English 12 Honors Syllabus Parent Initials:______

Mrs. Meek – Blocks 1 and 3 Student Initials: ______

Welcome to the wonderful world of ‘The Syllabus’. You will come to learn that my most repeated phrase in class is “It’s on the syllabus!” You will always know what and when something is occurring in English 12 Honors. Some things may be altered along the way, so you MUST LISTEN to me in class and look to the board for any changes. Otherwise, everything on the syllabus is what you will be responsible for. You will receive a new syllabus every 2-3 weeks.

There are some things that must be adhered to. They are: 1) You are expected to be prepared every day in class, even if you were out the day before. Come see me if you are here or look to the syllabus for answers. Trust me; it will make your life a lot easier. 2) Late work will not be accepted without using my homework pass. Period. 3) If you are absent, please bring a note from home or official school note letting me know that your parents knew you were out. Otherwise I will have to assume that you have been plagued with the rather contagious and deadly-to-your-graduation “bug” called senioritis. 4) There is a warm-up every day. Please keep these separate. 5) You are responsible for covering everything on the syllabus unless otherwise noted. I will be very clear in class if there are any changes and it will be up to you to change them accordingly. Please listen.

** Please note that there may be some adjustments to the syllabus the first few days due to the extended homeroom schedule as First Block is shortened and 3rd Block is not. **

8/25: Introduction to Class - syllabus, tardies, new school policies, warm-ups, rules,

information cards

What books did you read?

Begin Day One Essay

HMWK: finish Day One Essay if necessary

8/28: Introduce Warm-Ups – DLA

Introduce Vocabulary #1 – ten words every Monday, Quiz/Sentences every Friday

Jigsaw Introductions

Hand out books

Discuss SEP – groups

Individual work – summarize SEP paper and give ideas for product

Introduce Anglo-Saxon Background Information – pgs. 6-17 and questions

HMWK: finish reading Anglo-Saxon Information and questions


8/29: Warm-Up - DLA

Art Transparency #1 – wkst.

Video#1– wkst.

Review Background – discuss literary terms in book

Review Epic and Epic Hero – connect today

Begin reading Beowulf

HMWK: Finish Part One Beowulf and questions; think about SEP Product and bring THESIS

8/30: Warm-Up – DLA

Give Product Ideas to Mrs. Meek

Read Part Two Beowulf and questions – silently

HMWK: Bring Choice #1 Summer Novel; work on product; finish Beowulf assignment

8/31: Warm-Up – DLA

Finish Beowulf and activities

Complete Collection Skills Review pgs. 82-87 in textbook

HMWK: Vocabulary #1 Sentences due and quiz – pun??

9/1: Warm-Up – DLA

Vocabulary #1 Quiz and Sentences Due

Group Work – MWDS for Choice #1 (due at end of class)

Mrs. Meek to individually help students with SEP product ideas

Assign Frankenstein – due 10/3/06

HMWK: ongoing

9/5: Warm-Up – DLA

Vocabulary Words #2

Discuss Product Proposal and Reflective Essay

Art Transparency #2 – wkst.

Video #2 – wkst.

Middle Ages Background pgs. 95-106 and questions

HMWK: finish Product Proposal and Reflective Essay; finish background if necessary

9/6: Warm-Up - DLA

Product Proposal and Reflective Essay Due

Read Lord Randall and Get Up and Bar the Door – pgs. 108-110

Questions 1-8 on pg. 111

Modern Day Tabloid Ballad – write your own

HMWK: Finish ballad

9/7: Warm-Up – DLA

Introduce Canterbury Tales

Read Prologue together as class - pgs. 120-130

Take notes on each character (pilgrim)

HMWK: Vocabulary #2 Sentences / Quiz

9/8: Warm-Up – DLA

Vocabulary #2 Quiz

Finish reading Prologue pgs 131-142 and taking notes

Discuss Canterbury Tales – wksts.

HMWK: Write your own description…Student Tales

9/11: Warm-Up – DLA

Vocabulary #1 Words

Student Tale Due

Pardoner’s Tale pgs. 145-154 and assignments (TBA)

HMWK: finish in-class work

9/12: Warm-Up – DLA

Discuss Product Description Sheet

Review Pardoner’s Tale

Read Wife of Bath’s Tale pgs.155-166

HMWK: Complete Product Description sheet and finish reading Wife of Bath’s Tale

9/13: Warm-Up – DLA

Wife of Bath’s Tale – quiz and assignments

Product Description Due

Explain Product Justification and Abstract (Due 9/20/06)

Begin King Arthur Film – wkst.

9/14: Warm-Up – DLA

Finish film

The Day of Destiny pgs. 193-201 and assignments

HMWK: finish assignment if necessary; Vocabulary #3 sentences/quiz

9/15 Warm-Up – DLA

Vocabulary #3 Quiz

Complete Collection Skills Review pgs. 226-231

HMWK: Study for test; bring Choice #2 Summer Novel to class

9/18: Warm-Up – DLA

Vocabulary #4 Words

Test on Anglo-Saxons and Middle Ages (half-class)

Begin working on Summer Choice #2 Assignment

HMWK: continue Summer Choice #2 Assignment

9/19: Warm-Up -DLA

Continue and Finish Summer Choice #2 Assignment – Present

Refresh information RE: Product Justification and Abstract

HMWK: Product Justification and Abstract

9/20: Warm-Up -DLA

Product Justification and Abstract Due

Video #3 - wkst

Art Transparency #3 - wkst

Begin Renaissance Background Information and questions pgs. 238-254

HMWK: Finish assignment

9/21: Progress Reports (at end of class)

Warm-Up DLA

Review Background Information

Passionate Shepard poems pgs. 257-261 and questions pg. 262

HMWK: Vocabulary #4 sentences and quiz

9/22: Warm-Up – DLA

Vocabulary #4 Quiz

Carpe Diem Poems and assignments pgs. 271

HMWK: don’t forget about Frankenstein