Schools, school districts, and libraries that want to apply for Schools and Libraries support, commonly referred to as "E-rate," must first prepare a technology plan. Beginning with FY2011, technology plans are required only for Priority 2 services (Internal Connections and Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections). An approved technology plan sets out how information technology and telecommunications infrastructure will be used to achieve educational goals, specific curriculum reforms, or library service improvements.

A technology plan designed to improve education should cover the entire funding year (July 1 to June 30) but not more than three years. The plan must contain the following elements:

Goals and realistic strategy for using telecommunications and information technology
A professional development strategy
An assessment of telecommunication services, hardware, software, and other services needed
Ongoing evaluation process

The technology plan must be approved by a USAC-certified technology plan approver before discounted services can begin. The state is the certified technology plan approver for libraries and public schools. August, 2011.

LEA/Charter Name: / Duplin County Schools
LEA/Charter Number: / 310
Superintendent Name: / Dr. Austin Obasohan
Superintendent Signature
Local Board Chair Name: / Mr. Charles Farrior
Local Board Chair Signature:
Person of Contact: / Mrs. Kristen W. Hall
Telephone: / 910-296-6627
Contact Email: /

Duplin County Schools
Technology Plan


Draft October 22, 2013

Table of Contents

Vision / 5
Strategic Priorities Overview / 6
Priority 1: Shared Services Model / 9
Priority 2: Universal Access to Personal Teaching and Learning Devices / 15
Priority 3: Access to Digital Teaching and Learning Resources, Including Digital Textbooks / 21
Priority 4: Model of Technology-Enabled Professional Development / 27
Priority 5: 21st Century Leadership for Your LEA / 34
NC Home Base / 40
Appendices / 41

Duplin County Schools
Technology Planning Committee/MTAC

Rachel Manning / Job Title/Position
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
Kristen W. Hall / Director of Technology and Media
Jason Ginn / WAN Engineer
Lindsay Lee / Instructional Technology Facilitator
Lindsay Skidmore / Instructional Technology Facilitator
Dena Jenkins / Media Coordinator
JoAnn Aldridge / Media Coordinator
Sarah Swartz / Media Coordinator
Nina Gail Lanier / Media Coordinator
Laura Jones / Media Coordinator
Laurie Sholar / Media Coordinator
Shirley Bryant / Media Coordinator
Marlene Kilpatrick / Media Coordinator
Laura Thornton / Media Coordinator
Laura Smith / Media Coordinator
Sam Davis / Media Coordinator
Susan Dempsey / Media Coordinator
Julie Davis / Media Coordinator
Tonya Patram / Media Coordinator
Valerie Merritt / Media Coordinator

Duplin County Schools Technology Plan


Vision Statement

Vision Statement

The vision of Duplin County Schools Technology Department is to infuse the learning environment with technology resources, so that students and staff are empowered to excel in a globally competitive society.

The Duplin County Schools technology plan has been designed to reflect North Carolina’s State Board of Education’s goal of future-ready schools for the 21st Century and aligned with other Duplin County Schools initiatives such as a District-wide Early College Seamless Education.

Duplin County Schools Technology Plan

Strategic Priorities

2014 - 2016

Summary of Strategic Priorities and Goals
Strategic Priority 1: A Shared Services Model / Maximize the use of E-rate funding to ensure equity of access
Investigate and implement a managed print solution for all schools
The Technology Department will participate in the annual budget planning process to ensure equitable technology sustainability in all schools.
Strategic Priority 2: Universal Access to Personal Teaching and Learning Devices / Continue to meet with DCS personalized digital learning team to finalize plans for implementing a personalized digital learning program
Employ additional technology facilitators and technicians
Install additional wireless arrays and switches to improve wireless density
Purchase and distribute devices to teachers and pilot groups of students
Purchase and distribute carts of devices for student use at schools
Strategic Priority 3: Access to Digital Teaching and Learning Resources, Including Digital Textbooks / Continue to purchase content for the district-wide video distribution system
Continue to purchase eBooks for district FollettShelf
Continue to provide professional development for digital resources such as: NC Home Base, Safari Montage, NCWISE Owl, LearnNC, SASinSchool, Follett eBooks and other purchased digital content
Investigate and implement a pilot program for digital textbooks
Strategic Priority 4: A Model of Technology-Enabled Professional Development / Provide professional development for teachers and administrators in the use of Google Apps for Education, Web 2.0 Tools, Apple iOS and OSX, Safari Montage, and SMART Software in order to develop personalized learning environments following the TPACK framework
Continue to provide professional development for the use of the district-wide video distribution system, Safari Montage
Continue to provide professional development on the integrated instructional solution portions of NC Home Base
Provide Intel Teach professional development opportunities through NCDPI Teaching and Learning
Provide professional development for technology facilitators and media coordinators on professional standards and the performance appraisal instrument
Continue to use STNA and LoFTI surveys to aid in professional development evaluation and planning
Employ additional technology facilitators
Strategic Priority 5: 21st Century Leadership for All Schools and Districts / Provide monthly professional development for district and school administrators infused with technology
Principals will continue to support monthly professional development for teachers infused with technology
Continue to provide mentoring for beginning teachers through collaboration with the beginning teacher program
Continue to support distance learning system through joint grant with JSCC


While Duplin County Schools has made great gains in the use of technology as instructional and administrative tools, it is very clear that there is much room for improvement. As evidenced in the Annual Media and Technology Report, historically there has been disparity among individual schools in the district—particularly between the high schools and elementary schools. Recently, improvements have been made in reducing isolated programmatic spending, to ensure a more strategic budgeting model. This has lessened the gap in access to devices and resources. This trend must continue. It is the responsibility of Duplin County Schools to use all available funding sources to ensure equity is achieved among all schools in the district. The Constitution of the State of North Carolina, in Article VII, mandates that “. . .equal opportunities shall be provided for all students.”

Equal access to technology and a 21st Century education are critical to the success of all students. To this end, Duplin County has adopted a District-Wide Early College approach to college and career excellence. This initiative affords ALL students the opportunity to earn a simultaneous high school diploma and Associate’s Degree. Dr. Obasohan, Superintendent of Duplin County Schools stated, “. . . This is something we can do and something we should do for all of our children. It is our duty to ensure all students are equipped with the necessary academic preparation to be competitive in today and tomorrow’s global society. . .we must provide all of our students with whatever resources and support necessary to achieve their dreams. ” Additionally, schools in Duplin County are working with World View an initiative of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and elementary and middle schools are partnering with the Global Schools Network to ensure students will be competitive in a global society. 21st Century technology tools are an integral part of these initiatives. To prepare students to be globally competitive and career and college ready, the technology in Duplin County classrooms must reflect what students will encounter in the real world.

We have made gains in digital teaching and learningby implementing Google Apps for Education, a district-wide video system, video conferencing equipment, and an increased number of mobile devices in our schools. In addition to equipping Duplin County classrooms with 21st Century technology equipment, abundant professional development must be available to fully transform our district to true blended digital teaching and learning. A continued focus on 21st Century leadership must be realized for all administrators. Duplin County has partnered with the Golden Leaf Foundation and the William and Ida Friday Institute to implement the North Carolina Learning Technology Initiative (NCLTI) framework. This includes technology embedded professional development for all teachers with the Common Core and New Essential Standards at its core. Over the next few years, Duplin County plans to implement the NCLTI framework for implementing a personalized digital learning technology rollout with an initial rollout of teacher devices in the Fall of 2013. In addition to this rollout, it is important to increase access to digital resources.

Strategic Priority 1: A Statewide Shared Services Model

Essential Questions for Duplin County Schools

How will we leverage collaborative purchasing to pay substantially less for technology services and platforms?

How can a Statewide Shared Services Model assist in shifting primary support from infrastructure to instructional needs?

How can a Statewide Shared Services Model enable increased infrastructure and technology efficiency and sustainability?

How can a Statewide Shared Services Model provide higher service reliability?

How can a Statewide Shared Services Model facilitatemore strategic budgeting modelsfor our LEA/Charter School?

Current Status and Moving Forward

Duplin County Schools (DCS) wired and wireless networking infrastructure is made up of enterprise class switches for the Local Area Network, and an Internet service provider connects all locations via a Wide Area Network connection. While we have wireless networks in all of our schools, there is a need to improve the capacity to meet the demands of current and future personalized digital learning initiatives. Recently, DCS has seen an increase in the implementation of Apple OS/iOS devices throughout the district. In order to effectively facilitate the use of these devices, DCS has had to begin investigating the use of Apple Devices on a Microsoft Active Directory network operating system. Additionally, there is a need for a mobile device management solution.

DCS currently utilizes the state’s very reliable NCREN Internet connection at a substantial cost savings. Many of DCS services, such as filters and file and print servers are at the main data center as well as on local school servers. The main data center is housed in a metal structure that lacks sufficient space. Most of the local school servers are in areas of high traffic and security exposure is high. There is not sufficient backup system for power, cooling or storage. DCS plans to investigate an off-site disaster recovery solution.

DCS utilizes a Google hosted cloud email service at a cost savings. DCS is currently in the fourth year of a five-year contract with a filter service provider. DCS currently utilizes the NCEducation Cloud’s firewall and hopes to transition to theircontent filter offering at the expiration of the contract. Currently, DCS is implementing the use of North Carolina’s Home Base Instructional Improvement and Student Information System. As other components become available in Home Base, DCS will investigate and implement where feasible.

Recently, DCS has made gains by implementing the use of a strategic budgeting process. To help reduce operating costs further and continue to facilitate a more strategic budgeting model, DCS plans to make a concerted effort to utilize a blended funding model to reduce isolated programmatic spending. In this effort, DCS is looking to implement a managed print solution for all locations.


Alignment to Other Plans and Initiatives:
Strategic Priority 1: A Statewide Shared Services Model
Duplin County Schools will utilizeand align with the following key initiatives/plans to reach for the vision and complete the strategic priorities of our plan...
By participating in the shared services model offerings, our LEA/Charter will better prepare for the transition to online assessments, digital textbooks and universal access to personal teaching devices.
Career and College Ready, Set, Go!
Put more technology into the hands of students and teachers to increase individualized learning options.
Race to the Top Local and State Scopes of Work
(A)(2) 5.2.1 – Duplin County Schools will align its technology plan with the state blueprint. DCS will implement the blueprint and provide training and support for all required technology systems. DCS will also revert its required amount of $278,971 in support of the NC Cloud.
Duplin County Schools Strategic Plan Each school will develop a School Technology Plan which aligns to the DCS strategic plan Align all budgets to the strategic plan
1. Statewide Shared Services Model
Suggested Goals/Targets / Year 1
July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015 / Year 2
July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 / Yearly Evaluation
Evaluation Method(s) / DPI Use
Reduce operating costs by facilitating a more strategic budgeting model / The Technology Department will participate in the annual budget planning process facilitating a more strategic budgeting model utilizing blended funding and reducing isolated programmatic spending to ensure equitable technology sustainability in all schools.
<Superintendent, Finance Officer, Director of Technology>
Investigate a managed print solution for all schools to reduce the impact of the direct and indirect printing costs on individual school budgets
<Director of Technology, WAN Engineer, Finance Officer> / The Technology Department will participate in the annual budget planning process facilitating a more strategic budgeting model utilizing blended funding and reducing isolated programmatic spending to ensure equitable technology sustainability in all schools.
<Superintendent, Finance Officer, Director of Technology>
Implement a managed print solution for all schools to reduce the impact of the direct and indirect printing costs on individual school budgets
<Director of Technology, WAN Engineer, Finance Officer> / Departmental Budgets,
Grant Budgets,
Budget Meeting Agendas,
Meeting Agendas,
Purchase Orders,
Technology Sustainability Plan
Promote/maintain innovative funding model by utilizing NCEdCloud offerings and alternatives / Investigate the feasibility of state filter for web content filter
WAN Engineer
Implement the use of NC Home Base Instructional Improvement System components: SchoolNet, OpenClass and True North Logic through targeted Professional Development
<Director of Technology, Instructional Technology Facilitator, Director of Testing and Accountability, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction> / With a positive outcome of the feasibility study, 100% of traffic will be routed through state offered filter.
WAN Engineer
Implement the use of NC Home Base Instructional Improvement System components: SchoolNet, OpenClass and True North Logic through targeted Professional Development
<Director of Technology, Instructional Technology Facilitator, Director of Testing and Accountability, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction> / Filter Report
Feasibility Report
PD Plan
Teacher Lesson Plans
User database
Maximize E-rate in support of instructional programs / Continue to utilize DPI E-rate consultant to maximize E-rate funding.
Attend state-wide meetings to understand changes in guidelines especially with E-rate 2.0, and to utilize E-rate discounts for instructional programs
<Director of Technology>
Purchase/install new layer 3 POE+ switches and new VM ready servers
<Director of Technology, WAN Engineer
Purchase and install additional wireless arrays and necessary cabling to improve wireless density to support a personalized digital learning environment in all schools
<Director of Technology, WAN Engineer>
Purchase, install and implement the use of distance learning video conferencing equipment
<Director of Technology, WAN Engineer> / Continue to utilize DPI E-rate consultant to maximize E-rate funding.
Attend state-wide meetings to understand changes in guidelines especially with E-rate 2.0, and to utilize E-rate discounts for instructional programs
<Director of Technology>
Purchase/install new layer 3 POE+ switches and new VM ready servers
<Director of Technology, WAN Engineer
Purchase and install additional wireless arrays and necessary cabling to improve wireless density to support a personalized digital learning environment in all schools
<Director of Technology, WAN Engineer>
Purchase, install and implement the use of distance learning video conferencing equipment
<Director of Technology, WAN Engineer> / Calendars, Meeting Agendas
Purchase orders
Provide content filtering in accordance with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA). / Continue to utilize and maintain content filtering software in accordance with CIPA.
<Network Administrator> / Continue to utilize and maintain content filtering software in accordance with CIPA.
<Network Administrator> / Purchase Orders
Filter Reports
Provide reliable Internet Access at a low cost / Continue to utilize NCREN Internet Access
<Network Administrator> / Continue to utilize NCREN Internet Access
<Network Administrator>
Maximize Network and Technology Assistance services to support instructional programs / Continue to utilize NCDPI Connectivity Services and MCNC Client Network Services
<Director of Technology, Wan Engineer / Continue to utilize NCDPI Connectivity Services and MCNC Client Network Services
<Director of Technology, WAN Engineer / Calendar
Meeting minutes
MCNC Assessments
Provide a reliable Wide Area Network (WAN) and applications / Continue to support the use of Network Operating system for Apple and PC devices
WAN Engineer
Investigate an off-site disaster recovery solution
<Director of Technology, WAN Engineer> / Continue to support the use of Network Operating system for Apple and PC devices
WAN Engineer
Implement an off-site disaster recovery solution
<Director of Technology, WAN Engineer> / Purchase Orders
Microsoft EES Agreement
Evaluation Rubric, Purchase Order, Contract Agreement


Strategic Priority 2: Universal Access to Personal Teaching and Learning Devices