730pm M ONDAY3November 2014

PRESENT:Phil Marsh (Chairperson),Catherine Brown (Secretary), Bruce Harford, Brian Pinkerand Mike Vincent.

APOLOGIES:Dave Broderick


ALSO IN ATTENDANCE:Councillor Jo Heslop, George Annear,Cheryl Brooker, Dympna Crase, Dari Fell, Janine Hawthorne, Phyll Raxworthy, Brian Rosvall, Christine Rosvall,and Yvonne Swears.

MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: That the minutes of the 6October2014 meeting be accepted as a true and correct record.

Moved Brian Pinker Seconded Catherine Brown




  • Letter dated 16October 2014 from the Chairperson of the Himatangi Beach Community Trust, Brian Rosvall, providing information to support the application for $3,000 of the Manawatu District's Community Fund which has been allocated to the Himatangi Beach Community Committee, to enable the building of the proposed extension of the Himatangi Beach Community Hall to begin.
  • Email dated 21 October 2014 from the MDC Community Development Advisor Janine Hawthorne, updating the Chairperson on the Community Planning meeting to be held 23 November 2014.
  • Email dated 23 October 2014 from Chris Rosvall advising that she had communicated the concerns about the Health Clinic, which were raised at the October meeting, to Angela Johnson of the Kerekere Healthy Communities Network.
  • Letter dated 28 October 2014 from the MDC Community Development Advisor Janine Hawthorne inviting the Chairperson and Secretary to the Hall Committees and Community Committees get together to be held 27 November 2014.
  • Email, dated 2 November 2014 from Chris Gordon addressed to the MDC and copied to the Community Committee, expressing concerns about the rubbish being left at the recycling centre.
  • Email dated 3 November 2014 from Alec MacKay (Surf Club) querying if it was the convention for long liners to fish outside the 30KM speed signs.


Councillor Jo Heslopthanked Brian and Chris Rosvall for all the work the Himatangi Beach Community Trust had put in to raising money for the Community Hall extension.

Councillor Heslop apologised for missing the first Community Planning session as she had been overseas at the time.

In answer to Councillor Heslop's query in regard to Beach Wardens, the Chairperson advised that the MDC had decided not to support the Beach Wardens this year. A proposal needed to be put forward for next year.


  1. Health Clinic:

Angela Johnson from the Kerekere Healthy Communities Network sent her apologies for being unable to attend tonight's meeting. However she requested that any concerns be sent to her at , or concerns can be sent to the Rosvalls who will send them on.

  1. Community Planning Meeting

The Community Advisor Janine Hawthorne advised that notices would be sent to all ratepayers before the next session. A draft Community Plan would then be brought back to the community, hopefully before Christmas, and the finalised plan presented to the Council in February 2015.

  1. Fire Station Reserve

Cheryl Brooker and others met with the Chairperson and Secretary to discuss the Fire Station Reserve. It was noted that the mowing was now covering a much larger area after the cleanup by the Periodic Detention workers and the reserve was looking much tidier. Green waste rubbish is still being dumped on the creek banks, and the parking area needs to be made secure to stop vehicles driving into the reserve. The Chairperson will contact Horizons to discuss issues regarding the creek.

  1. Recycling Centre

Consideration was given to the suggestion made by the Solid Waste and Recycling Officer, David McMillan, that fencing could be carried out this financial year if the Community Committee used its community funding. He also suggested that a local resident may like to take on a supervisory role to clean up any mess before items get broken.

After discussion it was decided that the Chairperson would contact David McMillan to discuss the possibility of relocating the recycling centre to the area of Council owned land at the entrance to the village.

Could the Council please advise the Committee on the exact location of the Council owned land at the entrance to the village.

  1. New Members

The following residents were proposed for the Community Committee:
Yvonne SwearsMoved Brian pinker Seconded Bruce Harford

Cheryl BrookerMoved Mike Vincent Seconded Bruce Harford

Phyll RaxworthyMoved Mike Vincent Seconded Bruce Harford

Marty O'FeeMoved Phil Marsh Seconded Brian Pinker

The Committee membership is now at the limit of 10 members set by the Council.


1Donation to Himatangi Beach Community Trust

The Chairperson of the Himatangi Beach Community Trust, Brian Rosvall, presented accounts showing the funds raised and the expenditure to date. He advised that with the $3,000 requested from the HB Community Committee's share of the MDC Community Fund, the extension would be able to be started within the next few weeks. Without the donation the Trust would have to go back to the funding bodies next year, delaying the project and incurring further costs.

The Committee ratified the decision made previously to donate $3,000 to the Community Hall extension project to enable building to begin this year.

2Long Lining on the Beach

The Surf Club expressed concern to the Committee about the safety of swimmers when long lines were put out to sea within the 30km signs. It was also noted that trawlers are legally able to fish to the surf line and have been seen very close into shore. It was suggested that the Council could put in place a by-law restricting fishing to outside the 30km signs.

Mike Vincent agreed to investigate the matter further and put an article in the Himatangi News and on the web site alerting beach goers to the dangers to swimmers of fishing within the 30km signs.

Would the Council please consider putting in place a by-law restricting fishing and long lining to the beach outside the 30km speed restriction signs.

3Kawana Grove Road Marking

A resident expressed concern that the Kawana Grove corner had not had any road marking put in place to 'help drivers guide themselves around the junction' as indicated in the April 2014 Action Sheet.

4Mahuri Street Reserve

A resident expressed concern that the reserve at the end of Mahuri Street was once again overgrown with barley grass and lupin, and had not been mowed as indicated in the April 2014 Action Sheet.

Other residents expressed concern at the number of overgrown sections.

Would the Parks and Reserves Manager advise the Committee on the actions to be taken about overgrown sections and reserves.

5Barling Street Sunstrike

A resident expressed concern that at certain times of the day and year motorists are unable to see pedestrians walking on the road due to the level of the sun. A footpath is essential for pedestrian safety.

6Motocross Bikes on Roads

A resident expressed concern that motorcross bikes were being used dangerously on the streets. The Committee advises all residents that if any illegal use of any vehicle is observed on the streets or the beach they should immediately contact the police. No action can be taken unless the offender can be identified, however every complaint will be logged and the Police will have a better idea of the problems we have at the beach and in the village.

7Christmas Parade

A query was raised about whether there was going to be a Christmas Parade this Year. It is generally understood that the Fire Brigade had taken over the organisation of the parade. Phyll Raxworthy agreed to contact the Fire Brigade re the parade.

Meeting Closed 8.45pm

Minutes of the meeting are available in the week following the meeting onwww. himatangi-beach.gen.nz, and can be requested to be sent to individuals by email. Minutes are also published in the Himatangi News in the month following the meeting.

Meetings are held on the first Monday of every month except January, and are held at 7.30pm in the Community Hall. Everyone is welcome to attend and bring issues to the attention of the Committee.


Himatangi Beach Community Committee meeting November 2014`