St. George Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church

237 Long Hill Rd

Little Falls, NJ 07424

Parish Office: (973)256 8961

Father Dimitri Office (973)256-9475

Office Hours / Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Saturday - By Appointment Only
Sunday - CLOSED
Church Services / Saturday - Great Vespers 5:30pm
Sunday - Orthros 9:00am / Divine Liturgy 10:00am
Tuesday- Bible Study 7:30pm
Church Website /
Church Office E-mail /
Father Dimitri E-mail /

The Most Reverend Metropolitan PHILIP SALIBA

Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of All North America


Bishop of Brooklyn and Resident assistant to the Metropolitan

V. Rev. Father Dimitri Darwich, Pastor

V. Rev. Father Elias Bitar

Rev. Father Michael Ibrahim

All announcements for the Weekly Bulletin must be submitted by Wednesday afternoon

Confessions by appointment

Tone 8 / Venerable Euthymios the Great & Twelfth Sunday of Luke / Eothinon 11
Altar Servers / Peter Batarseh, John Lubbos, David Oliver, George Beyjoun, Revital Dibi, Alex Ghanim, Ousama Hanna, Nicholas Khalaf, Christopher Beyjoun.


From the heights thou didst descend, O compassionate One, and thou didst submit to the three day burial, that thou might deliver us from passions. Thou art our life and our resurrection, O Lord, glory to thee.


انحدرتَمنالعلوّيامتحنن, وقبلتَالدفنَذاالثلاثةِالأيامِ, لكيتُعْتِقَنامنالالآمِ, فياحياتَناوقيامَتَناياربّالمجدُلك.


Guide of Orthodoxy, teacher of piety and godliness, star of the universe and adornment of hierarchs, you enlightened us all by your teachings, O wise EUTHYMIOS, the divinely inspired, and lyre of the Holy Spirit, intercede with Christ God that he may save our souls!


ظهرتَأيهااللاهجُباللهأفثيميوس،مرشداًإلىالأرثوذكسيةِومعلماًلحسنِالعبادةِوالنقاوة،ياكوكبَالمسكونةوجمالَ رؤساءِالكهنةِالحكيم،وبتعاليمِكأنرتَالكلَّ،ياكنارةَالروح،فتشفَّعْإلىالمسيحِالإلهِأنْيُخلِّصَنفوسَنا.


As deliverer of captives, as defender of the poor, healer of the infirm, champion of kings, Victorious, Great Martyr George, intercede with Christ our Lord, intercede for the soul’s salvation.


بماأنَّكَللمأسورينَمُحَرِّرٌومُعتِقٌ،وللفُقراءِوالمساكينِعاضِدٌوناصِرٌ،وللمَرضىطبيبٌوشافٍ،وعنالمؤمنينَمُكافِحٌومُحارِبٌ. أيُّهاالعظيمُفيالشُهداءِجاورجيوسُالمُظَفَّرُ. تَشفَّعْإلىالمَسيحِالإلهِفيخلاصِنفوسِنا.


Today You have come to save us, O Christ our God, who through your birth have sanctified the virginal womb, and have now blessed the arms of Simeon. O Lord, keep your people in peace during wars, and strengthen Your flock in every good deed, for you alone are the Lover of mankind.


اليومظهرتَوخلصتناأيهاالمسيحُالإله, يامنبمولدِكقدَّستَالمستودعَالبتولي, وباركتَيديسمعانكمايليق. احفظْرعيتكبسلامٍفيالحروب, وأيدْعبيدَكالذينأحببتَهم, أيهاالمحبُّالبشروحدَك.


The saints shall be joyful in glory. Sing unto the Lord a new song.

The Reading from the Second Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians. (4:6-15)

Brethren, it is the God Who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” Who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, to show that the transcendent power belongs to God and not to us. We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies. While we live we are always being given up to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus may be manifested in our mortal flesh. So death is at work in us, but life in you. Since we have the same spirit of faith as he had who wrote, “I believed, and so I spoke,” we too believe, and so we speak, knowing that He Who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and bring us with you into His presence. For it is all for your sake, so that as grace extends to more and more people it may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God.


ابتهجواأيهاالصديقونبالرب, رنمواللربِترنيمةًجديدة


ياإخوة،إناللهُالذيقالَ: «ليُشرِقْمِنَالظُّلمَةِالنُّورُ» هوَالذيأشرقَنورُهُفيقُلوبِنالِتُشرِقَمَعرِفَةُمَجدِاللهِ،ذلِكَالمَجدِالذيعلىوَجهِيَسوعَالمَسيحِ. ومانَحنُإلاَّآنِـيَةٌخَزَفيةٌتَحمِلُهذاالكَنزَ،ليظهَرَأنَّتِلكَالقُدرَةَالفائِقَةَهِـيَمِنَاللهِلامِنَّا. يشتَدُّعلَيناالضِّيقُمِنْكُلِّجانِبٍولانَنسَحِقُ،نَحارُفيأمرِناولانَيأَسُ،نُضطَّهدُولايَتخَلَّىعنـااللهُ،نَسقُطُفيالصِّراعِولانَهلِكُ،نَحمِلُفيأجسادِناكُلَّحينآلامَموتِيَسوعَلِتَظهَرَحياتُهُأيضًافيأجسادِنا. ومادُمناعلىقَيدِالحياةِ،فنَحنُنُسَلَّمُلِلموتِمِنْأجلِيَسوعَلِتَظهَرَفيأجسادِناالفانِـيَةِحياةُيَسوعَأيضًا. فالموتُيَعمَلُ فيناوالحياةُتَعمَلُفيكُم. وجاءَفيالكِتابِ: «تكَلَّمتُلأنِّيآمَنتُ». ونَحنُأيضًابِرُوحِهذاالإيمانِالذيلنانَتكَلَّمُلأنَّنانُؤمِنُ،عارِفينَأنَّاللهَالذيأقامَالرَّبَّيَسوعَمِنْبَينِالأمواتِسيُقيمُنانَحنُأيضًامعَيَسوعَويَجْعلُناوإيَّاكُمبَينَيَديهِ،وهذاكُلُّهُمِنْأجلِكُم. فكُلَّماكَثُرَتِالنِّعمَةُ،كَثُرَعدَدُالشـاكِرينَلِمَجدِاللهِ.


The reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke. (17:12-19)

At that time, as Jesus entered a village, He was met by ten lepers, who stood at a distance and lifted up their voices and said, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.” When He saw them He said to them, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went they were cleansed. Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice; and he fell on his face at Jesus’ feet, giving Him thanks. Now he was a Samaritan. Then Jesus said, “Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?” And He said to him, “Rise and go your way; your faith has made you well.”



فيذلكالزمان, عندمادخليسوعإحدىالقرىاستقبلهعشرةٌمنالبرص, فوقفواعلىبعدٍمنهورفعواأصواتهمقائلين: "رُحماك! يايسوعُالمعلم". فلمارآهمقاللهم: "اذهبواإلىالكهنةِوأروهمأنفسَكم!" وفيماهمذاهبونطهروا. فلمّارأىواحدٌمنهمأنّهقدشُفي, رَجَعوهويُمجّداللهَبصوتٍعظيم. وارتمىعلىوجهِهعندقدميهيشكره, وكانسامريا. فقاليسوع: "أماطهُرَالعشرة, فأينالتسعة؟ألميكنْفيهممنيرجع, ليمجّدَاللهَإلاهذاالغريب؟" ثمقالله: "قمْواذهبْ, إيمانُكقدخلّصك.”


To stand guard over the heart, to stand with the mind in the heart, to descend from the head into the heart - all these are one and the same thing. The core of the work lies in the concentration of attention and the standing before the invisible Lord, not in the head but within the chest, close to the heart and in the heart. When the divine warmth comes, all this will be clear." -- St. Theophan the Recluse

"St. John the Forerunner set out to men the whole path of true repentance: 'Repent ye!' And he immediately continued: 'Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance' (Matt. 3:2,8)." -- St. Nicholai of Zica

"Christians are good not merely out of obedience to law or harmony with nature, or in order to gain immortal bliss for the soul. Rather, they are righteous in anticipation of the age to come, the eschaton, the age of the fullness of creation in the incarnate Son of God." -- Orthodox Study Bible notes on Epistle for Theophany, Titus 2:11-14

"The soul should be provided with the word of God. For the word of God, as Gregory the Theologian says, 'is the bread of angels, which feeds the soul that is hungry for God. But, above all, one should read the New Testament and the Psalter. From this proceeds illumination of the mind…'" -- St. Seraphim of Sarov

"If you see your neighbor sinning, take care not to dwell exclusively on his faults. Try to think of the many good things he has done and continues to do. Many times when we do this, we come to the conclusion that our neighbor is a far better person than we are." -- St. Basil the Great

Holy Bread
The Holy bread is offered today by:
Majid Fanik for the good health of his family.
Shehady family for the good health of Souhel Shehedy on the occasion of his birthday offered by his Children and grandchildren.
Oliver family for the good health of Tom Oliver on the occasion of his birthday offered by his children and grandchildren.
Rimon & Badia Israel for the good health of their family and in memory of Paul Israel.
Memorial Services
Nine-Day Trisagion Service will be offered today for the repose of the soul of the handmaid of God fallen asleep in the Lord Fadda Bittar. Our Sincere condolences are offered to Fadi & Siham Bittar, Elias & Mary Halabi and their families. May her memory be eternal. Coffee Hour to follow.
Trisagion Service will be offered today for the repose of the soul of Antonios Ayoub. Our sincere condolences are offered to Farag & Marlene Ayoub and family. May his memory be eternal.
Happy Birthday
Happy and blessed birthday to Matthew Haddad. May God grant them good health and length of days. Amen.
“With the Spirits of the Righteous Made Perfect…”
Please rememberCharles Streichenwein, Eleanor Streichenwein, Anthony Moussab, Marie Homwey, Helen Fadil, Sam Warycka, Samuel Baram, William Zayat, Louis Zayat, William Zayat, Jr. May the Lord God rest their souls in peace and grant comfort to their families!
Adult Bible Study
Every Tuesday an Adult Bible Study about the Gospel according to Saint Matthew will be held at 7:30pm at the Church. All adults are welcome to attend!
Thank You For Your Donations
Blessed are those who give without remembering and receive without forgetting. We would like to thank the Oliver, Hosri and Sabbagh familes for their donation for the good health of Tommy Oliver. Fadi & Siham Bittar for their good health and in memory of Fadda Bittar.
2013 House Blessings
Fr. Dimitri is continuing to bless homes. If you would like to have your home blessed at a certain time, please contact the church office for an appointment @ (973) 256 8961. We bless homes:
  • To reveal the home as what God created it to be, a way to heaven.
  • To rid the home of every evil.
  • To know that the family is a small church in Christ.
  • To consecrate the home and all the activities in it to God.
  • To fill the home and all who live in it with the fullness of God.
When the priest comes for the house blessing, please have as many family members there as possible, take this opportunity to ask Abouna Dimitri any questions you may have, and tell Abouna about any family members who are in nursing homes or are in need of a visit. God bless you all.
Parish Council Meeting
Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 20th, at 7:00 pm. The meetings of the Parish Council are open to all our beloved parishioners.
International Coffee Hour
Sunday, February 3rd, after Liturgy. If you Country is not represented and you would like it to be, please contact Ikhlas Munayyer at or call the church office.

How to Deal With Unforgiveness...

Matthew 6:9-15:Bible clearly teaches that we are to forgive those who hurt us. So let's identify practical ways to confront the matter of unforgiveness head-on. You may want to keep this list in your Bible or close by for easy review.

1. Take it seriously. Unforgiveness is a major issue that shouldn't be casually dismissed.

2. Assume full responsibility. Don't blame anyone else for your feelings or actions.

3. Confess it honestly. Be specific and direct with God about what you feel, and acknowledge that unforgiveness is sin. Don't "soften" the matter or let yourself off the hook.

4. Lay down your anger. Unless you deal with your resentment, bitterness can re-enter your life later on.

5. Pray for the other person. This may feel impossible or unnatural, but do it anyway. Praying is a choice to act lovingly, regardless of how you are treated. This will impact your entire relationship.

6. Ask that individual to forgive you. If the other person knows that you've been harboring bitterness, you need to ask for his or her forgiveness.

7. Do something nice for that person. Let a loving gesture demonstrate your desire to restore the relationship.

8. Don't allow Satan to throw you back into unforgiveness. Once the matter is resolved, watch out for stray thoughts that could stir up memories of how the other person hurt you. This process isn't easy, but it works. If you go through these steps every time you are hurt, God will truly work miracles in your relationships.

What is Stewardship?
Orthodox Christian Stewardship is the practice of systematic and proportionate giving of time, abilities and material possessions. These are a trust from God, to be used in His service for the benefit of all mankind in grateful acknowledgement of Christ's redeeming love. Possessions are a trust from God. As we share them we spread His love to the world. God has made each of us a steward, and has given us abilities and talents that are unique.
Our time, talents, health, relationships, and property - truly, all that we have is given to us by God. Stewardship allows us to love, care for, and promote the Christian work and mission of the Holy Orthodox Church. In this way, we fulfill the commandment of Christ and as good stewards of our time, talents, and wealth; we also assure the smooth operation of the parish in meeting the needs of its members: spiritual, educational, cultural, social, recreational and philanthropic.
Are you a member of St. George?
Do you want to support and secure your St. George Orthodox Church, its ministries, and its future?
Be a faithful member and steward of the Orthodox Faith!
Sign up for the Direct Debit pledge program!!!
To sign up, please contact Paul Juzdan

(The form is available)