Department of Professional Development

for Learner

Technical Support Hotline: 29588312 or 29588366

/ Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Central Nursing Division

Version 1.0.2



/ 2
1. / Getting Connection to e-Learning Centre / 3
2. / Accessing QEH e-Learning CNE Courses / 3
By intranet…………………………………………………………………… / 3
Registration of Learner account in HA e-Learning centre……... / 3
By internet…………………………………………………………………… / 5
3. /

Course Enrollment

/ 9
4. / Logging on to the Course / 10
5. / Course Homepage Components / 11
Course Content and Related material (Syllabus)……..………………… / 11
Table of Contents…………….…………………………………………….. / 12
My Progress………………………………………………………………… / 12
Assessment……………………………………………………………….... / 13
Communication Tools……………………………………………………… / 13
Mail………………………………………………………………..... / 14
Discussion………………………………………………………….. / 14
Chat…………………………………………………………………. / 15
Study Tools…………………………………………………………………. / 15
Student Homepage………………………………………………... / 15
Calendar……………………………………………………………. / 16
Self-Test……………………………………………………………………... / 16
Help………………………………………………………………………….. / 17
myWebCT…………………………………………………………………… / 18
6. / Hardware and Software Requirements / 19
Hardware and Operating System Requirements………………………... / 19
Software Requirements……………………………………………………. / 19


QEH e-Learning CNE courses can be accessed through the HA e-Learning centre. Therefore, it is essential to get a Learner ID by registration in the HA e-Learning centre.

Figure 1. Flow of study of QEH e-Learning CNE Courses

1. Getting Connection to e-Learning Centre

The e-Learning Centre can be connected through HA intranet or internet (by your ISP account).

Intranet - http://elc

Internet -

2.  Accessing QEH e-Learning CNE Courses

By intranet

Step 1: Connect to intranet[(]

Step 2: Open your browser

Step 3: Type: http://elc

The main screen of HA e-Learning centre will appear. (Figure 2)

Figure 2

Registration of learner account: If you haven’t had generated a HA e-Learning centre learner account in the past, please click ‘New Comer’ to fill in the form and perform the registration process (Figure 3). Keep the Learner ID and Password for course enrollment in HA e-Learning centre.

Figure 3

If you have already had a Learner ID, please click and enter ‘Training Information’ area (Figure 2).

By internet

Step 1: Connect to internet

Step 2: Open your browser

Step 3: Type:

The welcome screen will be shown. (Figure 4)

Figure 4

You should enter the Learner ID and Password. If you don’t have HA e-Learning Centre learner account, please register through the “New Comer” (same as section By intranet) in the intranet environment in your working area or Staff Cyber Corner room.

If you have already had a Learner account, please key in the Learner ID and Password and click ‘Login’ to enter the main screen (Figure 2). Then, click and enter ‘Training Information’ area as in Figure 2.

Step 4: Click ‘Cluster & Hospital Programmes’ to enter the hospital list (Figure 5).

Figure 5

Step 5: Choose and click Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Figure 6). Figure 6

Step 6: Click Central Nursing Division (Figure 7). You will enter the homepage of Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Central Nursing Division, Department of Professional Development (Figure 8).

Figure 7

The learning programmes of QEH can be displayed by clicking the ‘Course List’ (Figure 8).

Figure 8

The learning programmes of QEH have been shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9

Click on the course title for further course details and description. You can decide to enroll and study the course according to your own need or interest.

3. Course Enrollment

Choose the course that you want.

Step 1: Click the course title (Figure 9).

Step 2: Click ‘Enroll’ (Figure 10)

Step 3: Enter Learner ID and Password, and click ‘Enroll’ (Figure 11).

Then, you will be enrolled in the course. (NB: Some courses may require manual approval by PD Department.)

Figure 10

Figure 11

4.  Logging on to the Course

You have enrolled a course. The enrolled courses can be checked by clicking ‘My Profile/Training Needs’ area. You can enter the enrolled course by clicking ‘Login’ as Figure 12 (or click ‘Login’ in Figure 10) to enter the Course Homepage (WebCT learning environment).

Figure 12

5. Course Homepage Components

Course Homepage (WebCT learning environment) has been shown (Figure 13). You may start studying the online course now. The components that you will use in the course are shown in the Course Homepage. There are eight common components, different courses may have different components. Some components may contain a number of sub-components. Spend some time to explore the components.

Figure 13

Course Content and Related Materials (Syllabus)

This component gives you overview of the course.

Figure 14

Table of Contents

This component contains the content of the course. Usually it is the starting page of the course materials. You can start to learn by clicking the contents.

Figure 15

My Progress

This component provides progress information for you. It displays information and statistics graphs. You can see which sections of the course and the percentage of the pages you had accessed.

Figure 16


Online evaluation questions are delivered in this component. You can click and submit to perform the evaluation electronically. The format of assessment will be depended on the design of the course. You should complete and pass the assessment to get the CNE points.

Figure 17

Communication Tools

Communication tools (Mail, Discussion and Chat) are provided in this component.

Figure 18

Mail: It is a mail system which allows message transfer among course participants, and course coordinator. You can compose, send and read mail message through this component.

Figure 19

Discussion: The discussion board provides place for participants to post messages to facilitate online discussion. You can compose, post and read news message through this component.

Figure 20

Chat: This chat tool provides chat rooms for real-time chatting among course participants. There is also one general chat room that allows chatting among students in other e-Learning course.

Figure 21

Study Tools

Student homepage and Calendar are study tools in this component.

Student Homepage: You can post your own profiles or information by this tool.

Figure 22

Calendar: A PIM (Personal Information Management) tool, you can schedule your events by this tool. Course coordinator can post some important dates and events which can be read by the all participants.

Figure 23


You can perform pre or post study self-assessment. The result of the test will not affect the scoring of the course.

Figure 24


Helpful information will be provided in this component.

Figure 25


‘myWebCT’ is your study profile. In myWebCT (Figure 26), the courses related information would be shown:

1.  Enrolled courses

2.  Quiz or assignment need to be completed

3.  New email in Mail box

4.  New message in Discussion Board

By clicking the items, you can either start to study or retrieve the information that you wanted.

Figure 26

6. Hardware and Software Requirements

In order to take the QEH e-Learning CNE courses, you need to have the required hardware, operating system and software. The following is a description of these requirements.

Hardware and Operating System Requirements

The recommended configuration of your computer:

l  PC with a Pentium (or equivalent) CPU and 200MHz or above

l  32 MB RAM or above

l  800x600, 16bit color screen settings

l  12 MB free hard disk space for Acrobat Reader installation (see below)

l  HA dataport for intranet access or 56 kbps modem (or above) for internet access

l  Operating system: Windows 95 or later

l  Printer for print hard copies, if necessary

Software Requirements

All users will require to have the following software installed in computer (higher versions are recommended):

l  Web browser: Internet Explorer 5.0 (recommended) OR Netscape 6.0

l  Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 for reading PDF format file

l  Flash Player 4.0 for playing SWF format file

All of them can be downloaded from their websites (or Download Zone of e-Learning Centre) for FREE.

Software /


/ Internet Explorer /
/ Netscape /
/ Adobe Acrobat Reader /
/ Flash Player /


[(]8 NOTE: When you access e-Learning Centre by INTRANET (hospital's computers), please login through http://elc. If you login through, it will affect the display of some course contents when you study the courses.