Q1Many thanks for your help in completing this questionnaire. First, please provide us with a few details about your club

Club Name:

Sport: Football

Your name:





Q2Please list and provide details on ALL teams being fielded by your club this season below(e.g. 1st XI, 1st XV, 1st and 2nd XI or Reserves, Junior sides, Ladies etc)

Team (and age group) / League / Venue where home games are played / Day and Time of Home Games (AM / PM) / Venue for Training / Day and Time of Training (AM / PM)

Q3aAre you fielding more, less or the same number of teams than last season?


/ Less / Same

Q3bIf NOT the same, please explain why and highlight the changes that have taken place:

Q4We would like to understand the area from which your members are drawn. Please state approximately, what percentage of your members live:

Less than 1mile from your main venue

/ Between 1 and 3 miles from your main venue / Between 3 and 5 miles from your main venue / More than 5 miles from your main venue


/ No

Q5Are people with disabilities involved in your club?

Are there any issuesarising from this (e.g. difficulty in accessing/using facilities?):

Q6Is your club accredited with a quality standard such as 'clubmark' or ‘Charter Mark’? If yes, please give details:


Q7Please provide full details of the facilities available at each site that teams in your club use. eg 2 floodlit adult pitches and 1 mini pitch with changing rooms).

Facility Name / Pitches Available / Facilities on Site (including toilets, changing, floodlights, referees room, stand or dugout)

Q8aAre the facilities that you use owned, leased or rented by the club?


/ Leased / Rented

Q8b Who maintains these facilities?


/ Council / Parish / Town / School / Other

Q9If facilities used are not your preferred venue, please state where you would prefer to play and why?

Q10aPlease rate the following aspects of your MAIN pitch and other facilities

Issue / Good / Average / Poor / N/A
Grass Coverage
Length of Grass
Eveness of Pitch
Freedom from Dog Fouling
Freedom from Litter
Freedom from Unofficial Use
Posts and Sockets
Condition of Changing
Adequacy of Car Parking
Overall Pitch Quality

Q10bPlease describe any specific problems you have with your designated pitch / pitches:

Q10cPlease indicate approximately how many matches for each team were cancelled last season and identify what proportion of these were down to drainage issues of the pitch;

Team / Age Group / Approximate Number of Cancellations / Proportion of Cancellations due to drainage issues

Q11Do any of the above (Q10) or any other factors (such as overuse, size of pitch(es), lack of training facilities) make it difficult for your club to accommodate all its home matches or expand its activities?


/ No

If YES, please give full details:

Q12Have you ever experienced any difficulties in:


/ No

a)obtaining facilities for home matches?


/ No

b)obtaining facilities for training purposes?

If YES, please give details:

Q13aAre you satisfied with the overall provision of pitches for your sport in Warwick?


/ No

Q13bIf no, please indicate which of the following you believe to be the main issue:

Pitch Quality

/ Amount of pitches of the right size / Access to pitches / Quality of Changing Rooms / Other

Q13cPlease explain the reason for your answer:



/ No

Q14aDoes your Club wish to run more teams in the next two years?

Q14bIf YES, please state the type of team(s) (e.g. youth, adult, over 35, Ladies, etc):

Q14cPlease indicate where you anticipate these new teams playing:

Q14dIf you wish to run more teams but are unable to, please tick below which of the following are the MAIN factor/reasons preventing this from happening

Facility Based Reasons / Other Reasons
Shortage of good quality senior grass pitches / Cost of hiring/using facilities
Shortage of good quality junior grass pitches / Falling membership/shortage of members
Shortage of all weather pitches for matches / Lack of internal financing (subs/fund raising)
Shortage of all weather pitches for training / Lack of external funding (grants, loans)
Shortage of, or poor quality, changing facilities / Shortage of suitable indoor training facilities
Shortage of coaches or volunteers / Restrictions on development from any planning or other legislation (e.g. DDA)
Cost of travelling to compete and train

Q15Are there any improvements that you would like to see at your ground, or are there any issues or concerns that have not been adequately covered by previous questions that you would like to raise? Please also indicate below if you have any facility related plans for the next five years and outline if funding has been identified.


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