July 5, 2017

President Williams called the regular meeting of the Cassville Village Board to order at 7:00 P.M. Roll call- Williams, Harbaugh, Cooper, Lau, Hauk-present; Vogt and Ralph-absent. Also in attendance were Attorney Glass, Police Chief McDonald, Clerk-Marlene Esser, Street Supervisor-Dion Nemitz, Utility Supervisor-Josh Mergen, Harold Pollock, Larry Lange and Brian Muller.

Cooper made a motion to approve the June 12th Village Board meeting minutes; second by Lau; motion carried. A motion was made by Lau to approve the vouchers for payment; Cooper seconded it; motion carried.

Prior to the Village Board meeting, the Plan Commission held a Public Hearing regarding an Ordinance Change relating to accessory building height. The Plan Commission is recommending to the Village Board amending the accessory building height. Cooper made a motion a to amend Chapter 16.03 (2) maximum accessory building height from 15 feet to 20 feet and Lau seconded it. Roll call vote: Williams-yes; Vogt-absent; Lau-yes; Cooper-yes; Ralph-absent; Harbaugh-yes; Hauk-yes; motion carried.

President Williams presented the final Payment Application #2 to Iowa Grant Trucking for the Front Street Project. All work had been completed in 2016 and this Pay Application is for the retainage. Cooper made a motion to approve payment of $2,924.17 to Iowa Grant Trucking, with a second by Lau. Roll call vote: Vogt-absent; Lau-yes; Williams-yes; Harbaugh-yes; Cooper-yes; Hauk-yes; Ralph-absent; motion carried. Williams also presented Temperley Excavating, Inc. Pay Application #1 for the Wyota Street/Wisconsin Lift Station project. Bart Nies from Delta 3 Engineering communicated to the Village that work has been completed on Wyota Street for Payment Application #1.

Approval of Temperley Pay Application #1 in the amount of $24,980.25 was made on a motion by Hauk and second by Cooper. Roll call vote: Harbaugh-yes; Hauk-yes; Vogt-absent; Lau-yes; Williams-yes; Cooper-yes; Ralph-absent; motion carried.

Street/Utility Report--

Mergen informed the Board that five of the emergency lights at the pool are not working because of a ballast problem. They could be replaced at a cost of $100 each. A cheaper option is to connect the emergency lights with the exit lighting with a cost of $350 total. Harbaugh made a motion to approve Schmidt Electrical to change the emergency lights to run with the exit lighting contingent on approval of the plans by Bart Nies of Delta 3 Engineering and it was seconded by Cooper. Roll call vote: Lau-yes; Vogt-absent; Harbaugh-yes; Williams-yes; Hauk-yes; Ralph-absent; Cooper-yes; motion carried.

Approximately half of the decking over the digester at the Wastewater Treatment Facility needs replacing. Mergen has obtained an estimate of $1,100 from Steel Mart for galvanized bar grating. Larry Lange, President Williams, Mergen and Nemitz will do the labor. Hauk made a motion to approve this repair, second by Harbaugh and carried by voice vote.

Tourism and Promotion Report:

Members were provided copies of the monthly Promotion report and expenses. In July, various activities are planned for Thursday evening ‘Night in the Park’ at Volunteer Park. July 15th will be ‘Fun Day in the Park’ at Riverside Park sponsored by the Cassville Lions/Lioness. Cooper made a motion accept the Tourism Report with a second by Harbaugh and carried by voice vote.

President’s Report:

Discussion was held concerning LP bids for 2017 and will be placed on the August Village Board agenda.

Dr. David Opperman has decided not to open a part time chiropractor practice in the Tranchita Building. Don Harbaugh stated that Lloyd Brehm is interested in opening a tattoo studio. After discussion, Lau made a motion to offer a one year lease to Mr. Brehn based on the same terms as the previous lease. It was seconded by Cooper. Roll call vote: Harbaugh-yes; Hauk-yes; Vogt-absent; Lau-yes; Williams-yes; Cooper-yes; Ralph-absent; motion carried.

Williams stated that a Wall Street Journal reporter had interviewed him for an article concerning power plant closing and the impact on the local economy and Representative Marklein had recently sent him a copy of the interview. A thank you from the Tourism Committee was acknowledged.

Police Report--

Chief McDonald reported that cameras have been installed at the pool and camera for the shop/sewer plant will be installed soon. As time allows, he is enforcing property maintenance and dog issues.

Committee Reports:

Zoning, Licenses & Ordinances--

Lau made a motion to grant a Bartender Operator License to Jodiann Schwab, Katie Lau, Janet and John Reding and Cooper seconded it. Roll call vote: Harbaugh-yes; Hauk-yes; Vogt-absent; Lau-yes; Williams-yes; Cooper-yes; Ralph-absent; motion carried.


Crack filling on the runway discussed.

Financial Report:

Village cash on hand after vouchers- $1,961,493 and Utility cash on hand after vouchers- $636,217. The report was approved on a motion by Harbaugh; second by Hauk; motion carried.

Cooper made a motion, with a second by Harbaugh, to adjourn; motion carried.

Marlene Esser, Clerk