate
17-Junior Hunter Pleasure Walk, Trot
18-Junior Hunter Pleasure Go As You Please
19-Junior Hunter Pleasure Walk, Trot, Canter
Adult Hunter Pleasure BHSA, SCHSA & VHSA Associate
20-Adult Hunter Pleasure Walk, Trot
21-Adult Hunter Pleasure Go As You Please
22-Adult Hunter Pleasure Walk, Trot, Canter
23-Add Back Warm Open All Day Limit 1 Trip
Student Equitation 2’no oxers BHSA & SCHSA
24-Student Equitation Over Fences 2’
25-Student Equitation Over Fences 2’
26-Student Equitation Walk, Trot, Canter
Hopeful Hunter 2’no oxers
27-Hopeful Hunter Over Fences 2’
28-Hopeful Hunter Over Fences 2’
29-Hopeful Hunter Walk, Trot, Canter
Limit Rider Hunter 2’3” BHSA/SCHSA
30-Limit Rider Hunter Over Fences 2’3”
31-Limit Rider Hunter Over Fences 2’3”
32-Limit Rider Hunter Walk, Trot, Canter
Not Before 12pm
VHSA Associate/ Moriah Farm Children’s/ Adult Amateur Equitation
33-Associate Children’s/ Adult Amateur Equitation Over Fences 2’6”, 3’
Children’s Hunter $75 BHSA/SCHSA & VHSA Associate
34-Children’s Hunter Over Fences 2’6”, 3’
35-Children’s Hunter $75 Stake Over Fences 2’6”, 3’
36-Children’s Hunter Walk, Trot, Canter
Adult Amateur Hunter $75 BHSA/SCHSA & VHSA Associate
37-Adult Amateur Hunter Over Fences 2’6”, 3’
38-Adult Amateur Hunter $75 Stake Over Fences 2’6”, 3’
39-Adult Amateur Hunter Walk, Trot, Canter
Green Hunter $75 BHSA/SCHSA & VHSA Associate
40-Green Hunter Over Fences 2’6”
41-Green Hunter $75 Stake Over Fences 2’6”
42-Green Hunter Walk, Trot, Canter
Working Hunter $75 BHSA & VHSA Associate
43-Working Hunter Over Fences 3’-3’6”
44-Working Hunter $75 Stake Over Fences 3’-3’6”
45-Working Hunter Walk, Trot, Canter
Not Before 2pm
Pony Schooling Break Time Permitting
Entered Ponies Only (5-10min)
VHSA Associate/ Moriah Farm Pony Equitation SCHSA (BHSA sanctioned)
46-Associate Pony Equitation Over Fences Small 2’, Medium 2’3”, Large 2’6”
Green Pony Hunter $75 BHSA/SCHSA & VHSA Associate
47-Green Pony Hunter Over Fences Small 2’, Medium 2’3”, Large 2’6”
48-Green Pony Hunter $75 Stake Over Fences Small 2’, Medium 2’3”, Large 2’6”
49-Green Pony Hunter Walk, Trot, Canter
Small / Medium Pony Hunter $75 Smalls go first BHSA/SCHSA and VHSA Associate
50-Small/ Medium Pony Hunter Over Fences Small 2’, Medium 2’3”
51-Small/ Medium Pony Hunter $75 Stake Over Fences Small 2’, Medium 2’3”
52-Small/ Medium Pony Hunter Walk, Trot, Canter
Large Pony Hunter $75 BHSA/SCHSA & VHSA Associate
53-Large Pony Hunter Over Fences 2’6”-2’9”
54-Large Pony Hunter $75 Stake Over Fences 2’6”-2’9”
55-Large Pony Hunter Walk, Trot, Canter
Hunter Division and Class Specifications
Leadline BHSA class 10 only & SCHSA
Open to riders 7 years and under as of December 1 of current show year. Riders may not cross enter into classes where they are asked to trot. Year-end points awarded to rider.
Pre Short Stirrup Equitation BHSA/SCHSA
Open to riders 10 years and under as of December 1st of the current show year. Judged on Equitation. Riders may be asked to walk & trot and perform simple Equitation tasks. Riders may not cross enter into any classes where they would be asked to canter or jump.
Short Stirrup Hunter VHSA Associate
Open to riders 12 years and under. Short Stirrup riders, ponies and horses may not cross-enter into any other VHSA Associate division with the exception of Pleasure Pony or Horse. Fence height: 18”
Short Stirrup Equitation BHSA & SCHSA
Open to riders 12 years and under as of December 1 of current show year. Judged on equitation. Riders may not cross enter into classes where fences exceed 18”. Courses may be trotted. Fence height: 18”
Hunter Pleasure Pony BHSA, SCHSA & VHSA Associate
Open to all ponies ridden by juniors. May be combined with the Junior Hunter Pleasure and/or Adult Hunter Pleasure divisions. To be judged on manners, suitability, soundness and way of going.
Junior Hunter Pleasure BHSA, SCHSA & VHSA Associate
Open to all horses ridden by juniors. May be combined with the Pony Hunter Pleasure and/or Adult Hunter Pleasure divisions. To be judged on manners, suitability, soundness and way of going.
Adult Hunter Pleasure BHSA, SCHSA & VHSA Associate
Open to all horses ridden by adults. May be combined with the Pony Hunter Pleasure and/or Junior Hunter Pleasure divisions. To be judged on manners, suitability, soundness and way of going.
Student Equitation BHSA &SCHSA
Open to all riders in their first or second year of showing over fences 2’ or higher as of December 1st of the current show year. Competing riders limited to two years whether competing over fences or not. Fence height 2’ Course may be trotted.
Hopeful Hunter
Open to all riders on horses or ponies. Ponies shown by an adult may not be shown by a Junior at the same show. Fence height: 2’ or 2’6”.No oxers
Hunter Division and Class Specifications
Limit Rider Hunter BHSA/SHSA
Open to horses and ponies ridden by Juniors and Adult Amateurs who are not entered in any classes jumping 2’6” or higher. These riders are not eligible for AA Equitation, Pony Equitation, or Jr./Children’s Equitation. Ponies must be ridden by juniors. Horses and ponies may cross enter into other divisions. Courses to be a minimum of 6 fences set
at 2’3”
VHSA Associate/Moriah Farm Children’s/ Adult Amateur Equitation BHSA, SCHSA
Open to juniors mounted on horses. At least one fourth of class will be called back to walk, trot and canter and to perform additional tests at the Judges discretion. May be combined with the Pony Equitation. May be split into junior and adult and precede their respective divisions. Fence height: 2’6”
Children’s Hunter $75 BHSA/SCHSA & VHSA Associate
Open to junior riders mounted on horses. May be combined with Adult Amateur Hunter division. Fence height: Minimum of 2’6”
Adult Amateur Hunter $75 BHSA/SCHSA & VHSA Associate
Open to amateur riders no longer eligible to show as juniors. May be combined with the Children’s Hunter division. Fence height: Min of 2’6”
Green Hunter $75 BHSA/SCHSA & VHSA Associate
Open to horses of any age in their first or second year of showing in any classes that require horses to jump the height for green horses. May be combined with the Green Pony division. Fence height: Min of 2’6”
Working Hunter $75 BHSA &VHSA Associate
Open to horses and to ponies not entered in pony divisions.
Fence height: 3’-3’6”
VHSA Associate/ Moriah Farm Pony Equitation
Open to juniors on ponies. At least 1/4 of class will be called back to walk, trot and canter and to perform additional tests at the Judge’s discretion. May be combined with the Children’s Equitation and/or Adult Amateur Equitation. Fence height: small 2’, medium 2’3, large 2’6”
Green Pony Hunter $75 BHSA, SCHSA & VHSA Associate
Open to juniors on ponies. Ponies may be of any age in their first year of showing in any classes that require ponies to jump the designated height for green pony. Ponies are only allowed to show 1 year as Green Ponies. May be combined with the Green Horse division. Fence height: small 2’, medium 2’3, large 2’6”
Small / Medium Pony Hunter $75 BHSA, SCHSA &VHSA Associate
Open to juniors mounted on ponies. May be combined with the Large pony hunter. Fence height: small 2’, medium 2’3
Large Pony Hunter $75 BHSA, SCHSA & VHSA Associate
Open to juniors on ponies. May be combined with the Small/Med Pony Hunters. Fence height: 2’6”
Moriah Farm Horse Show Rules and Regulations
1-Every class offered is governed by the current rules and specifications of the VHSA, SCHSA, DCHSA & BHSA.
2- All riders must wear ASTM/SEI approved helmets while mounted.
3-No Dogs Allowed!
4-An Entry Form must be carefully read and signed by each rider/exhibitor (and his or her parent or legal guardian if under the age of 18) and other related Participants prior to participating in any activity or riding on Eastwood Farm and in a Moriah Farm Horse Shows’ Show. Signing of the Entry Form also constitutes execution of and agreement with the Release and Media Release on the reverse side of the entry form or on its separate Page 2 if it’s reverse side is blank.
5-Moriah Farm Horse Shows must see a current negative coggins on all horses on the show grounds.
6-Show Management reserves the right to refuse entries before or during the show without liability or compensation.
7-Show Management will not tolerate hostile or unsportsmanlike behavior.
8-Show Management’s and Judge’s decisions are final.
9-Eastwood Farm is a private property open to the public for events. Anyone may be asked to leave, at any time, for any reason. All such requests will be enforced by Moriah Farm Horse Shows.
10-Moriah Farm Horse Shows, its members, managers, employees, agents, sponsors and affiliates are not responsible for damaged vehicles or other property and/or any lost or damaged items in vehicles or on the show grounds.
11-All riders/exhibitors (including parents and legal guardians if under the age of 18), owners, trainers, their agents and other related Participants will be held responsible for any damage to the Show grounds and/or Moriah Farm Horse Shows’ or its affiliates’ property.
12-All classes can be moved, canceled, split or combined at the option of Show Management.
13-Dotted line rule may be in effect, check all posted courses.
14-If any divisions or classes are combined, prize money will not be doubled.
15-Anyone disqualified may be found ineligible for ribbons, prizes or prize money.
Moriah Farm Jumper Schedule 8:30AM Start
(Hacking and limited Jumping Schooling until 8AM)
Puddle Jumpers 18”-2’
101-Puddle Jumper Table II, Sec. 1
102-Puddle Jumper Table II, Sec. 2 (b)
103-Puddle Jumper Table II, Sec. 2 (c)
Novice Children’s/Adult Amateur Jumpers 2’3”-2’6”
BHSA &VHSA Associate
104-Novice Children’s/Adult Amateur Table II, Sec. 1
105-Novice Children’s/Adult Amateur Table II, Sec. 2 (b)