Winter 2010—The Life of Joshua

Lesson3: Joshua 6–8

Study tip of the week: Before you begin…

  • Commit to spend a half-hour in prayer and the study of Joshua each day this week.

Day One:Read Joshua 6; Jericho Falls

1.How many times did the Israeliteswalk around Jericho?

2.What part of Joshua’s plan to conquer Jerichodo you think was most challengingfor the Israelites?

3.What effect wouldthe strategy of walking around Jericho have had on each of the following groups?

a.The people of Jericho

b.The people of Israel

c.The surrounding nations

4.FromJoshua 6:17–18, explain the phrase “under the ban”(NAS) or “devoted to destruction”(ESV).

5.Why did God command Jericho to be destroyed?(See Deuteronomy 7:1–5, 25; 20:17–18)

6.What do you learn from Rahab’s deliverance from the destruction of Jericho, and how can you apply it to your life? (Joshua 6:17,22,25)

Day Two:Read Joshua 7; Achan Sins

1.After conquering Jericho, the Israelites were defeated by the men of Ai (verses 2–5). What principle(s) can you find in this account?(For example, see Proverbs 16:18.)

2.What was Joshua’s major concern when Israel was defeated at Ai?

3.Why was Israel defeated?

4.What phrase in Joshua 7:12 would have brought great sadness to Joshua?

  1. Dig Deeper: With whom mightJoshua have identified from Israel’s past?

b.What from this can you applyto your service to God today?

5.Dig Deeper: Compare and contrast Rahab (Joshua 2,6) with Achan.

6.How can you connect Achan’s confession in Joshua 7:21 withJames 1:13–15?

Day Three: Read Joshua 8:1–29; Ai Falls

1.What was the difference between God’s instruction to Joshua regarding Jericho and Ai? Why did Godallow this difference?

2.Briefly summarize God’s strategy to defeat Ai.

3.What phrase in Joshua 8:9 is repeated in 8:13? Why is that important?

4.What do you see in Joshua’s leadership that is missing from your own life? Prayerfullyask God to help you grow in that area, and seek someone to hold you accountable.

DayFour:Joshua 8:30–35; Covenant Renewed

1.Locate Mt. Ebal on a Bible map. How far was itfrom Ai?

2.What did Israel see at Mt. Ebalto remind them of God’s faithfulness?What would they learn fromthis?

3.Dig Deeper: What do you learn from the following references?

a.Deuteronomy 11:26–32

b.Deuteronomy 27:9–26

c.Deuteronomy 31:12–13

4.What evidence of God’s grace to Israel is found in Joshua 8:31?

5.Dig Deeper: Answer the following questions using the suggested references as a starting point.

a.What did the burnt offering symbolize?(Leviticus 1)

b.What did the peace offering symbolize? (Leviticus 3)

c.How can you connect these offerings with Romans 12:1–2?

6.How do the “uncut stones” in Joshua 8:31connect with Ephesians 2:8–9?

Day Five:Re-read Joshua 6–8

1.From these three chapters, how did Joshua’s leadership inspire confidence in the people of Israel?

(e.g., Joshua had a personal relationship with the Lord; Joshua 6:2.)


b.Joshua 7

c.Joshua 8

2.Find theattribute of God from each chapter that is most meaningful to you. (Cite specific verses.)


b.Joshua 7


3.What was God trying to teach Israel in Joshua 6–8?

4.Share one thing God has taught you personally as you have studied these chapters.


Luenebrink/Peters February 3, 2010