Social Networking and Cyber Safety

Cyber safety:

Cyber safety is a common term used to describe a set of practices, measures, and/or actions you can take to protect personal information and your computer from attacks.

Social networking:

Social networking is a great way for friends to stay in touch outside of work or school and reconnect with old friends. Social networking sites are only dangerous when people don’t use them responsibly. This could be someone who has posted inappropriate pictures and derogatory comments about others, or has posted too much personal information about themselves that someone with less than friendly intentions could see. For all the positive aspects of social networking, the fact is that users still need to use caution and common sense when posting information to their page.

  • If your child wants to use a social network, consider creating your own account and friend your child. This is a great way to see what social networking is all about and monitor your child’s page while modeling good online behavior for your child.
  • Review the rules of use for the site (both Facebook and MySpace require users to be at least 13 years old), including how to use privacy settings.
  • Set clear guidelines and expectations for your child – your child should only “friend” people they know.
  • Encourage your child to follow appropriate netiquette.

Cyber Safety Rules for Kids:

  • Protect your personal identity.
  • Use screen names that don’t reveal personal information such as your name, address, birthday or school.
  • Don’t give out personal information about yourself or a friend while online.
  • Don’t share photos with people you meet online.
  • Never fill in personal information on an online form without getting your parent’s permission first.
  • Never arrange to meet someone you met online in person.
  • Talk to your parents or a trusted adult if you come across any information online that makes you uncomfortable.
  • Keep account IDs and passwords secret online or offline. The only people you should share them with are your parents or guardian.
  • Never open emails from people you don’t know – delete them.
  • Remember! Anything you write or pictures that you post on the Internet are not private – they can be seen by anyone around the world.

Cyber Safety Tips for Parents:

  • Keep the computer in a family area, such as the kitchen or living room—not in your child’s bedroom.
  • Establish your own family policy for acceptable computer use.
  • List what is and is not allowed.
  • Set time limits.
  • Spend time with your children online.
  • Ask them what sites they visit and what they do there.
  • Check the privacy policy of their favorite sites to understand what information is being collected about your child and how it is being used.
  • Talk to your child about the importance of protecting personal information about themselves or others while online.
  • Encourage open and honest communication.
  • Let them know they can talk to you about anything that makes them uncomfortable online.

To learn more about staying safe online, visit the following organizations:

Federal Trade Commission —

GetNetWise —

Internet Keep Safe Coalition —


NationalCenter for Missing and Exploited Children —

National Crime Prevention Council —

National Cyber Security Alliance —

staysafe —

Wired Safety —

McGruff Safeguard ---

Stay Smart Online –

Net Safe -

Bullying No Way -

Virtual Global Taskforce -

Australian Communication and Media Authority -

Internet Industry Association Security Patrol -

Centre for Safe and Responsible Internet Use -

Text Talk (translate from text talk to English) -

Urban Dictionary -

Preschool -

Primary School -

Teenagers -

Internet Use Agreement

1. I will not give my name, address, telephone number, school, or myparents’ names, address, or telephone number; to anyone I meet onthe computer.

2. I understand that some people online pretend to be someone else.Sometimes they pretend to be kids, when they’re really grown ups. Iwill tell my parents about people I meet online. I will also tell my

parents before I answer any e-mails I get from or send e-mails to newpeople I meet online.

3. I will not fill out any form online that asks me for any informationabout myself or my family without asking my parents first.

4. I will not buy or order anything online without asking my parents orgive out any credit card information.

5. I will not get into arguments or fights online. If someone tries to startan argument or fight with me, I won’t answer him or her and will tellmy parents.

6. If I see something I do not like or that I know my parents don’t wantme to see, I will click on the back button or log off.

7. If I see people doing things or saying things to other kids online Iknow they’re not supposed to do or say, I’ll tell my parents.

8. I won’t keep online secrets from my parents.

9. If someone sends me any pictures or any e-mails using bad language,I will tell my parents.

10. If someone asks me to do something I am not suppose to do, I will tellmy parents.

11. I will not call anyone I met online, in person, unless my parents say it’s okay.

12. I will never meet in person anyone I met online, unless my parents sayit’s okay.

13. I will never send anything to anyone I met online, unless my parentssay it’s okay.

14. If anyone I met online sends me anything, I will tell my parents.

15. I will not use something I found online and pretend it’s mine.

16. I won’t say bad things about people online, and I will practice goodNetiquette.

17. I won’t use bad language online.

18. I know that my parents want to make sure I’m safe online, and I willlisten to them when they ask me not to do something.

19. I will help teach my parents more about computers and the Internet.

20. I will practice safe computing, and check for viruses whenever Iborrow a disk from someone or download something from theInternet.


I promise to follow these rules. (Child’s Signature)


I promise to help my child follow these rules and not to over react if my

child tells me about bad things in cyberspace. (Parent’s Signature)