Worsley Sub Aqua Club

Annual General Meeting

Held10th April 2013 at 10.00pm


Keith SnowdenFrank WardMike BrownBrian Langtree

Rick HagueLindsey FellSimon LangtonPhil Rose

Kevin DeardenDeece HagueRick Waring


Paul JohnsonMatt CowinKat Snowden Dave Annis

Gary Fell

Minutes of Annual General Meeting held 25th April 2012

The minutes of the AGM were accepted.

Matters Arising

There were no matters arising

Chairman’s Report

We have had a reasonable year in which the club has held its own whilst other clubs in the area have been failing. The Monton Festival was not very successful due to the location of the pitch but it did get the club doing something together.


It has been a quiet year. It has been noted that Crave Divers have stopped paying. The bank statement for March has yet to be received so the accounts only cover 11 months. This gives an excess of expenditure over income of £435 but the March statement should include membership income of approximately £300. The club currently has £3231 in the bank.

The club’s base expenditure on the pool and MBC is just under £2600 per year

Discussion ensued regarding the financial state of the club. Whilst there is no immediate cause for concern a major expense on the boat could cause difficulties and if nothing is changes we will see a steady decline in our financial position eventually to a point where the club is no longer viable.

It was agreed that the treasurer and secretary would review the membership lists to ensure all information was current and accurate.


Membership is in principle stable at about 30 but there are only between 10 and 12 active members with only 5 or 6 of these being regular attendees at the pool and MBC on Wednesdays.

Diving Officer

It has been a quiet year with little diving. It has been observed that there have been a couple of incidents that have arisen from a failure to complete checks before getting in the water. Whilst these did not lead to serious problems and were laughed off all are reminded of the need to undertake proper equipment and buddy checks prior to diving. Prevention is much better than a cure.

There has been a serious incident within the last week which resulted in a member having recompression therapy. The full facts are yet to be established but this will require an incident report submitting to BSAC and is a stark reminder that major problems can arise on a seemingly simple shallow dive.

Training Officer

No present. It is recorded that 1 member has completed sport diver within the past year one has completed ocean diver. We have 1 member in the middle of ocean diver training an d 1waiting to start sport diver training

Equipment Officer

There has been no change with regard to equipment in the past year. All equipment is accounted for.

There are 2 resusi annes in the locker both of which need new lungs. The meeting agreed that the Equipment Officer could obtain these.

Boat Officer

The boat received very little use last year. The trailer brakes and a number of other minor items need sorting for the new diving season.


All posts were up for re-election.

The following were duly proposed, seconded and elected: -

ChairmanRick Hague

TreasurerKevin Dearden

SecretaryDeece Hague

Diving OfficerPhil Rose

Training OfficerKeith Snowden

Equipment OfficerMike Brown

Boat OfficerRick Waring

Ordinary Committee Members

Brian LangtreeSimon LangtonLindsey Fell

Any Other Business

The use of Albert Dock was discussed. As a licence for the year would cost £100 it was decided not to proceed with this.

Monton Festival is on 6th July this year. It was agreed that we should attend. KS will get the application sent off.

The potential for merging with other declining clubs within the area needs to be further explored.

A first meeting of the new committee will be arranged quickly with the main purpose being to further review the financial position of the club


Trainee of the Year

Awarded to Simon Langton

Diver of the Year

Awarded to Keith Snowden

Chairman’s Award

Awarded to Mike Brown

Member of the Year

No nominations received not awarded

Congratulations to all winners