The purpose of any safety survey is to detect hazards. These hazards can exist in a variety of areas: management, administration, training, and material. In all cases, the hazards make a command more prone to losing people or damaging equipment. Uncorrected hazards decrease a command's readiness.

This checklist provides guidelines during the performance of a safety survey, whether the Naval Safety Center team or local personnel from squadrons, or other activities conduct the survey. This checklist does not supersede existing directives.

The formal checklist consists of six volumes:









Any portion may be reproduced locally. Although references are included, certain questions appear with no references. These questions have proven to be valid indicators of the effectiveness of command safety programs. Additionally, some items within the checklist are general. They are leading questions, which should guide a more detailed investigation of suspected problem areas.



Introduction ...... i

Table of Contents ...... ii

References ...... iii/iv

General Work Center ...... 1

Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH)...... 13

Maintenance Administration ...... 18

Maintenance Control/Logs & Records ...... 19

Material Control ...... 29

Tool Room ...... 30

Quality Assurance/Analysis ...... 33

Power Plants ...... 49

Airframes ...... 51

Corrosion Control ...... 54

Aviation Life Support Systems ...... 57

Egress/Environmental Systems ...... 61

Periodic Maintenance Work Center ...... 65

Avionics/Electrical...... 66

Armament/Ordnance ...... 71

Ordnance Qualification/Certification ...... 73

Line Division/Plane Captain ...... 74

Support Equipment Training and Licensing ...... 78


Ref: (a) OPNAVINST 4790.2G, NAMP Volume I

(b) OPNAVINST 4790.2G, NAMP Volume III

(c)OPNAVINST 4790.2G, NAMP Volume V

(d)OPNAVINST 3710.7Q, NATOPS General Flight & Operating Instruction

(e)OPNAVINST 3750.6Q, Naval Aviation Safety Program


(g)OPNAVINST 5100.23E, Navy Occupational Safety & Health Program Manual

(h) OPNAVINST 5530.13B, DON Physical Security Instruction

(i) NAVMEDCOMINST 6470.2A, Laser Medical Surveillance

(j) SPAWARINST 5100.12B, Laser Safety (MCO 5104.1)

(k) SECNAVINST 1500.14B, Military Exempt Lasers

(l) NA 00-25-100, NAVAIR Technical Manual Program

(m) NA 00-80T-96, SE Handling and Safety Manual

(n) NA 00-80R-14, Aircraft Fire-fighting and Rescue Manual

(o) NA 01-1A-20, Aircraft Hose and Tube Manual

(p) NA 01-1A-35, Aircraft Fuel Cells and Tanks

(q) NA 01-1A-17, Aircraft Hydraulics Manual

(r) NA 01-1A-509, Aircraft Weapons Systems Cleaning and

Corrosion Control

(s) NA 04-10-506, Aircraft Tires and Tubes Manual

(t) NA 11-100-1.1, Cartridges & Cartridge Actuated Devices

(u) NA 16-1-540, Avionics Corrosion Control Manual

(v) NA 17-1-114, Aircraft Sling and Restraint Manual

(w) NA A1-NAOSH-SAF-000/P-5100-1 Safety for the Shore


(x) OSHA 29CFR, Code of Federal Regulations

(y) NAVFAC P-1021, Navy Fire Protection/Prevention Program

(z) NAVSEA S9310-AA-SAF-010, Batteries, Navy Lithium Safety

Program Responsibility and Procedures

(aa)NA 17-15-50.1, Joint Oil Analysis Program Manual (VOL I)

(bb)NA 01-1A-505 through NA 01-1A-505.29, Installation Practices for Electrical & Electronic Wiring

(cc)NA 03-10JA-34, Air Refueling Buddy Stores Manual

(dd)NA 17-1-123, Tire Inflator Assembly Kit/Dual Chuck Stem Gauge

(ee)NA 13-1-6.1-1/NA 13-1-6.1-2, Inflatable Survival Equipment (Life Rafts and Life Preservers)

(ff)NA 13-1-6.2, Navy Parachutes

(gg)NA 13-1-6.3-1/NA 13-1-6.3-2, Seat Survival Kits (oxygen Hoses and Non-SKU SERIES (SKU SERIES SEAT KITS)

(hh)NA 13-1-6.4, Oxygen Equipment

(ii)NA 13-1-6.5, Rescue and Survival Equipment

(jj)NA 13-1-6.7, Aircrew Personal Protective Equipment


(ll)A6-332-AO-GYD-000 Series, Aviators Breathing Oxygen (ABO) Surveillance Program


(mm)NA 11-85-1, Aircrew Escape Propulsion System (AEPS) Devices

(nn)NA 17-15BAD-1, Naval Aircraft & Support Equipment Storage for Batteries

(oo)NA 17-1-537, Aircraft Securing and Handling Manual

(pp)NA 01-700, Airborne Weapons Stores Manual

(qq)NAVSEA S6340-AA-MMA-010, OTTO Fuel II Safe/Storage/Handling Instruction

(rr)NAVSEA SW020-AF-ABK-010,

(ss)JOINT TYCOM/MCO 8023, Qualification & Certification Program for Munitions & Explosive Devices

(tt)NAVSEA TWO-24-AA-ORD-010, Ammunition Unserviceable, Suspended and Limited Use




1.Does the Division Officer assign personnel to billets, making sure they understand their duties? (Ref (a), para 11.7a(5)

2.Are all collateral duty billets assigned in writing, and signed by both the individual and the supervisor? (Ref (a), para 15.7b)

NOTE:The following minimum collateral duties are recommended:

a. Tool Control f. Training

b. Safety g. Material/Supply

c. Corrosion Control/h. METCAL

Emergency Reclamationi. IMRL

d. Technical Publications j. SE Misuse/Abuse


3.Does the Division Officer ensure all directives and publications routed by the MO are incorporated in the active required reading file? (Ref (a), para 11.7a(14)

4. Are division standing and active required reading files kept current and reviewed at least monthly (ensuring all personnel have read and initialed)? (Ref (a), para 2.4f(1)

5.Is the Aviation Hydraulics manual, NA 01-1A-17, required reading for maintenance personnel who perform fluid system Maintenance? (Ref (c), para 6.3g)


6. Have training syllabi been established, by rate and work center, for each T/M/S aircraft supported, for both in-service (professional) training and OJT? (Ref (c), para 2.3b(1)

7. Has a training jacket been initiated for each enlisted member? (Ref (c), para 2.4i(1)

8. Are training jackets organized and in proper format IAW reference (c) or current TYCOM/WING instruction as follows? (Ref (c), para 2.4i)


Current Letters/Certificates of Designation

Current QAR/CDI Designation (Copy of OPNAV 4790/12)

Copy of current Government Motor Vehicle License (OF-346)

Copy of current USN Support Equipment License (OPNAV 4790/102)

Copy of all completed SE License Certification forms (PHASE I & II)

Required current Medical Certifications (i.e., AUDIOGRAM, Xray Screening for NDI Techs, Laser Eye Testing for Avionics personnel, CPR)

Course Completion Certificates

PQS Completion certificates


Billet Descriptions/Assignments

NAMP Indoctrination Training

Maintenance Training Syllabus

NAVOSH (for current and past 4 years)/Safety Training

Ordnance Training (formal and OJT)

Latest copy of MTIP M01

Egress System Checkout Certification

9. Are lesson guides to support aircraft or equipment training not covered by MTIP, prepared in the correct format (lecture number, time, by, date prepared, date reviewed, title, objective, instructional aids, references, presentation, summary, questions/answers)? (Ref (c), para 2.4g(4)

NOTE: These guides will be reviewed annually, or if system/components change or are modified.

10. Is a schedule of training published by the AMO, and is progress being tracked & documented in the individuals’ training records? (Ref (c), para 2.3e(4)

11. Do newly assigned personnel receive training on occupational health and safety related to their work center within the prescribed time frame? (Ref (g), para 0602c(1)

12. Does the AMO ensure all personnel receive the required Indoctrination Training Requirements listed in (Ref (c), fig 2-3 & 2-4) within 30 days but not later than 60 days of reporting? (Ref (c), para 2.4a(1)

13. Do newly assigned personnel receive training on reporting procedures for hazardous operations or conditions? (Ref (g), para 0602c3(d)

14. Is general awareness and annual refresher training conducted to ensure personnel are familiar with any potential work place Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR) associated exposure hazards, and appropriate protective methods? (Ref (c), para 2.4c and fig 2-2)

15. Does the Command have a comprehensive education, training and promotion program for those personnel who might be exposed to impact, sparks, glare, dust, or liquid splashes in the need for and proper use of eye protection equipment? (Ref (g), para 1901e)

16. Have personnel who handle harmful chemicals been instructed in the use of eyewash units? (Ref (g), para 1902)

17.Have all work center supervisors received required OSH training listed in reference (g) appendix 6-A within 180 days of reporting? (Ref (g), para 0602b(3)

18. Does the training program include instruction on the principles of first aid and survival training? (Ref (c), para 2.3e and fig 2-2)

19. Have personnel who are exposed to electrical shock, their supervisors, and other personnel identified by the OSH manager received initial and annual First Aid and CPR training? (Ref (g), para 0602f1(a)

20. Have personnel been indoctrinated in aircraft egress systems prior to performing any aircraft maintenance and are proper records of this training maintained in the work center? (Ref (c), para 16.2a)

21. Is egress system training repeated every six months prior to the last day of the re-qualification month, or when personnel are removed from maintenance responsibilities for 90-days or longer? (Ref (e), para 16.3b(3)

22. Have personnel who handle and load hazardous materials (e.g., into cruise boxes) received initial and annual training in the following: Department of Transportation hazard classification; marking, labels, placards, and forms; packaging and handling; compatibility and other safety precautions? (Ref NAVSUP P-573 para 11-8.c)

23.Does the work center supervisor ensure all personnel involved with handling of batteries conduct safety training in the hazards associated with handling/storage? (i.e., lifting, packaging, replacing) (Ref (a), para 15.5a(7)

24. Is FOD prevention training accomplished? (Ref (c), para 12.3g(1)

25. Is Emergency Reclamation Team training conducted on a quarterly basis and documented in team members' training jackets? (Ref (c), para 14.3b(14)

26. Has the Division Officer established a training program for production personnel involved with QA functions? (Ref (a), para 14.7b(4)

NOTE: Training should include testing, troubleshooting, and inspection techniques.

27. Is in-service corrosion training provided to all maintenance personnel and is formal training provided to personnel who perform corrosion treatment and prevention on aircraft and SE? (Ref (e), para 14.3a(2)

28. Is safety training being conducted in the work center? (Ref (a), para 15.5a(3)

29. Does safety training include home, recreation, and athletics safety? (Ref (a), para 15.5a)

30. Are work center personnel trained in the application and use of IMRL/SE? (Ref (a), para 15.3a(5)

31. Are fluid handling servicing hazards for SE (i.e., PON-6/FMU/HSU) and aircraft listed in the activity's SE training syllabus? (Ref (a), para 16.10.3e)

32. Is the fire bill current and does it cover all working shifts? (Ref (x) section 1910.38(b)

33. Are personnel familiar with their fire bill assignments? (Ref (x) section 1910.38(b)

34. Does the fire bill include actions to be taken in event of a fire, i.e., evacuation procedures; how to sound the alarm and summon the fire department; notation of special hazards? (Ref (x) section 1910.38 Subpart E appendix (means of egress)

35. Are fire extinguishers for use on Class-B fires located within 50 feet of the Class-B hazard area (HAZMAT/FUEL CELL STORAGE etc.)? (Ref (w), para

36. Are fire extinguishers visually inspected monthly? (Ref (w), para

37. If space heaters are present in the work center, do they have built-in thermostats and tip-over shut-off devices? (Ref (y), page 5-2-2, para 2.c(4)

38. If a coffee maker is present in the work center, is it located with adequate clearances from combustibles and not in storage rooms, closets or other out-of-sight places? (Ref (y), page 5-2-2, para 2.c(5)

NOTE: Check for automatic timers being used. THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED.

39. Are Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) or summaries of MSDS information available to users of hazardous material? (Ref (g) para 0702f(9b)

NOTE: Recommend MSDS sheets be maintained at the HAZMAT locker, or that an MSDS required reading board be maintained in each work center for those HAZARDOUS materials used.

40. Is all electrical equipment (except that rated "Double Insulated") of the grounded type and in good material condition? (National Electrical Code, section 250-45; Ref (x), para 1910.305f)

41. Are all exits and egress routes clearly marked, visible and accessible from the workspace? Are non-exits plainly identified? (Ref (x), para 1910.36 & 1910.37q)

42. Are emergency controls, designated to secure electrical power, and/or shop machinery in an emergency situation, painted fire red? (Ref (x), para 1910.144a(iii) and Ref (w), para 3-

43.Are shop hazard areas properly identified/color coded as follows; for machinery (yellow or black and yellow stripes to mark strike against, stumbling, and falling hazards; vivid orange for acute hazards)? (Ref (w), para 3-

44. Is placarding and labeling provided in each work place to indicate the safety and health hazards present and the personal protective measures required? (Ref (w), para 1910.145)

45. Are machine guards in place to protect the operator and other personnel in the machine area from the hazards of operation? (Ref (w), para 1910.212a)

46. Is shop machinery, designed for fixed mounting securely anchored to prevent walking or moving? (Ref (x), para 1910.212b)

47. Are shop machinery operating instructions and safety precautions tailored to the specific equipment posted? (Ref (w), para 1910.145)

NOTE: Safety precautions listed in reference (w), 1910.211 through .247 for specific machinery and power tools are recommended reading.

48. Are all entrances to areas designated as eye-hazardous posted with an appropriate warning sign? (Ref (g), para 1901a)

49. Do personnel wear appropriate eye protection when performing eye hazardous operations (e.g., handling corrosive liquids or solids, grinding, drilling, chipping, blasting or dust producing operations)? (Ref (g), para 1904)

50. Are personnel in the vicinity of eye hazardous operations, including other workers, supervisors, or visitors, required to wear eye protective equipment? (Ref (g). para 1904)

51. Is a comprehensive education program on the use of protective eyewear conducted? (Ref (g), para 1901d)

52. Do personnel wear safety shoes in foot hazard areas? (Ref (w), para 1910.136)

53. Are all required items of protective clothing and personal protective/safety devices available and used? (Ref (w), para 2001)

NOTE: Supervisors should refer to maintenance manuals and appropriate sections of the 29CFR to ensure the proper equipment/safety devices are being used.

54. Is a program in effect to periodically inspect the clothing/devices for serviceability, cleanliness, and proper operation, ashore and afloat? (Ref (f), para B1204b)

55. Is MK-1 life preserver maintenance conducted in accordance with NSTM S9086-CL-STM-010/CH-077? (Naval Ship’s Technical Manual, PPE)

56. Is personal protective clothing (Flight Deck Gear) marked/taped IAW NAVAIR 00-80T-105, CV NATOPS?

57. Does the squadron have auto-inflator equipped MK-1 float coats available? (NAVSHIPTECHMAN (NSTM) chapter 77-



58. Does the work center have a representative on the Enlisted Aviation Safety Committee? (Ref (f), Chap 2, para 205E)

59.Have all division Safety Petty Officers attended the Safety Programs Afloat Course? (Ref (e), Chap 7, para A0703)

60. Do supervisors train/explain to all employees under their supervision the nature of the hazards associated with the operation of gaseous material (i.e.; Fuel Cell) and the precautions necessary to control such hazards? (Ref (p), section 2, para 2-10 thru 2-20)


61. Do working areas reflect good housekeeping practices, facility maintenance, and proper maintenance procedures, which contribute to FOD prevention? (Ref (c), para 12.2b/c)

62. Are all work center personnel informed, and do they comply with, the FOD prevention program requirements? (i.e., daily inspection of all assigned SE, use of covered containers, maximum participation in FOD walk-downs, accounting for each tool, keeping work areas and SE free of foreign/loose objects, etc.)? (Ref (c), para 12.3k(1 & 2)

63. Are appropriately marked covered containers for FOD prevention located in accessible areas of assigned spaces? (Ref (c), para 12.3k(6)

64. Is FOD cleanup conducted in workspaces, including hangar and aircraft parking areas? (Ref (c), para 12.3k(1)

65. Prior to starting an engine, where applicable, is an intake screen installed on jet aircraft? (OPNAVINST 3710.7Q, para


66. Are all tool containers, special tools and PPE inventoried at the beginning and end of each shift, when work stops and after maintenance is completed. (NOTE: Shift change inventories shall be documented using a logbook. (Ref (c), para 13.3l(3)

67. Do the work center tool containers match the applicable

"TOOL LISTING" in the Tool Control Plan (TCP)? (Ref (c), para 13.4b(1)

68. Has a quarterly sight inventory been conducted by the work center tool control representative and the unit tool control coordinator of all tools currently in use? (Ref (c), para 13.3n(3)

69. Are tool containers marked, and are the tools etched with organization code, work center code, and tool container number?

(Ref (c), para 13.4.b(3)

70. Are accountability procedures established for tools not suitable for etching (e.g., too small to etch)? (Ref (c), para 13.4b(5)

71. If a tool is found missing at any inventory stage, does the work center immediately notify Maintenance Control and conduct a thorough search of the work center area. In the event the missing tool is not found, does the "QA" investigator annotate the missing tool report number and sign a statement in the corrective action block of the MAF?

(Ref (c), para 13.4c)


72. Are there sufficient numbers of personnel designated as Collateral Duty Inspectors to comply with QA inspections required during all maintenance actions? (Ref (a), para 14.7b)

73. Are discrepancies from QA audits resolved, and corrective action taken within a reasonable time frame (Recommend 10 working days)? (Ref (c), para 8.3b(3)

74. Does the work center participate in reporting defects and discrepancies within the Naval Aviation Maintenance Discrepancy Reporting Program (NAMDRP)? (Ref (c), para 10.3c)


75. Are work center personnel performing corrosion prevention and control (Check MDR reports)? (Ref (c), para 14.3a)

76. Are only authorized corrosion materials being used? (Ref (p), Tables A-1 and B-1 and Ref (s) appendices A and B)

77. Is a minimum of one corrosion prevention/control trained person from each work center assigned to Emergency Reclamation Team? (Ref (c), para 14.3a(4)

78. Is quarterly Emergency Reclamation training, and drills conducted to refresh team members and is this training documented? (Ref (c), para 14.3b(14)


79. Are hangar fire lanes clear of obstruction? (Ref (m), WP005, 5-91)

80. Is a safety observer present when SE is being towed inside a hangar? (Ref (m), WP005, Pg 14, para 83)

81. Are all SE units positioned at a safe distance to keep their exhaust away from aircraft during operations? (Ref (m), WP 008 pg 10 para 59)

82. Do operators ensure that line vehicles are not parked on a collision course with aircraft? (Ref (m), WP 005, pg 20 par 131 Do's & Don'ts)