Creating Manual Subledger Journal Entries
Chapter 6
Creating Manual Subledger Journal Entries
Subledger Journal Entries Overview
Subledger Journal Entries Overview
A manual subledger journal entry is not associated with a subledger transaction. When the manual subledger journal entry is complete, Subledger Accounting assigns the appropriate sequence names, sequence numbers, and creates the reporting currency journal entries if appropriate.
Enter manual subledger journal entries only against a primary or secondary ledger. Manual journal entries created for the primary ledgers are automatically posted to the reporting currency and not to the secondary ledger.
Manual Journal Entries
Creating Subledger Journal Entries
Creating Subledger Journal Entries
Navigation Paths:
Payables: Accounting > Subledger Accounting > Journal Entries
Receivables: Inquiry > Subledger Accounting > Journal Entries
Ledger - The primary and secondary ledgers displayed in the ledger list of values are determined by the system profile option SLA: Enable Data Access Security in Subledgers. If this profile option is set to Yes, the list of values displays only the primary and secondary ledgers defined in the GL: Data Access Set and the SLA: Additional Data Access Set profile options. If the profile option is set to No, the list of values displays all primary and secondary ledgers.
If Encumbrance is selected in the Balance Type field, the list of values only displays ledgers that are enabled for budgetary control.
Creating Subledger Journal Lines
Creating Subledger Journal Lines
Why would I create a manual subledger journal?
Manual entries are adjustments, and if the adjustments are due to specific subledger activity, such as Payables, then you may want to enter an SLA manual entry instead of a GL entry.Entries recorded in SLA are tied to the subledger source and therefore provide more accurate subledger accounting reporting.
- Enter account, debit and credit amounts, and accounting class.
- Optionally enter third party information, description, and currency details for each line of the subledger journal entry.
- If third party control accounts are enabled for the application and the account entered is a third party control account, third party information must be entered. For example, if Payables is set up to support only Supplier, you cannot select third party control accounts that have been set up to support only Customer.
- View the total accounted amounts of all subledger journal entry lines in the ledger currency.
Default Currency Options - Opens the Default Currency Options page to default an entered currency, conversion type, conversion date, and conversion rate information for each new subledger journal entry line. Use the currency controls available in the Details region of each journal entry line to override the default set.
Third Party Type - Defaults from the application associated with the responsibility used to access the manual subledger journal entry pages. The values for name, site, number, and taxpayer ID must match the third party type. These values are required if the account on the line is a third party control account. If the account is not a third party control account, but party type is selected, party information should be provided.
Conversion Rate - If the conversion type is User, you must enter a conversion rate.
Continue - Select to review the manual subledger journal entry and complete it.
Reviewing and Completing Subledger Journal Entries
The Complete button is enabled if the journal entry is a manual journal entry with a status of Draft, Error, or Incomplete.
Reviewing and Completing Subledger Journal Entries
Note: If the subledger journal entry is for a ledger with reporting currencies, Subledger Accounting creates subledger journal entries for these representations.
Duplicating Subledger Journal Entries
Note: If changing the ledger in a duplicated journal entry and the new ledger has a different chart of accounts, all lines are cleared because the account combination structure is dependent on the new ledger.
Practice 1: Creating Manual Subledger Journal Entries
Guided Demonstration - Creating Manual Subledger Journal Entries in Payables
Responsibility: Payables, Vision Operations (USA)
1.Navigate to the Subledger Journal Entries window.
(N) Accounting > Subledger Accounting > Journal Entries
2.(B) Create Journal Entry.
3.In the Ledger field, select Vision Operations (USA).
4.In the GL Date field, enter today’s date.
5.In the Category field, select Purchase Invoices.
6.In the Description field, enter Project Meeting.
7.If the lines are not displayed, (B) Add 5 Lines.
8.Enter the following lines:
Operations Accounting Flex / Accounting Class / Entered DR / Entered CR01-450-7640-0000-000 / Item Expense / 1702
01-450-7670-0000-000 / Item Expense / 750
01-450-7650-0000-000 / Item Expense / 455
01-000-2210-0000-000 / Liability / 2907
9.(B) Calculate Totals
10.(B) Continue
11.In the Complete field, select Draft.
12.(B) Finish
Practice - Creating Manual Subledger Journal Entries in Payables
In this practice, you will do the following:
- Create manual subledger journal entries in Payables.
- Replace XX with your terminal number or initials.
- You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.
- Responsibility selected to complete this practice is Payables, Vision Operations (USA).
Log on to the system
- Responsibility = Payables, Vision Operations (USA)
Creating a manual subledger journal entry in Payables
1.Navigate to the Subledger Journal Entries window.
(N) Accounting > Subledger Accounting > Journal Entries
2.(B) Create Journal Entry.
3.Use the following setup information:
Vision Operations (USA) ledger
Use today’s date as the GL date
Purchase Invoices journal category
Enter a description of XX Project Meeting
4.Enter the following lines:
Operations Accounting Flex / Accounting Class / Entered DR / Entered CR01-450-7640-0000-000 / Item Expense / 1702
01-450-7670-0000-000 / Item Expense / 750
01-450-7650-0000-000 / Item Expense / 455
01-000-2210-0000-000 / Liability / 2907
5.Calculate the totals.
6.Continue to the Review Subledger Journal Entry window and complete the journal entry in Draft mode.
Solution – Creating Manual Subledger Journal Entries in Payables
Responsibility = Payables, Vision Operations (USA)
1.Navigate to the Subledger Journal Entries window.
(N) Accounting > Subledger Accounting > Journal Entries
2.(B) Create Journal Entry.
3.In the Ledger field, select Vision Operations (USA).
The primary and secondary ledgers displayed in the ledger list of values are determined by the system profile option SLA: Enable Data Access Security in Subledgers. If this profile option is set to Yes, the list of values displays only the primary and secondary ledgers defined in the GL: Data Access Set and the SLA: Additional Data Access Set profile options. If the profile option is set to NO, the list of values displays all primary and secondary ledgers.
4.In the GL Date field, enter today’s date. This is the GL date for posting the subledger journal entry.
5.In the Category field, select the Purchase Invoices journal category.
6.In the Description field, enter XX Project Meeting.
7.If the lines are not displayed, (B) Add 5 Lines.
8.Enter the following lines:
Operations Accounting Flex / Accounting Class / Entered DR / Entered CR01-450-7640-0000-000 / Item Expense / 1702
01-450-7670-0000-000 / Item Expense / 750
01-450-7650-0000-000 / Item Expense / 455
01-000-2210-0000-000 / Liability / 2907
9.(B) Calculate Totals
10.(B) Continue to review all subledger journal entry header and line information.
The Review Subledger Journal Entry window is displayed.
11.In the Complete field, select Draft.
Note: Draft status indicates that the results cannot be transferred or posted to General Ledger. Entries can be updated and deleted. Funds reservation cannot be performed.
12.(B) Finish
Guided Demonstration - Creating Manual Subledger Journal Entries in Receivables
Responsibility: Receivables, Vision Operations (USA)
1.Navigate to the Subledger Journal Entries window.
(N) Inquiry > Subledger Accounting > Journal Entries
2.(B) Create Journal Entry.
3.In the Ledger field, select Vision Operations (USA).
4.In the GL Date field, enter today’s date.
5.In the Category field, select Sales Invoices.
6.In the Description field, enter Sentinal Standard Desktop.
7.If the lines are not displayed, (B) Add 5 Lines.
8.Enter the following lines:
Operations Accounting Flex / Accounting Class / Entered DR / Entered CR01-600-1210-0000-800 / Receivable / 2238.30
01-000-2520-2113-000 / Tax / 126.70
01-600-2925-0000-800 / Revenue / 2111.60
9.(B) Calculate Totals
10.(B) Continue
11.In the Complete field, select Draft.
12.(B) Finish
Practice - Creating Manual Subledger Journal Entries in Receivables
In this practice, you will do the following:
- Create manual subledger journal entries in Receivables.
- Replace XX with your terminal number or initials.
- You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.
- Responsibility selected to complete this practice is Receivables, Vision Operations (USA).
Log on to the system
- Responsibility = Receivables, Vision Operations (USA)
Creating a manual subledger journal entry in Receivables
1.Navigate to the Subledger Journal Entries window.
(N) Inquiry > Subledger Accounting > Journal Entries
2.(B) Create Journal Entry.
3.Use the following setup information:
Vision Operations (USA) ledger
Use today’s date as the GL date
Sales Invoices journal category
Enter a description of XX Sentinal Standard Desktop
4.Enter the following lines:
Operations Accounting Flex / Accounting Class / Entered DR / Entered CR01-600-1210-0000-800 / Receivable / 2238.30
01-000-2520-2113-000 / Tax / 126.70
01-600-2925-0000-800 / Revenue / 2111.60
5.Calculate the totals.
6.Continue to the Review Subledger Journal Entry window and complete the journal entry in Draft mode.
Solution – Creating Manual Subledger Journal Entries in Receivables
Responsibility = Receivables, Vision Operations (USA)
1.Navigate to the Subledger Journal Entries window.
(N) Inquiry > Subledger Accounting > Journal Entries
2.(B) Create Journal Entry.
3.In the Ledger field, select Vision Operations (USA).
The primary and secondary ledgers displayed in the ledger list of values are determined by the system profile option SLA: Enable Data Access Security in Subledgers. If this profile option is set to Yes, the list of values displays only the primary and secondary ledgers defined in the GL: Data Access Set and the SLA: Additional Data Access Set profile options. If the profile option is set to No, the list of values displays all primary and secondary ledgers.
4.In the GL Date field, enter today’s date. This is the GL date for posting the subledger journal entry.
5.In the Category field, select the Sales Invoices journal category.
6.In the Description field, enter XX Sentinal Standard Desktop.
7.If the lines are not displayed, (B) Add 5 Lines.
8.Enter the following lines:
Operations Accounting Flex / Accounting Class / Entered DR / Entered CR01-600-1210-0000-800 / Receivable / 2238.30
01-000-2520-2113-000 / Tax / 126.70
01-600-2925-0000-800 / Revenue / 2111.60
9.(B) Calculate Totals
10.(B) Continue to review all subledger journal entry header and line information.
The Review Subledger Journal Entry window is displayed.
11.In the Complete field, select Draft.
Note: Draft status indicates that the results cannot be transferred or posted to General Ledger. Entries can be updated and deleted. Funds reservation cannot be performed.
12.(B) Finish
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Creating Manual Subledger Journal Entries
Chapter 6 - Page 1