BVIU Board Notes #485 2 September 28, 2016

School Board Notes

The Beaver Valley Intermediate Unit Board of Directors held their regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at 7:30 P.M.

Members Present: Ms. Gill, Mr. Angus, Mr. Bovalino, Mrs. Goehring, Mr. Ross, Mr. Inman, Mr. Bufalini, Mr. D’Itri, Mr. Antonini, Mr. Carver, Ms. Weltner and Mr. McGeehan

Members Absent: Ms. Cook and Mr. Long

Others Present: Dr. Rosendale, Ms. Weldon, Attorney Al Steff, Mrs. Murtha, Mrs. Niedbala, Mrs. Harmotto, Mr. Lewis, Ms. Pilarski, Mrs. Weltner, Mr. Huchko and Mrs. Ference

Action Taken:

1.  The Board welcomed Ms. Farin Weltner to the BVIU Board of School Directors. Ms. Weltner

represents South Side Area School District and she fills the unexpired term of Mr. Ronald Garvey which expires on June 30, 2018.

2.  The Board approved the date of Tuesday December 13, 2016, for the Annual Reorganization Dinner/Meeting at the Beaver County CTC.

3.  The Board voted for the following PSBA Officers:

President Elect – Mr. Michael Faccinetto

Vice President – Mr. David Hutchinson

Trustees – Mr. William LaCoff, Ms. Kathy Swope, Mr. Mark Miller, Ms. Marianne Neel, Mr. Michael Faccinetto

Addendum Items - None

Correspondence – Letter from the Auditor General’s office regarding an audit at the BVIU beginning on October 3, 2016.

Executive Director’s Report

A. New Horizon Enrollment

A chart detailing the current enrollment at New Horizon School by program and

school district of residence is provided for Board review.

B. 46 Year Enrollment History

Enclosed in your packet is the “46 Year Enrollment History” for your review. We will examine its implications.

C. Composite Summaries

Provided for your review is the Composite Summary of the BVIU Programs & Services and a Composite Summary of the BVIU Employees.

D. Joint Purchasing

The Joint Purchase Reorganization Meeting was held Tuesday, September 20, 2016. The Joint Purchase Board Resolution was handed out to the districts at the Superintendents’ Advisory Council Meeting. We are requesting that they be returned by Friday, November 4, 2016.

E. Dates to Remember


5-7 – Superintendents’ Retreat

13-15 – PASA/PSBA School Leadership Conference

26 – BVIU Board of Directors’ Meeting, 7:30 PM – Conference Room 211

27 – Beaver County CTC Joint Operating Meeting, 7:30 PM – Conference Room


8 – Election Day

11 – Veteran’s Day – BVIU Office closed

16 – BVIU Board of Directors’ Meeting – 7:30 PM, Conference Room 211

24-28 – BVIU Office closed – Thanksgiving Holiday


13 – Reorganization Dinner Meeting

Administrative Reports – Administrative Reports were provided for Board review.

Solicitor’s Report – Mr. Steff stated that the work on the pool has started and all of the paper work is

in order. Mr. McGeehan said that Mr. Steff did a great job working with the contractors and he thanked

him on behalf of the Board of Directors.

Other Business – Ms. Weldon thanked everyone for coming to New Horizon School. She reminded everyone that they have an open invitation to visit the school.

Mrs. Niedbala congratulated the maintenance staff on the great job that they do maintaining the building.

Before leaving, everyone sang happy birthday to Mr. Bufalini.

Respectfully submitted,

Dr. Eric G. Rosendale

Executive Director
