Class /


/ Summer term 1st half
Literacy / This half term the children will finish their non-fiction work, by investigating evaluating evidence, exploring the features then presenting two pieces of evidence. They will then explore historical fiction. They will focus developing their awareness of writing from one character’s point of view. The children will use all of this understanding to write a chapter of their own, including dialogue appropriately punctuated. The children will continue to work on their argument skills by discussing a variety of ‘Big Questions’. They will continue to look at more powerful synonyms and a variety of suffixes. We will also continue to refresh their understanding of the various letter strings. Our non-fiction work will focus on newspaper articles. The year 5 children in Mrs Lang’s literacy group will continue working on their phonic knowledge and applying this to comprehension work.


/ The children will continue to develop their mental calculation methods and their written methods for subtraction. They will be exploring decimal numbers, as tenths and rounding to the nearest whole number. In their measure work the children will be looking at angles; reminding themselves of the idea that angles are a measure of turn, looking at the various names for angles and comparing angles using their developing knowledge. In multiplication they will be looking at multiplying by 25, 100 and 1000 then choosing the most effective methods to answer a variety of problems. They will continue to practise a variety of basic skills in their weekly Big Maths lessons.


/ Light / The children will explore shadows, looking at how they are formed and that they are similar in shape to the objects forming them. They will also look at the movement of the sun and the effect of this on shadows. The children will also investigate transparent, translucent and opaque materials.
Topic / Ancient Egypt / During this topic children will place Ancient Egypt on a timeline and on a world map. We will then move on to look at different artefacts and discuss how these relate to daily life, homes, food, death and clothes. We will also explore how depended the Egyptians were on the River Nile.
(Wednesday) / Striking and fielding / The children will learn and play team field games. They will use the skills and tactics they have developed from previous lessons in different games such as rounders and cricket. They will think about positioning and working together for best effect.
Music / Stop! By Joanna Mangona / The year 4 children will continue to learn how to play the recorder. The year 5 children will develop their musical ability by looking at Stop! A rap about bullying by Joanna Mangona and investigating different hip hop songs.
R.E / Serving / We will look at how serving can develop our Christianity.
Pentecost / Children will investigate the power of the Holy Spirit by scriptures and stories from the bible. We will also look at the fruits of the Holy Spirit and why they are important.

How you can help your child make progress!

J  Read with them several times a week and encourage them to read independently.

J  Practice number facts regularly e.g. Times tables, bonds, double, half.

J  Encourage them to learn spellings and complete all homework tasks on time.

J  Keep an eye out for suitable programmes on T.V. that are related to what we are studying. The discovery channel often shows some good programmes.

J  Discuss the plot, characters and conclusions of films, plays and soaps that you watch together

J  Try to take them to the library or local museums so that they can find out further information about topics studied in class.

J  Play board games, word games and number games with them.

J  Give them suitable responsibilities, to encourage independence.

Most importantly!

J  Talk to them about their school day and ask them what they have learned. They will amaze you with what they get through in a day!


Homework will be given out on Wednesday and needs to be handed in either before or on the following Wednesday. They should also be practising their number bonds and times tables regularly.


Children will need to change their book at least once a week. Please listen to your child read, ask them questions about the book and comment honestly on how you feel they have read.

It would be a good idea to make sure the book is stored on their school bag to ensure that it comes to school regularly and is not mislaid.

Our book changing days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


Spellings are given out on Wednesday and children will be tested the following week

The children may also be given other homework each week related to work we are covering at the time.