MUS 241 and 242: Music Notation I and II
Fall 2016

Monday, 1:00 to 2:05 PM, MUSIC 104

Instructor: Professor Richard Kahn
Office: Music 103 Telephone: 818.947.2778 Email:

Office Hours:

Wednesday 11:30 PM –2:30 PM

Wednesday 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM

Thursday 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Friday 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

MUS 241 Course study:

Topics will include traditional and commercial notational techniques, using Macintosh computers and Finale 2014. Emphasis is on score layout, note and lyric entry, transpositions, articulations, chord symbols, font styles, and part creation. Advanced students (MUS 242) will be given separate assignments. Each student must complete all assignments. You may use your own software, as long as it is Finale.

Course Objectives:

  1. Distinguish between techniques of commercial and traditional music
  2. Demonstrate how to use a computer to open and navigate the music notation software.
  3. Demonstrate how to use a computer to open new files and template files, save files, change screen views, and undo/redo commands.
  4. Create a template using the staff tool and staff attributes with key and time signatures, and titles as a basis for music score entry.
  5. Input basic level music scores through speedy entry (playing the notes into the template through MIDI).

Course Level Student Learning Outcomes:

  1. Student will be able to notate music, using computers and music software
  2. Student will be able to generate scores and parts.

Heavily suggested Prerequisite:

Some ability to READ and WRITE music as well as basic computer and piano skills.

Required Materials:.

A USB Flash Drive, a pencil, lined paper, and staff paper should be brought to all classes and labs.


Lab hours will be posted on the door of M110. It is available only during those times. No guests are allowed in the Lab. No food or drink is ever allowed in the lab. Do not attempt to install software on the computers, nor alter the set-up of any computer.

Grading Policy:

It is EXPECTED that you visit the lab (M110) during the week in order to complete your work. Points will be accrued for assignments; failure to submit NEW work EACH WEEK will result in a lowered grade. Unannounced “software performance” quizzes will be given.

MUS 241 Assignments:Value:Due Date:

  • Four part harmony, piano reduction, open score and parts20%Monday, ______
  • “The Way You Look Tonight” Piano Score with Lyrics 20%Monday, ______
  • “Celebration” Master Rhythm Score with Lyrics20%Monday, ______
  • “Through You” Jazz Vocal Arrangement with Parts20%Monday, ______
  • Attendance and Participation 20%N/A






A grade of “Incomplete” will only be given for the most extraordinary circumstances beyond the control of the student, occurring in the final week of any given semester, and must be requested by the student and approved by the instructor.

If you are a student with a disability and require classroom accommodations, and have not contacted SSD, please do so in a timely manner. SSD is located in the Student Services Annex, Room 175, or call SSD at (818) 947-2681 or TTD (818) 947-2680 to meet with an SSD counselor. If SSD has already sent the memo to the instructor(s) confirming accommodations required by the student for this class, please meet with me to discuss arrangements.

No class on Monday, September5, 2016Labor Day